kimkat2119k The Dialect Of The English Gypsies. By C. Smart, M.D., & H. T. Crofton. Second Edition. Revised And Greatly Enlarged. 1875. Lastly, there is the Welsh Gypsy dialect spoken by the Woods, Williamses, Joneses, etc., who have a reputation for speaking 'deep,' but who mix Romani words with 'Lavenes,' i.e., the language of the Principality...





 (delwedd 0003)

Gwefan Cymru-Catalonia
El Web de Gal
·les i Catalunya
The Wales-Catalonia Website

The Dialect Of The English Gypsies.
C. Smart, M.D., & H. T. Crofton.
Second Edition.
Revised And Greatly Enlarged.

Rhan 2. Tudalennau 100-199.

Y Llyfr Ymwelwyr / El Llibre de Visitants / The Guestbook:

Beth sy’n newydd yn y wefan hon?

(delwedd 6665)


(Cymraeg, catalŕ, English, euskara, Gŕidhlig, Gaeilge, Frysk, Deutsch, Nederlands, français, galego, etc)

llythrennau duon = testun wedi ei gywiro

llythrennau gwyrddion = testun heb ei gywiro



(delwedd E6841) (tudalen 100)


Kótor, n.,  Piece, part, guinea-piece. Pasp., kotór, a piece  indeclinable

Kotoré, Kótoráw, pl., Pieces

Kótoréndri, n., Fragment

Kótoréndi, Pieces, to pieces 

Kóvva, n.,  Thing (koóva, etc.) Pasp., hová

Lílesko-kóvva, Paper; lit, book thing

 Moóesto-kóvva, Looking-glass 

’Kóvva, adj., This (akóvva). Pasp., akavá

Kóvva-dívvus, To-day 

Kraáfni, Kráfni, n., Nail, button, turnip (konáfia, konáfni). Pasp.  (p. 451), kárfia; Mikl., ú., 37, 132 (Kolomyjer Kreise Galiziens Vocab.), karfín, nail 

Krális, n.,  King. Pasp., krális. See Mikl., i., 18

Kralisí, Králisi, krallíssi,  n.,  Queen. Pasp., Kralítcha
Králisko-kair, Králiskésko-kair, Palace

Králisko-poóro-kair, Castle

Králisko-rook, Oak; called frequently 'royal oak’

Králisom, n.,  Kingdom

Kralisí’s,  Kraliskésko,  baúro báleno joókel, Dandelion (flower); lit., Queen's / King's big hairy dog

Krámbrookos, n.,  Drum. Lieb., tambuk 

Kreáa, n.,  Ant Pasp., kirl

Kreáaw, pl., Ants 

Kroóko, n.,  Week (koóroko, etc.) Pasp., kurkó

Kroókingo-dívvus, Kúlfo, , n., Sunday

Kúmbo, n., Hill (dúmbo)

Kúmeni, adj., Some, somebody (kómeni)

Vániso-kúmeni, Anybody 

Kur, n., Throat (kárlo, kor’ri, gur). Pasp., kurló, korí 

Kúra, n.,  Cup (kóro)


(delwedd E6842) (tudalen 101)


Kúrri, n.,  Tin, solder. Pasp., kaldi, tin

Kushni, n., Basket (tushni, trooshni, etc) Pasp., kishnika

Y.ooshniy pL, Baskets

Kdshto, adj. Good (koóshto)

KiJshto-moóshi, Right arm

L. Ladj, n,y Shame (*ilddj). Pasp., ladj 'LiAyfulfyy adVsy Shamefully  Lddjipen, n., Goodness (Iátcho), Pasp., laichipe  Ldki, ) pron., Her (Iáti, 16ki). Pasp., 2nd dat, Idke; geiu  Ldkro,/ Idkoro 

Lálo, adj., Red (lólo). Pasp., loló

Lálo-gav, Reading; lit., red-town

Lálo-píro, Redford; lit, red-foot

Lálo-koóvaw, Cherries, currants; lit., red things 

Las, He, or she, got (lei). Pasp., lidsy las  'L*SfProH., Him, it (les, lis, 'es). Pasp., ies  Lisa, With her. Pasp., Idsa  Latch) z/.. To find. Pasp., /asddva, to pick up Latchóva, I do, or will, find Latch*nna, They find Litchno, /. /ar/.. Found Latchá6m, I found Latchás m*nghi. Let us find  Litcho, ad/., Good, fine (lidipen). Pasp., iaU:A(f  'LiXiyProH., To her, with her, her (liki). Pasp», ist dat, Iáti* to her 

Lav, n., Word, name. Pasp., lav

Lávaw,  Laváw, Lávyaw, pl., Words

Lávines, adv. used as a noun, Gibberish

Lávines-tem, Wales; lit., wordy country

Lávines-rókerben, Welsh language; lit., wordy talk

Lávines-gaújo, Welshman


(delwedd E6843) (tudalen 102)


Lávines-gairé, Lávinéngri-gaujé, pl. Welshmen

Del lav, v., To answer, pray

Del koóshto lávaw, To pray; lit, give good words

Del6va me*ro lav káter ini-do<Svel, I pray God  Law, I take. See Lei  Lá,/r. pL, They. Pott, i., 242 BootgaujdkaniyiMi&i see-1* koniw, Very Englishified  folk are they nowadays Poókerom6ngri sce-W, They are informers KoshtŁ see-1* kondw — *toó1o see-M, They (hedge-  hogs) are good now (to eat)* — *they are fat Kanl* see-16, They are putrid  L.,Takel See Lei  'I A, prep., Down (al., tal*)  Le*no, /. part, Taken. See next  Lei, V., To take, get, obtain, catch, eta Pa6p., útva Láva, \ Lel6va, I I do, or will> get, take, etc Law, j L*la, He takes, catches, he will take, etc  Li6m, I got, obtained, etc. Lids, \ J > He, or they, got. Pasp., lids, Ins Lidn, You took, got, etc Li6, They took Le6no,y Lin6, \ p, part., Got, taken, begotteliv Paspw, Un6 LáI0, j Beng te lei toóti. Devil take you Lei kóshtoben, Please; lit, take the goodness Lei m6tti, To get drunk Lei opr4 To apprehend; lit., take Up *e* >TmM* Lei trad, Take care! mind I Lei ve*na. Take notice  Len, pron., Them (lin). Pasp., ace, kn 

Léndi, pron., To them, them, their (lénti). Pasp., 1st dat, lénde


(delwedd E6844) (tudalen 103)


Shoon léndi, Remember! lit., hear them 

Léngheri, Lénghi, Lénti,  pron., Their (léndi) 

L*nti, / Lánsa, With them. Paspv, Unsa  Les, pron,* Him, it (las, 'es> lis). Pasp., ace, les  L*sko,//vn.,  HiSfc Pasp., geúv, Uskoro  L&ti,/n?«», His, her* it. Pasp., ist dat, Usie Li4n,Yegot * See Lei Lús, He, or they, got.) Lfbena,. «., Beer (livena, Vfni). Lieb., lowúta lAi. See Lei Lik, «», Nitv Pasp;, Uk L{kyaw,pl.> Nits, fliei  Lil, H,* Book, papen Pasp., HI L{lesko*kóva, Paper; life, book-thirig  Liléngroj n., Star) because ' read' by Astrologers  Mi doóvel*sko lil,> Bible; lit, my God's book, or  Kdngri HI, ' <*hurch book Pansh bálaúser lil, Five-*pound note _ .- .'I n.,  Suttimen Paspv, núdi jS*omus* ' n / f Spring; lit, b*inning, or first, //rJ/Sadair) ' t of summer f álla-lilef*see-párdel. Autumn 5 lit, after summer is  over  Lin6,/i/ar/.j Taken. S*e Lei  Li6m> I tooki See Lei Livena, n.,  Beer (l{bena> lovína, Vfni). Liek, lawina; Mikl.>  iv, 28 Liven., ngroj *v, Brewer, beerseller Livetl*ngr*j, n, pL, Hops Póbesko lívena, Cyder; lit., apple-beer Livena ghiv. Barley 

Lo, pron., He. Pott, i., 242


(delwedd E6845) (tudalen 104)


Yov ghús káter tan kei sas-16, He went to the place  where he was

O rash*i, koóshto sas-16, The priest was a good man;  lit, the priest, good was he

'Jaw wdfedo see-16 adró l*sko zee, He is so jealous 

Ldd, z'., To lodge. Pasp., loddva

Loódopen, n.,  Lodging 

Láki,/ran.,  Her (Idki)

Láko,) adj., Heavy. Pasp., lokó* light {levis)\ MikL, i., 22.  Lokó,)

This is an example of the confusion of opposite  meanings remarked by Mr. Leland, Eng. Gyp-  sies, p. 126

Kek nanef 16ko, It is light

Chómoni sas adró, lokó, Something was inside,  heavy  LáI0, adj., Red (Iálo, lúller). Pasp., I0I6 Lá1i-mátcho, Red-herring LáI0 hó1om6ngri, Radish; lit., red-eating thing Grefesko I6I0 hálomengri, Horseradish O I6I0 w&hkeno-joókel. The fox Lá1o-matchó,pl., Salmon; lit., red-fish  Lá1i, n.,  Farthing (Mli) Lánderi, «./r., London (Lúndra). French, Londres  Lon, n.,  Salt. Pasp., Um Lándo, culj\y Saline, salt Pasp., londS T , , J ' / . I The sea; lit, salt water  Londudno-paani, ) Lándo mátcho. Salt fish O h5'Yno 16ndo padni, The angry waves  Long, adj, and z/., Lame, to lame. VailL, /iflf«*/ Sunát,  longaU; Pott, ú., 337 Long6,pl., Lame people  Loóbni ) n.,  Harlot (lubni, lúvni). TsLsp., Itidni j MikL, 1.,  Loódni,' 21 Loóbniaw, fi/., Harlots Loóberiben, n., Prostitution  I*6dopen, n.,  Lodging, barn (lod)


(delwedd E6846) (tudalen 105)



Loódopen-kair, Lodging-house 


Loor, v., To rob, plunder, steal


Loórdo, Loóred, p. Part., Robbed


Loóroméngro, n.,  Thief 


Loóripen, n.,  Booty, plunder

Loóvo, Lóvo, n.,  Money (lúva). Pasp., lovd


Lóva, I take. See Lel


Lovína, n.,  Beer (lívena) 


Lúbni, n.,  Harlot (loóbni). Pasp., lubní 


Lúli, n.,  Farthing (lóli) 


Lúller, v.,  To blush (lóló)  Pasp., ISliavava  Lulleróva, I do, or will, blush _ , , 'I n,pr,y London (Lánderi). French, Londres Lúva, n., 

Money (loóva). Pasp., lov*  I*dvni, n.. Harlot (loóbni)

M. lUdidLt prohibitive particle, Do not (maw). Pasp., ma

Maloóna, n.,  Thunder.

MikL, i., 24

MAlyaw, n» pL* Companions, mates. Pasp., mal A/r4 H* \P****i *> ** (m*nghi, m6nghi). Pasp., ace, tnan; »ir/ 1'. I 1st dat, mdnde; 2nl dat, fndnghe 


Mandi see l*sti. It is mine; lit., to me is it A del-/*-mandi, A gift, present 

Manoósh, n.,

Man, male (moosh). Pasp., manush

Manoóshni, n,* Woman (m6noshi). Pasp., manushni 

M&nsa, pron., With me. Pasp., instr., mdnsa

Mdntchi too, ) ., • tr -n • T 1 .,/ 1 * t Cheer up! VailL, manjao, I console 

MAntcha too,) * * j *

Mdrikli, n.,  Cake. Pasp., manrikld Kal-mdrikli, Cheesecake

Mas, n., 

Meat, sheep. Pasp., mas


(delwedd E6847) (tudalen 106)



Meats, victuals 

Masdngro, n.,  Butcher. Pasp., mashkoro 

Maséngro'j maúriV kair, Slaughter-house 

Masáli, n.,  Frying-pan  Joóvioko*mas,


Moóshkeno-*mas, Beef  Balovis> Bacon 

Moó1o*nlas, Carrion 

Mátchka, m., Cat. Paspv* fnátckfca i

Mikl., i., 23  Tfkno mátchka, Ritten; lit., little Cat _., . /I «;> Fishv Pasp., mnaichá


Mitúbdw, > pL, Fish

Match., )

Mátcho, W. pt., rteroti, H)erne> a Gypsy tribe; as if herring

MAtchoméngro,) n.,  ftshermam Pasp.> matdUngwo*

Matchéngro, ) fish*seller Sipesko mitcho> Eel; lit, snaky*ftsh H*rengo-mitcho, Crab; lit, leggy«-fish Báleno-mitcho> Herring Lá1o-mátcho, Red-herring Lá1i-match.,pl., Salmon

Moóshkeno-) ,* , ** * * t.  * ., \ matcho, Cod-fish Pele- ' Rfnkeni bar mátcho, \ Rfnkeni mátchaw ta jak tali o bat-yAw,|- Trout Refeski matchi,/., /

Maur, v.* To kill. See

Mon Pasp., ma*d*a 

Maúro, n.,  Bread. Pasp., manrS, ntaf'i

Mauréngro, n.,  Baker Chó11o mauro, Loaf Chell* maur*pl., Loaves Kil-mauro, Bread and butter 

MAvi, n.,  Rabbit  yi2*Ny prohibitive particle, Do not (maa). Pasp., fna


(delwedd E6848) (tudalen 107)


M6,proH,f I. Pasp., me

Me*a, n.,

Mile. VailL, mig*a; Sunát, nUfani Pott, iu, 454;  i., 88 


Mikstontg •KK 1 '\ \ P*on., 

My (mefro, mfno)> Pasp., >ninĄ6

Mefla, n.,  Donkey> ass (m6ilA). Pott> ú., 454, suggests  for etymoik Lat mulus, Gael, mui/, muileidy  etc. 

MeflestogaV* Doncaster; as if> donkey* town  

Meilesko-tem, Yorkshire  Grdsni-mefla, She-ass  Posh grei ta posh mefla,

Mule  ivIe{ro,*/**tw.>

My (me*ro)v The first syllable AppeaW to 

Meiri, ) have been influenced by the English word 

Mel, t*., To die (mer) B*ngeska*mel> The Devirs Dyke, near Newmarket,  Cambridgeshire 

Men, n.,  Neck. Pasp., ineit Grúesko-menengro, Horse*collaf 

Men-wiriga> Necklace Dála baúro-men., ngri*cherikl*. Herons; lit, tliose  great*necked birds 

Men,/r(?n.,  We, usv Pasp., atn.,   TAindit proH.* To us, we, us> Pasp.* tst dat., ain., nát 


Me, we (mdnghi). Pasp., 2nd dat. s., mdnglw;  pi., am*gke  Koord'*m m*nghi, We foUght 

M*nsa, With usw Paspv, instr., afnindjd Kek yon te wel p6sha mdnsa }

May they not come  along with us? 

Mer> e*v. To die (mel). Pasp.) merdva 

Merdva, I do> or will, die 

Mer*nna, They do, or will) die 

Merddsj He died

Merd* yon besh ghids kondw. They died a year ago  now


(delwedd E6849) (tudalen 108)


M*riben., l n.,  Death, life. Pasp., merits. Life is, to

M*ripen,/ a Gypsy, an abstract idea or state, and  death is a fact It terminates life. The Gypsies  have therefore taken the preceding state as part,  of the terminating fact, making death part of a  man's life, and thus call life and death by the same  name. See also remarks on Láko

M*ripen tdnaw si dik*la.

Murdering places as they  look (lit, looks) Sho mas te meróva, I must have died 

M*rikli, n., Bead. Pasp., minriklS *-* / .1 . f pl*i Beads, bracelets 

Merikios, )

MenSva, I die» See


Mi-, adj.,

My. The words DoSvel* Divel, God, generally take this word as a prefix. Pasp., niOy mi . •'' I;*.,Pudendum muliebre, woman. VdLS*.,mindj\fHinUh

Mfno, adj.

My (me*ro, mefro). Pasp., ntinrS

Mfsali,) n.,  Table. Pasp., mesáli, .towel; Lieb., messdin,

Misáli,) tablecloth;

Mikl., i., 24


Mfsto, > adv., Well. Pasp., mishti* mistd

Mist6, )

Mofla, n.,  Donkey, ass (mefla)

Moflesto-gav, Doncaster; lit., donkey's town 

M6ker, z/.. To foul, dirty. Pasp., makdva, to spot, stain

M6%odo, \ adj.i Dirty, filthy, etc. Pasp., makU*

Moókedo,/ stained; fnakavád, painted

M6xadi fSlk-i, Dirty people Pardil sor mo;*od* posh-ked6 Rámani'*chal.r, Over  all dirty half-breed Gypsies

MA f I *-* *** (moókto). Lieb., mochton  O muUo md*to. The coffin


(delwedd E6850) (tudalen 109)


Mol, n.,  Wine (mul). Pasp., ntol Kó1a so keb o mol. Grapes; lit., things which make  the wine 

Moll, adj., Worth (mool). Lieb., moll Yek shósho adr* o kóro see moll doólf adró o wesh.  One rabbit in the pot is worth two in the wood -- ., f n.,  Lead. Lieb., molewo 


Mong, v,y To beg, pray, request. Pasp., mangdva

Mong6va, I do beg, pray, etc.

Mong asdr! Beg!

M6ngam6ngro, n.,  Beggar

M6nghi, prtm., I, me (mdnghi) Jaw m6nghi káter woódrus, I will go to bed, or. Let me go to bed

M6noshi, n.,  Woman (manoóshni). Pasp., manushni The commonest Words for 'woman' are mSnoshi* joSvely and galri, and they are generally used indiscriminately, though galri is seldom, if ever, applied to a Gypsy

M061, n., 

Mouth, face. Pasp., mtú

MooxAw,pl., Faces, mouths

Moót-dngro,) -

Moo-6ngro, / *' * *

Moóesto-kóva, Looking-glass, mirror

Moót-kokálos, Jawbone Choóralo-moóif, Bearded face

Mook, v., To let, allow, leave, lend (muk). Pasp., mukdva

Mookóva, I will leave

Moóklo,/./*r/., Left, lent. Pasp., muklS

Mooktds, He left, let

Mookt., They left

Mookds, Let us leave

Moókedo, adj., Dirty, filthy (m6xodo). Pasp., makavád, painted; maklS, stained

Moókto, n., Box (m6kto). Lieb., mockton

Mool, adj., Worth (moll). Lieb., moll


(delwedd E6851) (tudalen 110)


M06I0, adj., Dead. Pasp., mul6

M06I0. «* Ghost, devil (millo) Titcho-mcKilesko tan, A regular haunted spot; lit., true ghost's place  Dotidesko-mo<ilo, Will-o'-th'-Wiap 

Mooli,//., Ghosts 

Moó1om*gro, n., HaUer 

Mo<*lo->m., Carrion, pasp., mtdanS*mas 

MocUenorfook, Yew; Ut.j dead-tree, because common  in churchyards 

Mo<5njer, «, and w, Nudge, pinch, squee*; cf* Borrow,  " L*vo-lil," munjet, a blow on the mouth or face 

Mo<$njciAva toot, I will give you a i*udge 

Mo<5*jad(* lati''! wast, *ndds yisi sa m*ndi ker't/, E  squeez.ed her hand, (and) she knew what I meant 

Moosh, n.,

Man, Pasp., mursh, mrmh, hoy* male 

Moosh*w.) ., -,

Moosh, adj.,


Mo)5sh-ch*vi* Boy; lit, mate child

Mo<!ish*encv <*',

Masculine, male> Pasp.,  inurshnS, manly



Moishkeni-grodvni, Ox, bull

Modshkeni-groovn., j Oxen

Moóshkeno-grei, Stallion

Moóshkeno-4n4s, Beef

Moóshkeno<mátcho, Cod-fish Kan., ngro-moosh, Gamekeeper Peúskro-moosh, Actor

Mi-duvel'j-moosh, Par=""

Mo4*i, 1 - ,. ., , . r «
. Arm. Pasp., m

Moosno,) *

Mo<ishaw, pl., Arms

Mo<isheno-hev, Armpi K*k-moosh*gri,

Main Ki*shto-modshú Right


(delwedd E6852) (tudalen 111)


Moóshaw of the rook. Branches Wdsteni-moóshaw, Arms -*

Moóshkero \ n.* Policeman, constable. Dr. Paspati, in a 

Moóshero, j letter, says, " = one who looks, observes  = mSskero*'

Moóshkero-kosht, Constable s staff 

Moot*ngri, n.,  Tea (muterimdngeri)

Moótsi, |n.,Skin. Pasp.,«ft?r//v »i*rj*/»,»l*Łr|«( As.), leather; 

Moótska,) Lieb* martin.,  mprf*in.,  leather;

Mikl., i., 25 

Mor, v,f To kill, slay, murder (maur), Pasp., mardva

Mordva, I do, pr will* kill

Morula, He doeSj* or will;* kjU

Mord*s, He )*illed


Morden4 pl.,


MdrdOjt yúycedy

Mi-D\ivel&ko-ma*4rom*ngri, Jewsi 

M6rOy pran., * Our. Pasp., i*mard

M6rov, v,* To s*ave. Pasp.* muraváva., ta shave; from  mt4rdva, mordva, to ryb

M6rov6va, I do, or will, shave

f*part* and (vi*.* KUted. Pasp., mardd

M4rom6ngro. s **** 


Morm4*gro,* n.,  Barber* ra*ipr (m*ravméngro)  * . . '* * f adj'* Drunk;, intoxicated. Pasp., mattd 

Máttpméngro, 11., Prunkard mAi-i- ' I *'* Drunkenness. . Pasp., mattipi Lei máttj', To get drunk  *f**f*s, 9.*


Muk;* v*y To let, leave* allow (mook). Pasp., tnukdva

Mukdva, I do, or will, leave, etc.

Muk*la, He leaves

Muktds, He left


(delwedd E6853) (tudalen 112)


Mul, ft.. Wine (mol). Pasp., tuo/ 

Mul, cuij., Worth (moll). Lieb., moU 

Mi*lo, n., Ghost, devil (moálo) 

Múlom*gro, n.,  Halter  W&hni-múlo, Owl 

Múlo-ch*riklo, Goatsucker; lit., death-bird. " It cries kek-kek, and some one will die"  Adró o tnúlo raáti, In the midále, or dead, of  night J., .. '\ n., Canále. Pasp., momeU, mumeli, wax taper

Munkircys, n., 


Múravmingro, «, Barber (mirov). Pasp., muraváva, to shave 

Múter, n., Urine. Pasp., mut/r

Múter, v.. To micturate. Pasp., mutrdva

Múterdin too ti-k<ikero .' Hast thou wet thyself?

Muter/«*-kó1a, Urinal

Mtiterimdngeri, n.,  Tea (moot*ngri)

M<iterim(ingeri-koóva, Teapot

N.  Na, negative, No, not. Frequently used for emphasis (naw).  Pasp., na Kek na jin6va m., I do not know Kek na jóva, I am not going Kek na jin., nna yon. They do not know O dfnilo kek na jin., la. The fool doesn't know  Na, conj.. Nor Dikt6m difchi, na shoond6m chfchi, I saw nothing,  nor heard anything  Nifalo, m.,\ adj.. Ill, sick, poorly (nisfalo). Pasp., nasvaU,  Nifali,/., ) nasfalo Ndfloben,) Niflopen,/ Shi lalo-niflopen. Ague; lit., cold-illness


(delwedd E6854) (tudalen 113)

VOCABULARY. 1 1 3 Y6genghi-ndflopen, Fever; lit, fiery-illness NAgo, adj.. Own (n6go) Naish, z/., To run (nash). Pasp., nasháva, to depart Nanef, negative, Not, nor (na, nei). Pasp., ndndi Kek nanef, No, it is not; not at all Kek nanef yek, nan., i wiver, Neither one, nor the other Kek nanef kom6va, I do not wish, like, want, etc. Kek nanef yek kosht, Not a single stick Kówa p6bo see nanef goóálo. This apple it not sweet Kek lúva nanef 16sti, He has no money. Pasp., lov/ ndndi Nisfalo, adj., 111, sick (ndfalo). Pasp., nasfaU, nasvaU N*asher * -* - ' [ v., To run (naish). Pasp., nasháva, to depart Nash*nna, They run  Nasháds, He ran Ndsherméngro, n.,  Runner, policeman, constable  N4sh/«*-joókel, Greyhound; lit., running dog  Ndshw' padni, A stream, running water  Ndsher, v., To lose, waste, hang. Pasp., nashaváva, to lose  Ndsherda, He hangs, he will lose  Nashedds, He lost, wasted, hanged  Ndshedo, *  Ndsbado,  Ndsháo,  Ndsher*rf,*  Nashed4pl.,Tátcheni
Rómani-chab *r* sornashed6. True Gypsies are all lost Ndshedo gdiro. Hangman  Nastfssa,) Cannot; I, you, he, they cannot; unable, etc.  Nastfs, J (nestfs). Pasp., ndsti, ndstik; see Pott, vol. i.,  pp. 367—380; Bohtl., nashti; Lieb., nasti  Nastfs mdndi jin6va-les, I cannot understand it  Nastfs yov latcháa Iáti, He cannot find her 8

p. part.. Lost, hung, hanged. Pasp., nashtd


(delwedd E6855) (tudalen 114)

114 GYPSY-ENGLISH * Nav, n.,  Name. Pasp., nav Ndvo, adj.. New (n., vo) Naw * M* ' i **S**i'**y No, not (na). Pasp., na N6 shorn m* Wkolo, I am not hungry  N., adv, or interj., Now Ni moóshaw! Now, men! N6 chaw6H! Now, mates!  Nei, negative. No, not (na, naneO Kek nei jindnna yon, They do not know Nei ler kek 16vo, He has no money  Nei, n.. Finger nail, any kind of nail. Pasp., ndi, finger nail Hei*w,/*/., Finger nails Ne<esto-chókker, Hobnailed boot  Nestfs, negative. Cannot (nastfssa). Pasp., ndsti -- . . ' ''I adj,. New (ndvo). Pasp., nevS N*vus, ad;\, Own (n6go) Nfsser, v.. To miss, avoid; c/. Pasp., nikdva, to pass; niglistS* p. part, gone out; nispeldva, to hide  Nok, n.,  Nose. Pasp., nak Nokéngro, n.,  Snuff, glandered horse  N6ngo, adj,. Naked, bald, bare. Pasp., nangd N6ngo-pe*ro, adj., Barefoot  NortkGt6r\gv\'gaAx6, Scotchmen; lit.. Northern-men *J/Aer*ngri-tem, Scotland; lit.. Northern-country Náth*vinghi chirikl6, pL, Grouse; lit., Scotch birds  NM,pl., Nuts

O. O, m, def, art., The. Sometimes indeclinable, like English  the. Pasp., o Cic\** I ***'' There (adof, 'doi). Pasp., otid Okki. Mdndi poókeróva too Skki yek rfnkeno támo rei, I  tell you there is a handsome young man


(delwedd E6856) (tudalen 115)

VOCABULARY. 1 1 5 rS f ' [ **' '** jump (hókter). Pasp., ukkkidva, to arise O*t*nna, They jump Jinna ti o;**n, They will jump; lit., they are going to jump d'Xt*rer, n.,  Jumper Chor-6xtaméngro, n., Grasshopper OlivtVf * r\'\ ' I *'P**» Stockings, socks (hoó1averj). Lieb., cAo/id Opri, pr*., Upon, on, up (apr., 'pr*). Pasp., opr/ Dids opró adró o raiti, It appeared in the night  (3ra, n.,  Watch, hour (aúra, hóra, y6ra). Pasp., (fra  Our, I affirmative particle, Yes, truly, etc. (adva). Pasp.,  Ourly,) va / Lieb., auwq  Oy,pron., He (yov). Pasp., ov  Ovávo-dfwus, To-morrow (awdver). Pasp., yavir

. P. Padni, pAni, or paúni, n.,  Water. Pasp., pant Paan., ngro, n.,  Boat Paan., ngro-gadjo, Sailor Pan., ngro, n., Turnip PaAnesto-\ Pan., ng*- > shok, Watercress Padni- ) Padnisko-kóva, Bucket, pail« anything to hold water Padnisko-tan, Swamp, moss, watery place Padniski-hev, Well Paúdel-i-padni,) * _* , Pa*niW. 1 Transported Badro-padni, \  Lándo-padni, > The sea  Londúdno-padni, ) Tátto-páni, Any kind of spirituous liquor, e,g., brandy  Pal, n.,  Brother, mate. Pasp., pral  Stfffo-pal, Brother-in-law


(delwedd E6857) (tudalen 116)

I 1 6 GYPSY- ENGLISH Pal41,)/r*., After, behind, ago, bygone (paúli). Pasp.,  Pálla,* palál.pali Av pálla. To follow; lit, come after Dik pálla. To watch; lit, look after Jal pálla. To follow; lit, go after Pállani-chókka, Petticoat Beng pAlla man, An enemy; lit., devil after me  Pályaw, n. pl., Rails, palings. Pott, ú., 361, pa//, board,  plank;? Pasp., 6e//, post p , v.. To shut, fasten, close, tie, bind, etc Pasp., Pan.' ) *''«'*'"' PAnd-as6va, I fasten, etc. Me*ro rom pandr asdr mdndi opró adr* o kair. My husband shuts me up in the house  Pandad6m, I shut, did shut  Pandadis \ Pandds, v He, she, they bound, fastened, etc.  Pdndadas,) p* J ' , I /. par/., Shut, etc. VailL, p. 54, is pandada  p . , , ' j tidar, the door is shut Pdndoméngro,) n.,  Pound for stray cattle, sheepfold,  PAnoméngro, * pen, fold, pinfold; n. pr., Pinfold, a Gypsy tribe  Pand opr4 Shut up! be silent  PAndjer, v., To wheeále }? cf. pánder, to fasten, enclose, take  in; also Pott, ú., 374, *'panscheraf, biegen; p. durch,  durchkriechen "  Tfuy lelV jaw kfssi lúwa by pándjer/«' the gaujox.  They got so much money by wheeáling the Gen-  tiles  Pdni, Water. See Padni iI '} <*dj'> Five. Pasp., pandj, pantch Panshéngro, n.,  A five-pound bank-note  Pansh-kó1a, Crown, five-shilling piece


(delwedd E6858) (tudalen 117)

VOCABULARY. 1 1 * Stor-pansh, Twenty  Papin, n.,  Goose. Pa;sp., papin Papfnyaw,pl., Geese Pdpini, I n., Goose; sometimes applied to ducks Pdpin., ngri,/ or turkeys Moóshkeno pápin, Gander Pipini-drildw, Gooseberries (drflaw)  Pira, V., To change, exchange (púra). Pasp., pamváva Pdrap*n, n., Change, small money (púraben). Pasp., paruib., change of clothes Parav, r., To thank, bless (párik) Pardal ) V d \\ P**'> Over, across (paúdel). Pasp., /*r*/, beyond Pdrdel, z;., Forgive. Pdrdel múXidifor ydka, Forgive me for once  Pdrdonos, n., Pardon, forgiveness  Parik, v., To thank, bless (pArav). Lieb., parkerwawa  Pdrikaróva,\

Pdrik'ró, . T .V, t,  * , ., r I thank Panko,

PArik'raw, PArikab*n, ) ., ,  ., ., . \ n.,  Thanks  Parik*;*., ) PArikt6m, I thanked Pdrno, adj., Cloth. Pasp., parind, berdnd* tent-cloth; Lieb., pártUy die Windeln Pdrtan, n.,  Cloth (p6ktan). Yzjs*.* pokhtdn PAsher*la, He believes. See PAtser . ' [ n.,  Leaf, trail-sign. Pasp., patrin Patr{naw,) , r* .,  _ , . \ pL. Trails  Patreni, /* ' Patseis, *., To believe (pazer). Pasp», pakidva; Lieb., pat- scháwa Pats6va, I believe Patsd6m, I believed Pasherála, He believes


(delwedd E6859) (tudalen 118)

11 8 GYPSY-ENGLISH Yon kek nanef patser*nna, They will not believe  Pátsad** They believed  Pátsaben, n., Belief. lAth., patschápenH  O rauni pitsiW so y6\ pen'rf, The lady believed what  she said P 'A 1 f /**-* Over (párdal). Pasp.,/**., beyond Bftchadi-paúdel,) * * , Paddel-i-paini. } Transported p \1 \ P***> Behind, back (pAlla). Yzs'**paU Hatch-pauli-kdni, Guineafowl Jal-pauli, To return  Pauni, Water. See Paini  Pauno, adj,y White (p6rno). Yds*.,parn6  Paúpus, n.,  Grandfather. Y*.s..,pápus  Pdzer, V. a,. To trust (pás9eróva). T2Lsp.,pakidva Pdzorus, ad/., Indebted Pdzeróva, I obtain credit, get on trust Pdzeroben, n., Credit, trust  Pedds, He fell. | *  Ped4 They fell)  P*áliaw, «. pl., Nuts (p*tliaw, p*vliaw). Lieb., pendacA, walnut  Pee, v., To drink. Pasp., pidva Pi6va, I drink, I will drink Pi*la, He drinks, or will drink Pid6m, I drank Pidds, He, or they, drank Pid6, They drank Pe*álo, p, part., Drunk, drunken. Pasp., pild Pfaben, Pfamus, Peemdngro, n,. Teapot, drunkard Pfam6ngro, w.,) tn , , Pfam*ngri,/, ) "> drunkard Pfam*skri, n., Tea

I n.. Drink


(delwedd E6860) (tudalen 119)

VOCABULARY. I IQ P/amdskri-skoodálin, Teapot Pobesko-pfam&kri-tem, Devonshire M6ndi see d6sta te hoi ta pi, We have plenty to eat  and drink  Peer, v., To walk, stroll (pfrav). FAsp.,pirdva Peerála, He walks PeerAs, He walked Pe*rdo, n., Tramp, vagrant Posh-pe6rdo, Half-breed Pe*roméngro, n.,  Stile Pedromus, n., Roaming. Vaill., p. /8, Is nasulpirmasko, II est difficile de marcher Pe6ri, n.,  Cauldron, stewpan, copper. Pasp.,piH Pe*ro ) p / . J n.,  Foot (pfro). TdLsp.f pinr(f, pird Peeró, pl., Feet Bokrd'j- peerd. Sheep's feet Pe6resto-kóppa, Carpet Pe*ro-d61/«g--tem, Lancashire; lit, foot-kicking county  Pe*vlo, adj., Widowed. Pasp.,//WiZ* Pe*vlo-gafro, Widower. Pasp., piv/d Pe6vli-gafri, Widow. Pasp.,//W/  P*ias, n.,  Play, fun, sport, game. Lieb., per/as PeiAskro-moosh, Actor  Pek, V., To roast. Yzs;.,* pekdva Pekóva, I do, or will, roast Vt*6f p. party Roasted. V.,sp.,pekS  Pel, v., To fall. See Per. Pasp., perdva YeHd, Fell Pel6va, I do, or will, fall Pel*la, He falls, or will fall  Pel6, \ Pflon6, > /*.*/., Testicles. FaLsp.,pe/(f; pl.peU  T?6[onos,) P*leno-grei, Stallion P*lengo-chivo, Boy Peldngro, n., Stallion


I They said


(delwedd E6861) (tudalen 120)

1 20 GYPSY-ENGLISH Pel6-m4tcho, Cod-fish  Pen, v.. To say, tell. Pasp., pendva Pen6va, I say, I will say Mdndi pen6va y6r7/ mer, I say (think) she will die;  cf. Pott, ú., 346, " ake*ke penniwam*. So meine  icb's [eig. doch ich sage s. pchenav]" So pen., ssa? What do you say? Pen61a, He says Pendds, He said Pend., Pend*n, So penddn? What did you say?  Pen, n., Sister. Pasp., pen Pdnyaw, pl., Sisters. Pasp., penid Stfffi-pen, Sister-in-law Pónna, They will fall. See Per Pcnsa \ p . . ' I adj. and adv., Like (p&sa).? Pasp., pentchya (As.), P*nza,) Dik*la p6nsa rauni, She looks like (a) lady  Per, z/., To fall (pel). VdiS*.*perdva Peróva, I fall Persia, He, or it, falls Pel6va, I will fall Yon p*nna, They will fall (i>*nna = perónna) Ped6m, I fell Pedis, He fell Yon ped4 They fell  Per, «., Belly, stomach, paunch. Pasp.,/* Perdw, pl., Stomachs YcKSsho adr* l*nghi perdw, Clean in their eating P*r-doóka, Stomach-ache  Vis\d,pron. reflective. Himself. Pasp.,***/ d3.t.,p*ske Ghids p6ski. He took himself off Dids p&ki kókeri wdfedo-kórimus, He gave himself  trouble Vids p*ski akef. He came here himself


(delwedd E6862) (tudalen 121)

VOCABULARY. I 2 I Praisterdds p*ski p*nsa grei, He ran off like a  horse  Póssa* adj., Like (p6nsa)  Passer, z*., To pay. Lieb., pleisserwawa* pozinawa Pdsseróva, I do, or will, pay P*ssado,/./*r/.,) **.* Pessad.,pl., j Póssad6m, I paid  P*tal, n.,  Horseshoe. Pasp., potato Petaldngro, n., Blacksmith; pl./r., Smith, a Gypsy  tribe Kekdwi-p6talengr4 Tinkers; lit, kettle-smiths Soónakei-petal6ngro, Goldsmith Petal*sto-kóva> Anvil Pfaben. \ Pfamus, etc. > See Pee, to drink  Pid6m, etc. )  Pikó, X Pikio, (. n.,  Shoulder, 'Pas*.*pikd  Pikó,pl.,j Pi6va, I do, or will, drink. See Pee  Pfrav, V., To walk (peer). Tasp., pirdva  Piriv, V, a., To open, woo, court, make love to. Pasp., pitt-  raváva . . .'* f *-* Sweetheart, lover. V*spxypiriand Tlriváo, p. pari., Opened P/riváds, He opened P{ro, adj., Open, loose  Piro, n.. Foot (pe*ro). V*sp.,piró  P{sham, n.. Flea, fly, honey (poóshuma). Pasp., pusMniy flea  Goóálo.pfsham, | *** j.* * ***** ***  Gooálo-pishamus, )  DandiV pfsham. Wasp


(delwedd E6863) (tudalen 122)

I 2 2 GYPSY-ENGUSH Kil ptsham, Butterfly  PlAshta, I PI6chta, f n.,  Cloak, cloth. Lieb., blascháa; Mikl., i., 30  P16xta, * B*resto-pl*xta, Sail p . , . ' V n.,  Apple. Pasp., pabdi Pob4 pl., Apples  Póboinus, n.,  Orange Pobomuski-gav,) «./r., Norwich; lit., orange town,  Pobomústi-gav, ) from the assonance of an orange  and Norwich Pobdngro, led Póbesko-lívena,/ * *  Póbesko-rook, Apple-tree  Póbesko-gav-tem, Norfolk  Póbesko-pfam&kri-tem, Devonshire  Wdver-t*meski-161o-p6bo, Orange; lit., other-country red apple  Bftto-161o-p6bi, Cherries; lit., small red apples  Po'chi, n.,  Pocket (poótsi). Pasp., boshka; Lieb., pottit*za PcS*er * _. ** \ v.. To break. Yzs*.* pangdva, bangdva Pog, ) B6ngo, adj., Crooked. *dLS..,pang6, bangd, lame  B6nges, adv., Wrongly  Pogad6m, I broke  PogadAs, He broke Póger/S } *' ****' Broken. Pasp., panglS  Pógado-shero, Cocked hat, broken head ., . , , . [ Broken-winded horse  Póga-baval-grei, j Póga-chóngaw-grei, Broken-kneed horse Pógam*ngri, i Winámill Bdval-pogamengn, )  Pógaroméngro, n.,  Miller  Pógarom6ngri, pl., Treadwheel


(delwedd E6864) (tudalen 123)

VOCABULARY. 1 23 Pógarom&ti, ) -- r.2 1 * \ *'> Hammer Pogaromeskro, > Póga-kairóngro, n., Burglar PoWnyus, n.,  Judge, justice of the peace (poókinyus), Lieb., pokond, peaceful; Pott, li., 345, pokoino, bokofto* quiet; ú., 4/S1, pokoinepen.,  peace; Mikl., i., 31 p. 'I n.,  Cloth (pártan). VdiSip., pokhtdn Póxtan-gav, Manchester Pó;*an-kelom6ngro, Weaver; lit, cloth-maker  Póng(Wshler, n., Pocket-handkerchief Poodj, fUy Bridge, sky. Pasp., purt* birdji, bridge; Pott,  ú* 382 Poóder ) p , 'I f*. To blow, singe, shoot. VdiS.,* purddva*puddva Pood toóvlo. To smoke tobacco Poódado, /. part, Blown Poodda, He blows Poóderónna, They shoot, blow VoodiXers, \ Poódam6ngro,| n.,  Bellows Poódam6ngri, /  Poó-h-tan, n.,  Tinder;? cloth; cf. p6ktan  Poókinyus, n.,  Judge (pok-*nyus)  Poóker, v., To tell Poókeróva, I do, or will, tell Poókeróva kek-kómeni ta mandi diktds (dikt6m)  toot ake{ adr* st*ripen, I will tell no one that I  saw you here in prison PookrAs, You told Poókadds, He told Poókeroméngro, n., Watch, clock Poókerom6ngri, pl., Betrayers Poóker/«*-bar, Milestone Poóker/V/*-kosht, Signpost  Poórav, | * ,  Poóros.r'*°*"''y


(delwedd E6865) (tudalen 124)

1 24 GYPSY-ENGLISH p**wj """"* <'**''°> Fo<5rost6[n mi poóro dad, I buried my old father Podro, ) FodúJ Poórokono, atij'., Ancient, old-fashioned Poórodir, comp.. Older. Tasp., p/iuredA- Poiroder-rook, Oak; lit, older (oldest) tree Po<iro-ddd, n.,  Grandfather Poóri-d*t, n., Granámother Fo«*ro-dad'j chávo, Grandchild  Poórdar, Stairs. Harriot, /fli/roj / cf. Pott, ú., 382  Poórumi, n.,  Onion, leek, garlic (p6ruma). Pasp., pur*m;  Mikl., i., 31 Podnim, «. pr., Lee, a Gypsy tribe; as if Lee•*L Kdnlo poi5ruma, Garlic; lit., stinking onion  Poos, n.,  Straw. Pasp.,/«i Poóskeno,i ,. „. Pooséngro, n.,  Straw rick, stack Ghiv-pooséngro, Wheat stack Job-poosingro, Oat stack  Podshom, n.. Wool. Y*s,*., pos6m, poskám  Poóshuma, n.,  Flea, bee (plsham). Fasp.,pusA:im, ilea  Poóshuméngro, n.,  Fork. FRsp., pusaváva, to prick, spur Poósom6ngri, n.,  O gref-esko pássoi  Pootch, v.. To ask. "Pasp., putcháva Pootchóva, I ask Pootchóssa, Thou askest Footchá6m, I asked Pootcháds,! ., , ,  _ . ,., \ He asked  Pootchtis, ) Pootcht*m, We asked Pootcht., They asked Poótchlo,/./flr/.,) . 1 J . ...  T. .111./ r Asked, invited  Pootchl.,pl., }


(delwedd E6866) (tudalen 125)

VOCABULARY. 1 25 Pootchás, Let us ask Maw too pootch troóstal viniso kóva ta nanef see  te*ro. Do not covet (lit., ask for) any thing that  is not' thine  Poótsi, n.,  Pocket (pochi). Pasp., bSshka; lA*h., pottissa  Poov, n.,  Earth, field. Yd&.,y phuVy puv  Poóvyaw,pl., Fields  Poováa, n.,  Field-path  Poov*ngri, I p*****  Poovyengri,* Poov6ngri-gav, Manchester. A name used by  Cheshire Gypsies on account of the loads of  potatoes sent there  Poov6ngri-gaujo, Irishman; because potatoes enter largely into the diet of the Irish  Poóvesto-choóri, \  Poóvo-ch{nom*ngri, \ Plough  Poóv-vArdo, / So o ghivángro chin., la o poov opr., Plough; lit.,  what the farmer cuts the field up (with)  Pópli, adv.* Again (ap6pli). 'Pz.s*., pálpale, Derrifere; Vaill.,  p. 51, rfi? d*ma mandi parpaliy R*ponds-moi, sostar  ni dks dAma parpali? Pourquoi ne rdponds-tu  pas.? Mikl., ú., 52, 1032, ''papále, adv. von neuem,  wieder; papále megint Born: 118"  Por, n.,  Feather (pur). Lieb., por; Mikl., i., 29  Pórongo-wudrus, Feather-bed  Chórikl6ski-por, Wing  Pórasto, adj,* Buried (poórav) Pordi*"} *""' ***''*- P*P'***'* Pórdo, v,y To fill. Vdisp.jPerdva  Póri, n., Tail, end. Fasp.,poH  Pórno, ad;\, White (paúno). Ydsp.,parn6 Pómo, n,y Flour Pórnom6sti, n.,  Miller Porn., ngri, n.,  Mill


(delwedd E6867) (tudalen 126)

126 GYPSY-ENGLISH Pórni-rauni, Swan Pórno-sister, Tin; lit., white iron  Póruma, adj.* Gaelic; from assonance of garlic and gaelic (poórumi)  V6szAo, p. part.. Buried (poórav)  Posh, adj., Half. Vzs.., y*k-pásh Posh-hórri, Halfpenny Posh-koórona, Halfcrown Posh tff/// posh,) TT iri_ J T* f. 1 A \ Half-bred  Posh-peerdo, ) Pósh/r*., Turnpike; lit., half-free, because passengers  are not tolled, but carts are Kair-posh, Help; lit., do half  Posh,/n., ., After.? from assonance of half drnd Aafter Posh-aglál, Opposite;? lit* half before Posh-be*nomus, Placenta, after-birth  Pósha, adv, znAprep., Near, by, besides. Vz&*.*pashi Pósh-rig, Besides D6sta filk'X sas p6sha ydĄ, Much people was with  her  Poshadri, «. pl., Spurs (poóshumdngro)  P<Sshli, adj., Confined. Pasp., páshlo* bedfast, bedridden Poshl*pl., Women who have been confined YoK sas poshl* (-f) adr* woódrus, She was confined  in bed  Prdster, ) z/.,To run, Snnáty praschta* springe, hoppe; Pott,  PraAster,/ ú., 244 Prdster*la, He runs PrAsterdds, He ran Prdsterméngro, n., Runner, policeman, deserter Prdsteromdngro, n., Deserter Prdsterm*ngri, \ Prastdrimus, v n.,  Horse-race Grefesto-prdster/«., ) PrAster/«*-kó1i, Railway train Prdster/V kfster. Railway journey Prdster/;i*-wdrdesko-átch/«*-tan, Railway station


(delwedd E6868) (tudalen 127)

VOCABULARY. 127 Wdrdesko-prAsterm*ngri, Wheel, cart-wheel Prdster túki! Be off! Run!  Prdrchadi, n., Flame.? Pasp., prdhos, cinders  *Yxhyprip., Upon, on, up (apró, oprd). Pasp., opri Pr*-éngro, adj,* Upper  Pur, f*.. Feather (por). Lieb., par  Pur, n.. Stomach, belly, paunch (per) B6koch*sto-pur, Tripe  Púra, v,* To change, exchange (pára). Vas.., paruváva Furered, Changed Púraben, n.,  Exchange (párapen) R. Raáti, n., Night. Pasp., raU; aratH* during the night  Raátia,pl., Nights *r,S:i *'*'» °»' Raátenghi-chei chfriklo. Nightingale; lit., night-*/r/  (vulg-**/) bird Ke-raáti, To-night  Rak, ) T/., To guard, protect, take care of, mind. Pasp.,  Rdkker,) arakdva Rak toóti I Take care! Rak ti toiSvlo, Mind your 'baccy  Rdklo, m, n., Boy. Pasp., rakld Rdkli,/. n.,  Girl. Pasp., rakH Rdklia,pl., Girls Rakl4 pl., Boys  Ran, n.,  Rod, osier, etc. Pasp., ran Rdnyaw,pl., Rods Rdnyaw to kair kúshni*.f, Osiers; lit, rods to make  baskets  Rdnjer, z;.. To remove, take off. Lieb., ranschkirwawa wri,  I undress "R4 h '\ *'* Parson. Pasp., rashái


(delwedd E6869) (tudalen 128)

128 GYPSY- ENGLISH Ratt, n., Blood. Pasp., ratt Ráttvalo, \ Ritt/u/iOy \ adj., Bloody. Pasp., rativaU Ráttvali, ) DuUa bftta kó1a (so) peer o ratt, so see chiv'*/ opr*  ndflo fSlIA te kair 16ndi kóshto, Leeches; lit,  those little things (which) drink the blood, which  are put on sick people to cure them _ 'I n.,  Lady. Pasp., rdnni Raúnia,pl., Ladies Kauli-raúni, Turkey Pórni-raúni, Swan  Rei, n.,  Gentleman. Pasp., rdi R*i-aw,pl., Gentlemen Refa, voc., Sir! Doóva refesko kair. That gentleman's house Refesko-k*rimus, Gentlemanly behaviour Refalx adj., Gentlemanly Baúro-rei, Gentleman Refesko-várdo, Carriage; lit, gentleman's cart Refesko ro<5zho-poov moosh. Gardener; lit, gentle-  man's flower-ground man Refeski match.,pl., Trout Refakana ta gaújikana jfnomus. Learning fit for a  gentleman and Englishman 
Rópper toot. Remember  R*ssi toot! Make haste! R*s-les aprd, Rouse him up
Rótsi R*t ' 1 *'' *** (rútsa). Lieb., retza; Mikl., i., 35 Retz6,pl., Ducks Tfkno-/ ****' Duckling  RidfXy n., Vdstridge. Used by Isaac Heme s family  Rfdo,/. /*?r/.. Dressed.  Rfdad., They dressed.

I See Riv


(delwedd E6870) (tudalen 129)

Vocabulary. 129

Rig, n., Side. Pasp., rik

J. . ' f V., To carry, keep, bring* Lieb., rikkerwawa, to Rlgher*va, I do, Or will, keep Rfgher toot mfehto. Take care of yourself Rfghei*6nna,| * Rfgher*n, i **** ****P Rfghadám, I carried Yon righadds-les. They (that) carried him  Rflceno, adf.. Pretty (rinkeno)  Rflcni*j, pl., Trousers (rok*ngri*j, etc.)  Ril, V., Pedere; also used as a noun. Pasp., rill; Lieb.» rill  Rfnkeno, m.,\ adj., Pretty (rfkeno). Pott, ú., 264, gives  Rfnkeni,/;, > rajkano, from Puchmayer's Hungarian  Rfnken., pl.,* "
Rómani Czib," and suggests that the  word rinkeno is an adjective formed from the  dative plural of rai, i.e., ringe. See also Sunát's  *' Landstrygerfolket," 1852, rankand, gentle, noble.  Predari has, p. 270, rincano, and p. 259, arincino*  both apparently taken from Roberts  Rfnken., s, adv.* Prettily  Rfnkenod*r, comp,. Prettier Rfnkeni mátchaw ta jalj tal* o barydw. Trout; lit.,  pretty fishes that go under the stones  Rfsser, z;.. To shake, tremble. Pasp., lisdrdva  R{sser*la, He trembles  Rfsser toot. Be quick (r*ssi) Rfsser toot apró. Be quick, and get up; lit., shake  3rDurself up  Riv> T/., To wear (rood). Pasp., urydva  Kldo, p, part., Dressed  Rfdadi, They dressed Rfvoben, n., Apparel, clothes (ródi, roódopen)  Yov riváis 16sko kókero adr* koóshto eezdw s6rkon  cheirus. He always dressed in fine clothes 9


(delwedd E6871) (tudalen 130)



Yon sas ridé sor adré kaij. They were dressed all in  silk


Rôd, Rô’der, v., To search, seek. Pasp., radáva


Rô'dadom, I searched, sought


Rôdé, They searched


Roódopen, n.,  Search. Pasp., rodipé


Ródi, Ródi-ing, n.,  Clothing, apparel (roódo, riv)


P 'I n.,  Spoon, Pasp., rói "Rolyzyis, fil., Spoons 
Róiengró, Spoon<nakers 
Róker, v., To talk, speak. Pasp., vrakerdva; Mikl., i., 34 
Róker*la, He talks Kómeni rókeró1a troostál mdndi. Some one is talking  about me — " That's what we say when we sneeze " 

Rdkadds, \ He talked x***JT*

Rókerds, / Rokrds, You talk
Rókerd6, They talked R<ikerop6n,\ n>* *.; 1 .* .* •
Rók 'he' *'* Conversation, language, speech. T> , , . \ Pasp., vrakeribi  Kokenmus, *
Rókamus, *
Rókeroméngro, ) •
Rókerm6ngro, j '' **
Rókerom6skro, n., Talker Bauro rókerom*ngri, pl., Prophets
RókeriV chfriklo, Parrot  Rokdngri*j/  Rokónyus, Rokr*nyus* \ n, pL, Trousers (rf kni«:)  Ro*fny*j,  Roxfnya, J


(delwedd E6872) (tudalen 131)



Rom, n.,  Husband, bridegroom, a male Gypsy. Pasp., rom 


Rómadi, n.,  Wife, bride. Pasp., romní

Rómano-drab, probably Spurge-laurel {Daphne lau*  rŁoId)y the berries of which, according to Lináley>  *'are poisonous to all animals except birds"

Rómani-chal, A male Gypsy

Rómani-chilaw,/., Gypsies

Rómanes, adv,* Gypsy, the Gypsy language. Pasp.,  roman., s

Rómano chfriklo, Magpie; lit, Gypsy bird 

Rómer, z;.. To marry

Rómad<Sm> I married

Rómerob*n, tUy Marriage

Rómeromusy n.,  Wedding  Rood, v,y To dress (riv) RoódOj /. party Dressed (rido, f6di) Ro<5dopen, «», Dress, clothing. Pasp., urydibi  Roddopen, ., Search (road). Pasp., rodipi  Rook* fUy Tree. Pasp., ruk Roókaw,) . rj. Roókamingro, n.,  Squirrel  Roókenghi*chó%a.f, Leaves; lit, tree-coats  Roop, n.,  Silver. Pasp., rup  Roópono\ Roópno, l*'l **. Silver. Pasp., r«/*.zW  Roópni,/., j Roópnomdngro, n.,  Silvermith Roózlusi **-*'* *****S {r<iz\o). Pasp., zoralS  Sor-roizlo, Almighty


(delwedd E6873) (tudalen 132)



Roózlopen, n., Strength 


Rov, V., To cry. Pasp., rováva 
Róv6va, I do, or will, cry  Rov*na, They cry  Rová., They cried Rodzho-poov, Flower garden Roózhaw-poóvaw, pl., Flower gardens Groóveni roózha, Cowslip 'DivMsy roózha, Daisy  HusAiri, n.plr, Rushes, reeds  Rútsa, n.,  Duck, goose (rótsi). Lieb., retjsa *?*.*' } adj., Strong, coarse (roózlo). Pasp., zoralS Ruzio mas. Coarse meat

S. 'Saála, n., Morning (saula). Pasp.,, disiola, it dawns; disdra, early  Sadds, He laughed. See Sav  Sáke-oSy n.,  Sake  Sal, V., To laugh (sirler, sav). Pasp.,  asdva Sálimus,} *'' Laughing, laughter, laugh Salvia, He laughs Sald6va (for Sad6m), I laughed Sálamdnca, n., Table. Pasp.* saldn S41ivárdo,| t» -ji Sálivárus ) *'* ****** (s61ivéngro, solrvárdo). Pasp., sulivári


Sap, n.,  Snake, serpent, eel. Pasp., sapp, snake


Sápaw,pl., Snakes. Pasp., sappá


Sápesko-mátcho, Eel


Sápesko-mátcho-moótsi, Eel-skin 


Sápin, Sápinis, n., Soap. Pasp., sapuní; Mikl., i., 36


(delwedd E6874) (tudalen 133)



Sar, prep., With


Sar, adv., How, as. Pasp., sar, how


Sar ’shan, How are you?


Sar koméssa. If you please 


Sárler, v., To laugh (sal, sav). Pasp., asdva 


Sárshta, Sársta, Sáster, n.,  Iron. Pasp., shastír, sastér 


Sárstera, Sástera, adj., Iron


Sástraméskro, n.,  Blacksmith. Pasp., sastiréskoro


Sástera-bíkinoméngro, Ironmonger


Sástermángro, n., An iron-grey horse 


Sas, ijm sing, and*/. imperf. Was, were. Pasp., isds Yov sas nishedo opr* o rook. He was hanged on the  tree Yon sas wdfedo ndfalo, They were very  Sáster, Iron. See Sarshta Sastfs, Able, can (sftis, stastfs). Lieb., sasti; Pasp., sast6*  sound, healthy; Pott, ú., 370 — 380; cf, Lat, valeo Sar sastfs te yek moosh del, How can one man give.* 'Saúla ) ,* ,. '[ n.,  Morning ('saála). Pasp., disiolOy disdra Kó1iko-saúla, To-morrow morning Kesaula, This morning Sav, v., To laugh (sal, sdrler). Pasp., asdva Savaben * * , ' I n.. Laugh, laughter. Pasp., asaibd Sadds, He laughed  Sávo, pron.. Who, what (so). Pasp., sav6, so  Sávo shan too. Who art thou }  Sávo che*rus. What time? when }  'See, 3n/ sing, and pl. pres. ind., Is, are, has, have. Pasp., isi  See-éngro, adj., Spirited, lively (zee) Shab, V., To run away, "A mumper's word." Pott, ú., 14,  sckufAich! be off! Sunát, p. 394, skubba! go I


(delwedd E6875) (tudalen 134)

134 GYPSY-ENGLISH Sham, We are (shem). Pasp., isám Ta s6rkon kóvaw sham vai (m*ndi). And all that we  have; lit, and all things are to us  'Shámas, We were (shúmas). Paspi, isámas 'Sor kfno shámas. We were all tired  'Shan, 2nd sing. 2xApLpres,y Art, are, hast, have. Pasp., isdn  Too 'shan k*rdo mlshto, Thou hast done well  Too 'shan 16sti, You have it  Sar shan. How art thou? how are ye?  'Shanas, 2nd sing, and pL imperf., Thou wast, ye were.  Pasp., isdnas  Too *shánas ndfalo wdver dfwus, haw? You were ill the other day, eh?  'Shánas kin6? Were you tired }  ShAni, n.,  Mule  Shan6ngro, n.,  Lawyer, liar (shoon). The two meanings are due to their assonance  Shárdoka, n.,  Apron (chárdoka, etc.)? Pasp., utchardd*  mantle, covered. Pott, ú., 231, 252, *' shaducca*  apron, Kog.," is from Roberts; HohX**jdnddrdka  Shaúhauri, n.,  Sixpence (shookhaúri)  Shó1o, n.,  Rope, cord (shó1o). Pasp., skelS, sholS Kdva, so too kairj sh*lo. Flax; lit., thing which you  make rope (of)  Shel6ngro, n.,  Whistler (shol)  'Shem, istpl,pres., We are ('sham). Pasp., isám M*ndi 'shem akef. We are here  Sháro, n.. Head (shóri). Pasp., sherd Sheréngro, n.,  Briále, captain, chief, heaáman, leader  B6resto-sheréngro, Captain of a ship  Shórom6ngro, n., Lawyer  Sherd*jno, n.,  Lawyer; for sherdsv&ano  Ghfvesto-sháro, Ear of corn  Pógado-shero, Cocked hat Chiv it adró your sh*ro, Remember; lit, put it into  your head. Compare Pasp., sherdva man; Lieb.,  rikkerwawa an schero


(delwedd E6876) (tudalen 135)

VOCABULARY. 1 3 5 Shil, n.,  Cold, catarrh. Pasp., shil Shflino, adj., Cold (shfrilo). Pasp., shilalS Shflo-tem, The north  Shing, n.,  Horn. Pasp., shing Shfngaw,pl., Horns  Shfrilo, ad;\ Cold (shflilo). Pasp., shilalS  Shiv, n., Snow (iv, ghiv, hiv, yiv), Pasp., iv, etc,  Shok, n.,  Cabbage. Pasp., shakh Shókyaw,pl., Cabbages Padni-shok, ) .,, * n * • f_ 1 f Watercress Panengri-shok,) Shol, V., To whistle (shool). Pasp., shSndava Sheldngro, n,y Whistler Shol6va, I whistle. Lieb., scJtollewdwa  Shó1o, n.,  Rope, cord (sh*lo). Pasp., shoUt shelS  'Shorn, 1st sing, and pLpres., I am, we are (shem). Pasp., 1st sing., is6m; ist pL, isám  'Shá'mas, \st sing, and pi, imper/., I was, we were (shúmas).  Pasp., 1st sing., isdntas; 1st pi., isámas Mandi sh5'mas 'jaw kin6, I was so tired Be*no sho'mas adró Dovárus, I was born at Dover M6ndi sho'mas y*kera a baúro hauro kekivvi. We  once had a large copper kettle  Shoóba* n.,  Gown, frock (shoóva) Chuffaj,pl., Petticoats  Shoóbli, adj.* Pregnant (shoóvlo, q,v)j  Shookár, adv,* Nicely, quietly, slowly. Pasp., shukár Jal shookár. Go slowly, easily, nicely Shookáriddir, coinp,* Slower, easier Shoókar, adj.* Quiet, still Shoóker! Silence! Keep quiet! Shoóko, adj., Dumb
Róker shookds, adv,* Speak low  Shookhauri, n.,  Sixpence (shauhaúri, shov, haúri)  'Shoóko-kan., ngri, Deaf person, Pasp., kashukS, deaf  Shoóko, adj., Dry. Pasp., shukd


(delwedd E6877) (tudalen 136)

136 G\PSY-ENGLISH Shoóko-maurom6ngri-teni, Suffolk; lit* dry bread  fellows' county  Shool, v., To whistle (shol). Pasp., shonddva  Shool6va, I whistle  Shoold*> They whistled .., ' > n.,  Moon. ' Pasp., tchon Shoónaw,pl., Months Shoon, v., To hear, listen, hearken, etc. Pasp., shundva Shoon6va, I hear Shoon., ssa, Thou hearest Shoon., Ia, He hears Shoónta! Listen! Hark I Shoon6m, We will hear Shoóned6m,| «, . , f 1 heard Shoondom, > Sar kek shoon., nna,. If they will not hear Shoondds, He heard Shoond., They heard Shoon l*ndi! Remember! lit., listen to them Shoon-/(*-kóngri, A bell; lit., hark to church Shoónaben, ) .. Qi,*A«o«,*«*«- f *'> Newspaper  onoonamengn,; Shandngro, «., Lawyer, liar; from assonance  «, * \ n.,  Vinegar. Pasp., shut* shutkS Shoótelo, Shoótlo, Shoótlo chor, Sorrel; lit, sour grass Shoot shokdw. Lettuce, any plant used in making  salad  Shoóva, n. Gown (shoóba)  Shoóvlo, adj.* Swollen. Pasp., skuvld Shoóvli, /., Pregnant (shodbli)  Shor, v.. To praise. Pasp., ashardva Shoróva, I do praise Shór/«* his kókero, Bragging, boasting

[ adj,y Sour. Pasp., shutU


(delwedd E6878) (tudalen 137)

 VOCABULARY, I37 Shóroben, n.,  Boast  Shoró,] Shóro, V n., Head (sh*ro, shúro). Pasp., sherd  Shóri, ) Shoréngro, n,* Chief, captain, foreman, heaáman,  lawyer Baúro-shoréngro, Lord Shóro jfnomus gafro, A learned man; lit, head-  knowledge-man Shórokno, n.,  Chief, master Shórokno gAiro, A heaáman, clever fellow, collegian Shórokn.,  gairó,pl., Clever men Shórokono moosháw, Disciples; lit., chief men *\\A W*\ *'* R*ibbit (shúshi). Pasp., skosMi Shoshó,pl., Rabbits  Shov, adj., Six. Pasp., shov, sho Shookhadrl,) c- /t. / n Sha,ihadri. } "•' *'''P*""' **"">  Shúmas, \stpL imperf., We were (sho'mas, shámas). Pasp., isámas  Shúro, n.,  Head (sh*ro, shóro). Pasp., sherd  Shushi, n., Rabbit (shóshi). Pasp., shoshái Shushef,pl., Rabbits Shúshenghi h*vyaw. Rabbit-holes  'Si, Is (see). Pasp., isi Si, canj., As. } From assonance of is and as when spoken  quickly Jaw door si too, As far as you Kek na kom6va jdfri tandw si kó1i, I do not like  such places as these M*ripen tanaw si dik*la. Murdering places as they  look (lit, looks)  Sig, adj. and adv.. Quick, soon, early, just Pasp., sigd Sfgodair, comp., Sooner, earlier, before Ken sigaw. Immediately; lit, just now Sfgo toóti, Bestir yourself, be quick


(delwedd E6879) (tudalen 138)

138 GYPSY-ENGLISH Sfker, v.. To show. Pasp., sikdva  S{ker, n., Gold  Sfkeróva, I show, I will show  Sikadds, He showed  Sfklo, adj. and /. part. Accustomed, used. Fasp., sikl6  Mdndi couldn't jiv adr* a gav, mindi'-r so siklo to the  bival, I couldn't live in a town, I am so accus-  tomed to the open air  Sfkerméngro, n.,  Show, showman, circus, pleasure-  grounds, moon  Sikeroméngro, n,. Signpost  Sim*nsa, n.,  Coúsin, relation, kin. Miklosich, úber die  mundarten, etc., part il, p. 71, No. 456, sememe  Sor see m*nsi. We are all relations  Simmer, v.. To pawn, pledge. Lieb., simmeto, a pledge;  Fasp., simadi, sign  Sfmmen'«* bo<Sáega, Pawnshop  Sfmmerom&kro, Pawnbroker  Sitis, If I can (stistis)  Siv, v., To sew. Pasp., siváva  Siváum, I sewed  l/nsiváo, Unsewn  Sivoméngro, n.,  Tailor; the name too of the Taylor tribe of Gypsies (soovéngro). Pasp., subndskero  Soov, n.,  Neeále. Pasp., suv  Skámin, n.,  Chair. Pasp., scamnl, stool; Lieb., stamtnin Skamin., , ) ., *. .  c-, , . t pl; Chairs bkammyaw,* Skámin., ngro, n.. Chair-mender, chair-bottomer


(delwedd E6880) (tudalen 139)

VOCABULARY. 1 39 Skoodflin, n., Teapot  P/am*skri skoodálin, Teapot  Kóshtudno skoodfiaw, Wooden dishes  Skninya, «.pl., Boots (sko'nyawj). Lieb., skomia; Mikl., S/uŁus, n., Slug 9 1* t i *'* ****"*' Lieb., schminddna; Mikl., i., 40 So, pron., What (sdvo). Pasp., so o /,. / f «.> Briále (sálivárdo). Pasp., sulivári S61ivaró, pl., Briáles  S61ohó1omus, n.,  Oath (s6verhol, súlverkon). Pasp., sav*l; sovH khaliám, I have sworn  Soom, \ Soon, > v., To smell. Pasp., sungdva  Soong,) Soong6va, I smell Soong*la, He smells Soóngimu$, n.,  Smell Soom a kan, Smell a stink  Soónakei, n, and adj., Gold. Pasp., soonakdi Soónakei-p*taléngro, Goldsmith Soónaka wdriga, Gold chain  Soóti, v.. To sleep, coire (sov). Pasp., saváva, p. part., suttd*  sotid Soóto, adj., Asleep, sleepy  Soot*la, He sleeps  Soótad6m, I slept  Sootadds, He slept  Jaw káter sútto. Go to sleep  Yon soóted6, They slept Dula kó1a (so) kairj toóti te jal to soóto. Poppies;  lit., those things (which) make you go to sleep  Soov, n., Neeále (siv). Pasp., suv

'I Always, often; lit., every time


(delwedd E6881) (tudalen 140)

140 GYPSY-ENGLISH Soov6ngro, n.,  Tailor (sfvoméngro). Pasp., subnd-  skoro  Sor, n and adj,y Everything, all; adv,* quite. Pasp., sarró*  sdore  Sor-kon kó11i, Everything; cf. Mikl., ú., 35, 133  (Bukowina Vocab.), sekon shiba* alle sprachen; ú.,  55, 1271 (Hungarian Vocab.), sako* every  S6r-kon-che6rus,  S6r-kon-cháirus,  S6rsin, n.,  Plate;? from saucer S6ski, adv,f Why; lit., for what. (so). Pasp., dative, sSske*  for what, why  S6ski kedds-les tálla? Why did you do it }  S6ski too nanef róker to mdndi } Why don't you  speak to me?  Sov, v,* To sleep, cotre (soóti). Pasp., sováva  Sová6m, I slept  Sová6, They slept  S6verhol,| v., To swear, curse (súlverkon, s61ohó1omus).  S6vlohol,/ Pasp., sov*l-khaliám, I have sworn; lit., I have  eaten oath S6vlohó1oben, ) * ., c/ 1-/11. f «•> Curse, oath  Soverholoben, ) fP*'**I; ) n.,  Pin.? French, *pingle. Pott, ú., 248. spina/,  Spfngher, j **.** Spink, / Spfngo, n.,  Brooch Sp{ngo, z/.. To pin, fasten with wooden skewers Spingadrus, n.,  Skewer, spit Spingadro-kó1om6ngro, Skewer-maker  Staddi,\ Stddi, > n.,  Hat. Pasp., stadik  Státi, ) Joóvioko-staAdi, Bonnet; lit., female hat  Stadni, n.,  Deer, stag. } Pott, ú., 247, stirna, cat


(delwedd E6882) (tudalen 141)

VOCABULARY, 1 4 1 Stdnya, n,. Stable. Lieb., steinia; Mikl, 1.. 38 'Qf4 H*' 1 ** ****** Cst*ripen, 'staúri). Pasp., astardi* that %c-n.± 'J i which one holds: astarid/, Sirrest  otanbeúy / Stdri, n., Star. Pasp., stiari (As.) Stdstis, If it is possible, if he can (sastfs, tast/s) 'Staúri, n.,  Prison ('stdrdi) St*kas, ft., Gate, turnpike (stfgher).? Provincial English,  steek, to shut, or from stakervava, to tread, walk.  Pott, vol. 1., p. 437 (from Puchmayer's " Romdni  Czib") >c*jt • f *'i Prison (*stAriben). Pasp., astarib., arrest  otenpen, )

'St*rom6ngro, ) * . 
St*romJ. }«.. Prisoner

*St6ripen-gav, n.,  County town  Stffo-dad, n.,  Father-in-law. German, stUf-; English, step'  St(fi-dei, Mother-in-law, \ Miklosich, "úber die mun-  Stffo-pal, Brother-in-law, / darten," etc., part ú., p. 69, No. 279, and p. 70, No. 376, shtyfdaj\ shtyfdad  Stffi-pen, Sister-in-law  Stfgher, n.,  Gate, turnpike (st*kas). Pott, ú., 246, gives i  stikay path, and compares fuss-j/'«., footpath;  Mikl., i., 39  P*sser-stfgher, Turnpike  Stor, adj,y Four. Pasp., star Trin-stor, Seven; lit, three-four  Doól-trinydw ta yek. Seven; lit, two threes and one  Doóy stordw. Eight; lit., two fours  Stor-pansh, Twenty; lit, four fives  Stor-peeréngro, Frog  Strdngli, n.,  Onion. "A mumper's lav, it means poórumi"  St*Łúi, n. pl., Stacks, cf, Harr., stagtis, a rick; Pott, ú., 246; Mikl, i., 39  Súlverkon, z/.,To swear, curse (s6verhó1, s61ohó1omus). Pasp., sov*l-khaliSnty I have sworn  Sunddyus, Sunday



(delwedd E6883) (tudalen 142)

142 GYPSY-ENGLISH Sus. Kair too sus asdr kom*ssa, Do just as you like.? Sus * so aS| with the particle asdr attached, to disguise the English words  Sátto, n.,  Sleep (soóto). Pasp., sutfJ sl*w) *-* Tobacco-pipe

T. Ta, can;., And. Pasp., (a Dad ta dei, Father and mother  Ta, con/., Than (te) Yov si bitad*r ta mdndi, He is less than I.?Ta  t=z Engl to, which is sometimes used provincially  in this sense. Some Gypsies similarly use nor,  others dan, den (than)  *ta, emphatic suffix to verbs in the imperative. Pott, vol. i.,  p. 310  Shoónta, chaw61i! Listen, mates 1  Avatd! Come here!  Ta, conj, and pron,. That Pasp., ka Yov pendds ta mdndi jab pAlla wAver mooshiw, He was jealous; lit, he said that I go after other men Wdfedo bdval ta andj kek kóshto bok, A bad wind that brings no good luck  Yov ta sas moó1o. He that was dead  Taf, n.,  Thread (tav, tel). Pasp., tav  Ta\6,prcp., Down, under, beneath (tel4 al4 '1*). Pasp., (el/  TAUa, adv., After, afterwards, except, without  TAUa, prep,y Under, beneath, behind  Tair o/a baúro wesh. Alongside of a big wood  Tállani-chó%a, Under-petticoat  Lei tale. To peel  Chin tald, To cut off, cut down  Lei o moótsi tal* o p6bo, Peel the orange; lit., take  the skin off the orange  Tarn, n., Sun (kam, sken). Pasp., kam



(delwedd E6884) (tudalen 143)

VOCABULARY. 1 43 Tcimlo, cuij., Sunny, light A corruption of kámlo  Támlo, adj.* Dark. Pasp., tam* blind; MikL, i., 43 Tamlo raáti, Dark night  Tan, ) n,y Camp, place, tent. Pasp., tan.,  place; katina*  Tdno,/ tent Tdnaw,pl., Places  Tan, z/.. To encamp Kair ti tan tálla o rook avrf o kam, Pitch your tent  under the tree out of the sun  Tarder, z/.. To pull, stretch. Pasp., traddva, to draw  Tardad6m, I pulled  TdrdadAs, He pulled  Tardade, They pulled  Tdrder/«* sháo kótor*ndi, Picking oakum; lit, pulling rope to pieces  So too tarder* match* avH o padni troóstal. Fish*  hook; lit, what you pull fish out of the water with  Tdrno, adj., Young (taúno). Pasp., ternd  Tdrno, n.,  Child Támo, «. pr,f Young, a Gypsy tribe  Tdrnodar, > , ..  Tarnodafr j ''**-' **""g*'*  Tdrnomus, n.,  Youth  TAsser, v»y To choke, drown. Pasp., tasdva  Tissdido, p. part, Choked  Tdssadds, He choked  Tastfs, If he can, if I can, if it be possible, etc. (stastfe,  tussis). A combination of U sasto id; vide Pott,  L, 370; ú., 242  Keróva-les, tastfs, I will try to do it; lit, I will do it, if I can 
Róker too, tastfs. Speak, if you can  Sor o kó1i pel*la adrál Idsti, tastfss, All the things  (everything) will fall through it, if they can (or  that can)  Titcho, I adj., Good, true, right, real, holy, ready, healthy,  Tcltcheno, ) well, safe. Pasp., tchatchund, true


(delwedd E6884b) (tudalen 144)


Titchipen, a, Truth. Pasp., Shaft/sip Tatcho vast, Right hand Tatchene gaire, or folki, Holy men, angels Tatchnes, adv., Right Kair titcho, To cur; comfort; lit, make right Yov sas o titcho yek lesko dei, He was the only a son of his mother Titchosiglú, Right opposite, face to face Tatch9 berengro, Ship captain Td,tcho-bars, Jewels Tatcho dosta, Sure enough Tittav,} Titter, v, To warm. Pasp., tatttardva ittermengri, n., Fryingepan TIE°, ad, , Warm, hot. Pasp , tattd Tattoben, a, Heat, summer. Pasp, tattats, heat Tattoskoova, Pepper Tatto-pani, Alcohol, ardent spirits , cf. American `fire-water' Tav, n., Thread (tar, tel). Pasp., tav Tesestosgav, Manchester; lit., cotton-town Twin% tag adj., j a Young (tarn o) Pasp , tenth f., Te, prej. and co, d., To, for, at, how, with, what, than, but, etc. Pasp., te Tedivvus, Today Biknevasles tei te vatsiso lima, I will sell it too for any sum Te (lova cheerus At that time of night Te Radio see, How sweet it is Yon pandas yov °pie& te lesti, They tied he (him) up with it Kelela peas te lesti nogo pori, It is playing With its own tail Te wifedo moosh see yov, What a bad man he is Derdi, te joaálo pobe see odol, ichavali I Look, what ripe apples are there, mates!


(delwedd E6885) (tudalen 145)

VOCABULARY. 1 45 Y6i see wdfedoddir te yov, She is worse than he  Kek kómeni sas kcr*d man koóshto te yov. No one but he cured me  Te, particle, used to form the subjunctive; vide Grammar, p. 39. Pasp., te  Beng te lei toot, Devil take you  Te wel mdndi te bftcheróva-len avrf, If I send them away  Te jin&sa too? Do you know?  Sha'mas te meróva, I must have died  Te dikóv avrf, dikóva. If I look out, I see  Te6ro,/nw., Thine, thy, your. Pasp., tinro  Tei, canj., Also, too, indeed. Pott, L, 308, tai; MikL, ú., 58 (1454), taj  D6sta brfshno w*la tal* ta hiv tei, Much rain comes down and snow too  Bikn6va les tei te vániso Mva, I will sell it too for any sum  Tel, n.,  Thread (tav). Pasp., tav  Tel6, prep., Down, etc. (tal*).


Pasp., tele  Tem, n.,  Country, county, district, neighbourhood, etc

Pasp., tem, people, world 

Temdw,pl., Countries 

Teméngro, n.. Countryman, rustic 

Wdver-teméngro, Foreigner 

Hfndo-tem, Ireland 

Hfndi-tem6ngro, Irishman 

Tem&kri, adj., Country 

Kaálo-tem, The ' black-country* 

Wátchkeni-tem, Wales 

Mi-Dúvel&to-tem, Heaven, the sky 

D61a tem*ski
Rómani-chab, The Gypsies of that county 

WAver t*meski I6I0 p6bo. Orange; lit, other-country red (yellow) apple 

Chórkeno-tem, Yorkshire



(delwedd E6886) (tudalen 146)

146 GYPSY-ENGLISH Ti, pron., Thine, thy. Pasp., // Tflcno, ) tf*' Small, little.) „ *., - „ Tikeno.) «.. Child. \ **P" ''*"*' y*""*' *"*** Kóshteno tfkno, Doll  Til, v., To hold. Pasp., terdva, to have; 3rd pers. sing.,  terila; Vaill., p. 73, Tipadas nufiy tilas tk MrdAn,  Si tu m'en crois, nous prendrons une voiture TxXdyp.part, Held Til apr*. To raise; lit., hold up Tflom*ngri, n.,  Reins, pincers, snaptrap Mi Doóvel kek til*ssa (tiUld) l&ti sor tátcho, God  will not hold him guiltless Yov tildds l*sko shóro opre, He held his head up  Tobir, n.,  Axe, hammer. Pasp., tavh-* axe T5'ver,\ To'fer, V n.,  Hammer, axe, anvil To'ber,)  To'ber kovs (coves), Highwaymen. " That's mumpers* talk"  Tk*ketan., , adv,y Together  ToOf pron., Thou, you. Pasp., tu

Toóki,  Toóti,

'. '[ Thy. Pasp., ist dat, tute; 2nd dat, tike _ . ' } pran, ace. Thee, you. Pasp., ace, tut  looti,/ Tússa, pron. instr., With thee. Pasp., ttisa Mintchi too! Cheer up!  Tood, n.,  Milk. Pasp., tut Tood, v., To milk  Toof, n., Smoke (toov, túvlo). Pasp., tuv, tobacco for smoking  Toógeno,' Toógno, a*'.. Sorry, grieved (túgno). Pott, ú., 307; Mikl,  Toogn6, i., 10, 41 Toógnus„ Toógeno, adf\, Lonesome, lonely

x*. C:



(delwedd E6887) (tudalen 147)

VOCABULARY. 1 47 v., To grieve  Sorrow Mi toog is quite mist6; I am quite well  Toóki, pran., Thee (tuki, too). Pasp., 2nd dat., túke  Toóshni, n., Basket, faggot (kdshni, trushni, tdshni). Pasp., kSshnika  To<Stchi, n., Breast (Lat, mamma), Pasp., tchutcki Tootcháw,pl., Breasts  Toóti,/r*w., Thee, thy, for thee (too). Pasp., ist dat, tite  Toov, n.,  Smoke (toof). Pasp., tuv, tobacco  Toov, v,f To smoke  Toóvlo, n.,  Tobacco (túvlo)  Toóvlo-g6nno, Tobacco-pouch  7V-r4ati, To-night  T6rro, adj,* High. Pasp., khor* deep T6rropen, n.,  Height  Tov, v.* To wash. Pasp., iováva T6v6va, I will wash  T5ver, n., Axe (tobAr). Pasp., tovir; Mikl., i., 42  Trad, To lei trad, to take care.? A translation oi prenez  gardCy corrupted into grade, and then trad  Trad, n.,  Order, notice, etc., e.g., mdndi dels toáti  kodshto trad to kair dodva, I order you to do so;  lit., I give thee good order to do that; del man  trad, show me; } lit., give me advice  Trash, ) z/., To fear, frighten, astonish. Pasp., trizsháva*  Trdsher,* to fear Trashóva, I fear, I am afraid  Trash*la, He fears, frightens  Trash*nna, They fear T 4 h /t\ ** party Frightened, afraid, astonished Trdsh/«/, adj,y Fearful  -4 trash. Afraid Trash, n,y Fear, fright, astonishment  Trash see mdndi, I am afraid; lit., fear is to me  Trdslo, adj,y Thirsty (tro<Sshlo). Pasp., trushaUy thirsty


(delwedd E6888) (tudalen 148)


Tr*/rig*., In (dri) -, . ' I ad/., Three. Pasp., /r/» Trin-g6rishi, Shilling  Trin-ta-stor, \ Trfn-stor, > Seven Do<Sl trinydw ta yekj — / f «.i Body, corpse. Lieb., trufio; Mild., i., 42 Troópus,\ Troópia, > n. p/.. Stays Troop6, /  Troosh, n.,  Thirst. Pasp., /n., * Trodshlo, ad/., Thirsty (trdslo). Pasp., trushald  Troóshel, \ n.,  A trail formed by three heaps of grass at  Tro<ishilo,J cross-roads. Pasp., trusMl, cross  Troóshni, n.,  Can, quart, any large vessel, bunále (kúshni,  túshni). Lieb., tuschni, flask, bottle if Z**-' About, of, concerning. Lieb., trujal Mdndi kom&sa {kom6vá) te shoon troostál l&ti, I  would like to hear about him So ker*ssa o patróni troostál } What do you make  trails of? So too tdrderj match* avri o padni troóstal. Fish-  hook; lit., what you pull fish out of the water with Troostál medro kóshto kómomusti Doóvel kerV  mdndi kóshto, However my good kind God made  me well  Túkki, pron., Thee (toóki) T*'ir* f) *'' *** stout, plump. Pasp., iuU rr- /If. f «•> Fat, grease, ointment  Túllipen, ) Túllo-mas-tem, Lincolnshire; lit., fat-meat county Túgno, adj., Tiring, fatiguing (toc*no) Tumdndi, /re?n.,  To ye, ye. Pasp., ist dat. pi., tum/nde


(delwedd E6889) (tudalen 149)


Túshni, n.,  Faggot, basket (toóshni, etc.) Pasp., kSshnika basket Tússa, pron.* With thee, thee. Pasp., tisa Ti*ssis ) ry . ' [ If it be possible (tastfs) ., t/f n.,  Tobacco (toov, etc.) Pasp., tuv* tobacco  Túvlopen, n.,  Tobacco

V AND W. These letters are almost always interchangeable. Wdfedo, adj,y Bad (vásavo, wdsedo) Wdfedo/*ZH, Enemies Wdfedo gdiro. Enemy Wdfedo róken«* gafro, Chatterer Wdfedop*n, n.,  Wickedness Wdfedes, adv., 111 Wdfedoddir, comp.* Worse Wdfedo-d{k««*-tan, Wilderness; lit, bad-looking  place Wdfedo bdval ta andj kek koóshto bok, (An) ill wind  that brings no good luck  Wagyaúro, n.,  Fair, market (walgaúrus)  Vdkasho, n.,  Lamb (b6kocho, b6koro). Pasp., bdkritchS W;4r ' } *'' Bottle, glass. Lieb., walin Válin6sko-men, n., Bottle-neck, neck of a bottle  Walgaúrus, n.,  Fair (wagyaúro, w*lingaúro). This word  occurs in the following forms in English collec-  tions: — Bright, varingera; Harriot, vail goro;  Roberts, waggaultis (Pott, ú., **y and Predari, p.  274, give the same word from Kogalnitschan, who  took it from Roberts); "Illustrated Lond. News,"  1851, p. 715, vellgouris, pi.; Leland, welgoaro, pp.  50, 56, 66, 114, 212; wellgooros, pi, 137; well-  godras, pi., 211; Borrow, "Lavo-lil," weggaulus,


(delwedd E6890) (tudalen 150)



wtlgorus, welgaulus. Bryant, Irvine, Simson, and  Sorrow's earlier works do not include the word.  Fasp., p. 255, in voce, inklidv, " panayir*ste (G. M.  wtunrYvpú)," to the fair; Vaillant, Gramm. Romm.,  vagatl, foire  Vingar, n.,  Coals, money (Angar, v6ngar). Pasp., angdr, coal  V/angúshterx, n.,  pl., Rings (v6ngusti, etc) Pasp., angustri  Viniso, a4j. and n.,  Any, anything (viriso, wi5riso). MJklo-  sich, úbcr die Mundarten, part ú., p. 60, No. 1612,  valaso; No. 1622, vareko; No. 1626, vareso  Viniso ktimeni. Anybody  lVdntas6v3., I do want Too wdntis*T, Thou wantest  Vdrdo, I * * „ ., Wirdo,* "
' ***' Pa*P- "'"Warátegro, «. /r.. Cooper, a Gypsy gang  Wirdesko-her., pl., Wheels; lit., cart l*s  Wirdesko-kó1a, Harness; lit, cart things  Wdrdesko-prasterm*ngri, Wheel; lit., cart runner  Prister(«*-wirdesko-atchi«*-tan, Railway station; lit, running-cart's stopping-place  Boóttesto-virdo, Knifegrinder's barrow; lit, working cart  Re/esko-virdo, Carriage; lit, gentleman's cart  Poov-virdo, 1 Plough; lit, earth-cart (.'bavéngro,  Vdrdo-bavingro,/ for poovéngro)  Wdrdi, «. pi., Cards. From the assonance of caris and cards  Wirdi,pl., Carts  Wirdi*ri, Carters  Viriso, See VAniso  Viro, n.,  Flour (v6ro). Pasp., var* VaS*o} "■■'"'""• ''°"  Virter, v., To watch. Lieb., garda, precaution  Rakl* vart asir Iáti, Boys watch her  Vart/nimi, They are watching us


(delwedd E6891) (tudalen 151)


Vast, \ VAsti, Vas, Wast, Wdsto,J

n.,  Hand, fist. Pasp., vast

V*astaw * Wastaw,) *'•' Hands. Pasp., vastd

Wast*ngri*j, n, ply Handcuffs WAsteni-moóshaw,pl., Arms Wdsto-b6shoméngro, Drum Y6gesto-w4staw, pl., Tongs Wast hánik. Anvil; lit., hand-well. Due to assonance  Vdsavo, ) adj,y Bad (wdfedo). } Formed from, Pasp., bez*h*  Wdsedo, ) sin; or from peisy bad; Ousely's "Travels in Persia," úi., 400 (see Pott, ú., 368)  Vas, bálo-vas, n.,  Bacon (mas)  Wdver, adj,y Other, others (w6ver, etc.) Pasp., yavir Wdver.,pl., Others WAver-teméngro, Foreigner; lit, other-country (man)  Ve*na, n.,  Excuse Ve*nlo, adj,y Excused Lei ve*na. Take notice 'Vel ) *AA/ 1 i *'* '** come, become (av*l, aw61). Pasp., ila* come I Wó1a, He comes  WelAssa,) *- *Vfesa wV mdndi tald koo (k'o) kftchema? Will you  go with me down to the inn } Welsh Romanes W*nna,) Ven, Vi6m, I came Vidn, You came Vids, He came Sor m*ndi viám. We all came Vi*m ak*i o wdver koóroko. We came here last (lit,  the other) Sunday

' [ They come


(delwedd E6892) (tudalen 152)

152 GYPSY- ENGLISH Kdnna vún tomindi akef t When did ye come here? Vi., They came, b*., became Wól'd,p.pari., Came Wet pálla, To follow; lit, come after Te 'wel, May it come, or become Te wel k<iva kodsi poov me*ro n6go, Would that this little field were my own  Yon te vel sor tatchó. Kek yon te wel pánlo. They will be all right. They will not be put in the ' pound '  Te vel yov ake{. If he were to come here  Kek mdndi te wel Ifno opr., I shall not be arrested  Te wel toot rinkeni, If you be pretty  Te wel m*di te mer, If I happened to die  Wilingaúro, «, Fair (walgaúrus)  Ven, They come. See Vel \xr ' \ **• Winter. Pasp., vent, vend Vinlo, > ,. .,,. , Vinesto-chafnis,) ..,, * . .-  ., , , > Wmter, wmter-time Ven-cheerus, ) V*ndri, n.,  Gut, intestine. Lieb., wenterfa W*ndraw,/* Entrails  W*nna, They come. See Vel  Viriga, , W*rigo, I n., Chain. Bw., Span. G., betiga; Pott, ú.. So;  V*riglo, [ MikL, i., 44  W*riglo,* Men-w6riga, Necklace  Vesh, >  Wesh ( "' *'""***' wood. Pasp., vesk W&haw,) ., „, . WeshAw,t**'**=** Vesh*ngrro, \ n.,  Gamekeeper, one who takes care of Wesh*r*ro,/ a wood, forester Wfahni-múllo, Owl



(delwedd E6893) (tudalen 153)

VOCABULARY. 1 53 Vesh.joókel, * *** O 161o-w6shkeno-joókel,J Weshkeni-tflom6ngri, Trap, snare  'Vfni, n.,  Beer (lovína). Lieb., lawina  Vi6m, I came. See *Vel wishto j ""•' *'P- Pasp.,t;«*A/ 'Pr*-engro-wisht, Upper lip TAlani-wisht, Under lip 


Wólsho, n. pr., Wales (Wótchkeni). Lieb., walschdo; Pott,  i., 53, Walldscho, French

Wálshngro, n.,  Welshman

Kek mándi can róker Wólshitka, I cannot speak  Welsh. Lieb., walschdikko temm.,  welschland,  Frankreich


V6ngar, ) n.,  Coals, money (vángar, dngar). Pasp., angdr*  Wóngar,i coal Wóngali-gafri, j * **jj.* Wóngarengn., .r,> *  V6nka, | adv.* When. } Mikl, li., 36 (59), ««., noch (in  Wónka,/ Kolomyjer Kreise Galiziens Vocab.) V6nka see raáti, When it is night Wónka jdfra iv pedds tal4 When there was such a  snowstorm Wónka mdndi vi6m akef. When I came here  V6ngusti, % V6ngushi, n., Ring, finger. Pasp., angustri* ring; angusht  Wóngushi, finger  V6ngus, ' Vongshángri,* n,y Glove F6shono-w6ngushi*j, False rings, rings of imitation gold Vongusht., \ ,  Vong6shter.,l*'-'**''es Wast-v6ngusht6, ) ., «.  V6ngustch., '}pl., Fingers Woóder, n., Door. Pasp., vMd4r


(delwedd E6894) (tudalen 154)

1 54 GYPSY-ENGLISH vl*ll*** } **' ** (wúdress). Pott, ú., 78; Mikl., i., 27 Chived to woódrus, Confined Woódrus-gav-tem, Bedfordshire Opró woódrus, Upstairs; lit, upon bed, but used for  upstairs. O baúro kam6ra see opró woódrus, The  big room is upstairs  Woóser, \ * .**  Woósher.; *•' *° *'"°"* Woóserdva, I do, or will, throw Woóser apró. To vomit Woósad6m apró, I vomited Woósadds, He threw 'Wodstred, p, party Thrown  V6ro, n., Flour (váro). Pasp., vard  Wóriso. See VAriso


Wótchkeni-tem, Wales (Wólsho). Pott, i., 53, Walldscho,  French Wótchkenéngro, n.,  Welshman 


Wóver, adj.* Other (aw6ver, ovávo, wdver). Pasp., **j:z//r  Wúdrus, n., Bed (woódrus) Wúdrus-shórom6ngro, Pillow Wúdrus-ddndimingri, Bug; lit, bed-biter

Y. YAkel, n.,  Dog (joókel). Pasp., djukil  YArdooka,) . .... . . Ydrduxa, > *'' *P*'*'* (joni<ixa, etc.) Y2MViypron,y They (yon). Pasp., ol  Yek, ddj., One. Pasp., yek Y6kino, adj., Single, only Y6korus,\

Y*kos,  Y6koro,  Y*kera,  Y6ka,

- adv.* Once

• n.,  Gun


(delwedd E6895) (tudalen 155)

 VOCABULARY. 1 55 Yov kom'rf asdr Idndi do&i sar y*kera, He loved them  both equally; lit., them both as one  Y6ka, n.,  Haste (h*ka)  Yiv, n., Snow (iv, etc.) Pasp., viv, iv, etc. Yivyela, It snows (yiv [d]ála, it gives snow)  Yog, «., Fire. Pasp., ya* Yog-chik, Ashes; lit., fire-dirt Yogéngro, Yog*ngri, Y6gom6ngri, Y6gom6skro,* Yog*ngri-choóko, Shooting-coat Y6gom6ngro, \ Yog*ngri gaújo, > Gamekeeper Yog-moosh, / Yog*ngri*j, «. pl., Lucifer matches Y6gesto-wdstaw, pl., Tongs Dood-yog6nghi-kóshter, Firebrand Y6genghi ndflopen, Fever; lit, fiery illness, pyrexia Y6gongo-tan, Fireplace -* .' I pron,y She. Pasp., 6i  Yok, n.,  Eye. Pasp.,*** Yok*ngri*i", «. pl., Spectacles Y6k., adj,* Knowing, wideawake, sharp Y6k* rfvoben, Fine linen Y6\iyf6lk\, Fine people Cocfy y6ki, Squinting, cockeyed. A nickname for  the Boswell tribe about Manchester  Yon, pron., They (yaun). Pasp., ol Yoóso,| adj.y Clean, clear. Pasp., kosháva* ghoshávay to  Yoózo,/ clean; ushandva* to sift Yoóser, z/.. To clean (kósher) Yoózheróva, I clean Yoózhad6m o kair tátcho, I swept the house cleai)


(delwedd E6896) (tudalen 156)

156 GYPSY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. Yoózhad., They swept  Yodzhadis, He swept  Yoóser apró, To sweep, clean up  Yodsering' kosht, Broom, brush  Yoózhoben, Cleanliness  Y6ra, n.,  Watch, hour, clock (6ra, etc.) Pasp., *a, watch Y6rakana-koóroko, Easter; lit., Egg-Sunday  Y6resko-chóxa, Egg-shell Yow» \ pron., He (ov). Pasp.,  ov  Yuv,) Z. Zee, n.,  Heart, soul. Pasp., og-hi; gki (As.) Zeedw,pl., Hearts See-6ngro, adj., Spirited  Zfmen, n., Soup, broth. Pasp., zumi; Lieb., summin.


(delwedd E6897) (tudalen 157)


The words in this Appendix are taken from a variety of  Anglo-Romany sources, from which those words only are  extracted which we have not ourselves heard, and which  have their representatives in foreign Gypsy vocabularies,  or seem to us otherwise noteworthy.  The following contractions are used: Bw. I Z., 2 Z. — Borrow, "Zincali," 3rd edition, 1843, in 2 vols.  „ Z. — Borrow, "Zincali," i86i edition, in i vol.  „ I L., 2 L., 3 L. — Borrow, " Lavengro," 1851 edition, in 3 vols.  „ I R., 2 R. — Borrow, " Romany Rye," 1857 edition, in 2 vols.i  „ W.— Borrow, "Wild Wales,** 1868 ed., i vol., post 8vo, ch.xcvúi.  „ LL— Borrow, " Lavo-lil," 1874.  Bnt — Bryant's Vocabulary, contained in the "Annual Register," 1784.  Bgt— Bright's "Travels through Lower Hungary," 1818.  Boht— Bohtlingk's "Uber die Sprache der Zigeuner in Russland, Melanges Asiatiques,* vol. 2, part 2.  Boorde. — Andrew Boorde, " Introduction of Knowledge" (a.d. 1547),  reprinted 1870, for Early English Text Society, by Trúbncr  and Co., London, p. 218. See " The Academy," 25 July, 1874,  p. 100.  Hotten.—" Slang Dictionary," 1864.  Harr. — Col. Harriot's Vocabulary, published in " Royal Asiatic Soc* Transactions," 1830.  LL.N. — " Illustrated London News."  Irv.— Irvine's Vocabulary, published in " Bombay Literary Society's Transactions," 1819.  Lid.— Leland, " English Gypsies," 1873.


(delwedd E6898) (tudalen 158)

158 APPENDIX TO THE Lieb. — Dr. Liebich, '' Die Zigeuner/' etc., 1863. Mild. — Miklosich, " Ubcr die Mundarten und die Wanderungen der Zigeuner Europas,'' Vienna, 1872.  Pasp. — Dr. Paspatiy " Tchinghian., s ou Bohámiens de TEmpire Otto- man," 187a  Pott— Dr. Pott, " Die Zigeuner," etc., 1844  Sim. — Simson's "History of the Gypsies," 1865.  Smith. — Smith's "Tent-life with English Gypsies in Norway," 1873.  VailL — VaiUant, "Grammaire Rommane," Paris, 1868.


' " — — y — , ., _ — *-f -J — ,\ fBw.. 3 L.,209; I R.,245 n p,*„ * . ., I,; *'*'' \ Boorde; / Y**.,ambról

Afta, Seven. Bnt. (eft, heft-wardesh); Pasp., eftd Ambrol, ) Ambrell, And6, Into. Bw., i L., 325;| p** *** Ando, In. Bw., LI., 17; ) ***' Anglo, Before. Bw., LI., 17; Pasp., angli Astis, Possible, it is possible. Bw., LI., 18 (estist) Artav, To forgive, pardon.) Bw., LI., 18, 130; artavávam, Artapen, forgiveness. / 210; Vaill., ertifa, pardon

B. Bedra, Pail. Bw., LI., 264 (pitaree); Pasp., beldni* beldi* trough; Mikl., i., 44  BoUa, To baptise. Bw., LI., 24; Pasp., boldva  Bo, Stove. Bw., LI., 265. Pasp., bov  Beshaley, Stanley, a Gypsy tribe. Bw., LI, 22 C. Calshes, Breeches. Sim., 300, 315; Pott, ú., 170 Chaori, Lasses. Bgt.; Pasp., tchaioH* lass Choomomengro, Boswell tribe. Bw., LI., 82 Chungalo, Void, without form. Bw., LI., 1 19; Pasp., tchungalS Colee, Anger. Bnt.; Pasp., khoUn Corbatcha, } Whip. Bw., W.; } Boht., karbatscho, whip Covantza, Anvil. Bw., 3 L., 192; Pasp.; 42, govanitcha


(delwedd E6899) (tudalen 159)

GYPSY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 1 59 D. Dearginni, It thunders. Bw., i L., 338; Bgt., Hungn. G., derguner; MikL, ú., 42, No. 309, derginjel  Devlehi, With God. Bw., 3 L., 186; i Pott, 191, devleha  Deue lasse. For God s sake. Boorde; Pasp., devlisa  Dook, Ghost, spirit Bw., 2 L., 241; 3 L., 66; i R., 114,  115, 193, 210, 233. YdiS*., dikhos; Lieb., tucAo;  MikL, 1., 10  Dugilla, Lightning {? dearginni). Bgt.  Duito, Second. Bw., LI., 40; Lieb., dui*o E. Efage, Irish Gypsy. Harr. Eft, Seven. Bw., LI. (aft, heft-wardesh). Pasp., ef* Enneah, Nine. Bnt.; Pasp., enid Enyovardesh, Ninety. Bw., LL, 156. Fdisp., inid far desk Estist, May be. Bw., LL, 1 38 (astis) G. *\s. and v., Thunder; to thunder. Bw., LL, 47; * ., ' I Fasp., kúrmi: MikL, L, 13  Grubbena, / Grondinni, It hails. Bw., i L., 338; i Pott, 104, grades; YoXvSáy grad; KMSS.,gradi; MikL, i., 12 H. Harko, Copper. Bw., W., 344; i Pott, lojyharfas; 119, Pchm., charkom  Harkomescro, Coppersmith. Bw., 3 L., 53  Horkipen, Copper. Bw., LL, 51 Heftwardesh, Seventy. Bw., LL, 158; Yzsp,*eftd far desk  Hetayava, To slay, etc.; Bw., LL, 49  Hir, By. Bw., 3 L., 53, 172; i R., 230; Bw., Hungn. G., LL, 126, heri


(delwedd E6900) (tudalen 160)

l60 APPENDIX TO THE Hushti, Wide awake there. Lid., 102; Pasp., ushtidva* I get up; uskHf get up!  Husker, To help. Lid., 209 I.  Inna, In, within. Bw., LI., 5 1 K. Kater (myla barforas?), How farre (is it to the next towne?) Boorde;? Pasp., ybor, combien  Kona, A meal. Irv.; Hind., khana* dinner; Mikl., i., 20  Koppas, Times. Lid., 22 1; Lieb., koppa, time L. Lach ittur ydyues, Good morow. Boorde; Pasp., latchS to  diviSy bon ton jour = bon j.; Pott, ú., 33 1, latschidir  diweSf einen bessem Tag  Later, From her. Bw., LL, 60; Pasp., Iátar  Lendar, From them. Bw., LL, 60; Pasp., Undar  Lestar, From him. Bw., LL, 160; Pasp., listar  LuUero, Dumb. Lid., 107; Pasp., laUri M. Malleco, False. Bw., LL, 63; } Pasp., ntakld, stained  Mander, From me. Bw., LL, 64; Pasp., mdndar  Manrickli, Cake. Bw., 3 L., 52; Pasp., manrikU  Manro,| /Bw., 2 L., 167;) * . Manor,} *****- 1 Boorde; ] "***V. ntanrS Mille, Thousand. Bw., LL, 154; Bw., Span. G., Zinc, milan  Mokkado tanengre, Marshall, a Gypsy tribe. Bw., LL, 232  Mole pis lauena, Wyl you drynke some wine (lit.. Pray will you drink beer). Boorde; Pasp., molisardva;  Mikl., i., 24  Mormusti, Midwife. Bw., LL, 68; Lieb, mamischizza


(delwedd E6901) (tudalen 161)

GYPSY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. l6l Mosco, A fly. Bw., LI., 68; Pasp., maki; Lieb., madzlin  Muscro, Through. Lid., 232; Pasp., maskar., in the midále  Mushipen, Lad. Bw., LI., 69, 176; Pasp., manushipi,  humanity N. Nick, To take away, steal. Bw., LI., 71; Pasp., nikdva, to go out  Nill, River, etc. Lid., 113; Pasp., len

O. Ochto, Eight. Bw., LL, 1 54; Pasp., okhtS Oitoo, Eight. Bnt.; Pasp., oktd Olescro, His. Bw., 2 Z., 145* Opral, Above. Bw., LI, 72 (pral); Pasp., oprál

P. Pa, For. Bw., i L., 325; Bw., Span. G.,/* Paloo, Cup. Irv.; Pasp., báli,pal Paningosha, Handkerchief. Roberts, 98; Pott, ú., 'i/*i*pand- schoche; Mikl., i., 31  Panschto, Fifth. Bw., LL, 120; Ui..,* panschto  Pashall, With. Lid., 225; Yz.*.., pash&l, near PauverD ****' "'"**" **' ***' *** ' French, /a:«z/r*  Penchava, To think. Bw., LL, 76, 142, 156, 162; Pasp., pintchardva, to understand, know  Peneka, Nut. Bgt.; ) i Pott, 120, 191, pennach; Penliois, Nuts. Bw., LL, yj \) loS, pelenda, Bisch,  Peshota, Bellows. Bw., 3 L., 192; Lid., 39; Pasp.,/wArf// MikL, i., 33  Phar, Silk. Bnt.; Lieb., par  Pindro, Hoof. Bw., 3 L., 194; TsLsp.,ptnr(f  Pita«-''e, Basket. Irv. (bedra) II


(delwedd E6902) (tudalen 162)

1 62 APPENDIX TO THE Pitdi, To stick. Lid., ú6; Mflcl, it., 34 (112), Bukowina Vocab., fisdeas, er stiess  Plaistra, Pincers. Bw., 3 L., 193; Pasp., kldshta; MikL, i., 16  Poshavaben, False laughter. Smith, 382  Powiskie, Musket Sim., 314; Bw., LL, úi*puskca; Pasp., pushkd; MikL, i., 33  Praia, To seize. Bw., 3 L., 192 Prosser ) p '! To ridicule. Lid., 94; Pasp., prasdva Put, Abjrss. Bw., LI., 119; Bw., Span. G., button.,  putar R. Rek of the tarpe, } the vault of heaven. Bw., LL, 120 Rin, File. Bw., 3 L., 194; Pasp., rin Romanie, Whisky. Sim., 296, 314, 333; Pott, iL, 274, rapánus  Rossarmescro, Heme, a Gypsy tribe. Bw., LL, 85 S. Sano, Soft. Lid., 23 1; Pasp., sannS  Selno, Green. Lid., 29; Lieb., sennilo; MikL, L, 47  Shel, Hundred. Bw., LL, 140, 154, 158, 162; Pasp., j-4*/  Sherrafo, *3:* Sharrafo, Religious. Bw., LL, 89, 122  Shovardesh, Sixty. Bw., LL, 154; Pasp., skov far desk  Shukara, Hammer. Bw., 3 L., 193; Pasp., tchokdnos  Surrelo, Strong. LL, 29, 31, 177, etc.; Lieb., .r<?r/*; Pasp., zoral6  Swa, Fear (f for t?), Bgt.; Pasp., dsfa, dsva, tears  Swety, Folk. Bw., i R., 84; LL, 92; i Pott, 107, svaetos, swieto; Mild., i., 39 T. Tarpe, Heaven. Bw., LL, 120; Bw., Span. G., tarpe  Teeyakas, Shoes. Sim., 297, 315, 332; } Pasp., tridk


(delwedd E6903) (tudalen 163)

GYPSY-ENGLISH VOCABULARY. 1 63 Trianda, Thirty. Bw., LL, 158; Pasp., tridnda  Trito, Third. Bw., 2 Z., 145*; Lieb., trinto  Tschar, Ashes. I.L.N., 185 1, Dec, p. 71S; Pasp., tchar (As.)  Tschammedini, A slap on the face. Bgt.; i Pott, 173,  dschamtinya; Lieb., tschamntadini V. Vastro, Hand. Smith, 528; Pasp., vastorS* a little hand  Villarminni, It lightens. Bw., i L., 338; Mikl.,ú.,6o (1642), villáminel; (1643), 'i*Hi*f*o  Vol, To fly. Bw., LL, 120, voUlatiy 210; Mikl., ú., 33, volavel, vuravel, fliegt  Voker, To talk. Hotten, 266; Pasp., vrakerdva Y. Yeckto, First Bw., LI., 119; \A.,yjekkto Z. Zezro, Left (hand). Bgt.; Bw., Span. G., iesdra; Lieb.,  serwes


(delwedd E6904) (tudalen 165)




Note.— Words marked with an asterisk (
) will be found in the Appendix to the Gypsy-English Vocabulaiy.

A. About, TroostcLl Above, Apr., opr., pr., opral,* praller*  Ache, n, and v., Doóker  Across, Paúdel, párdel  Actions, Kdiropen  Active, Sig Actor, Peidskro-moosh  Afraid, Trdshlo, atrish  After, Pálla, palál, tálla  After-birth, Poshbeenimus  Again, *p6ph', p6pli  Age, Poóroben  Ago, Pálla, ghids, q.v.  Air, Bdval  Alehouse, Kftchema  Alien, Gaújo  Alive, Jfváo, jfvo, jfdo  All, Sor  Allow, Mook-.>

Alone, *kónyo, bikónyo, kó- kero, kokeró  Along, Tal6 (o drom)  Already, Kendw  Also, Tei Altogether,Sor-ketan6, ketan6  Always, Sor che*rus*J, sorkón che6rus  Am, Shorn Amen, 'Jaw see ta 'jaw see  Anchor, B*resto tflom*ngri  Ancient, Poóro, poórokono  And, Ta  Angel, Yek o* midoóverj td- tcho gairó  Anger, Colee*  Angry, H6ino, hóno, haúrino, kórni  Ankle, Pfresto-kokálos  Another, Wav6r, tfw6ver, ová- vo, w6ver


(delwedd E6905) (tudalen 166)



Answer, Poóker, del lav káter

Ant, Kreéa

Anus, Jeer

Anvil, Covantza,* kaúlomés-kro-kóva, pétalésto-kóva, wast-hánik 

Any, Vániso, váriso, wóriso 

Apple, Póbo

Apple-tree, Póbesko rook 

Apprehend, Lei opré 

Apron, Járifa, járika, jorjófa, jorjóxa, chárdoka, shárdoka, yárduxa, yárdooka 

Are, Shan, see, q,v.  Arm, Moóshi, moósho, wdst- eni-moosh  Armpit, Moósheno-hev  Army, Koórim6ngeri  Artful, Gizvero  As, 7*w, sar  Ascend, Jal opró  Ashamed, *Iddj, ladj  Ashes, Chik, yog-chik, tschar*  Ask, Pootch  Asleep, Soóto  Ass, M6ila, m6ila  Assize, Baury6, badri, bauro- poókenyuski-b6shopen  Astonish, Trdsher  Asylum, Dfvio-kair  Attorney. See Lawyer  Auction, Bfkinopen  Aunt, Be*bi  Autumn, Pálla lilef  Avoid, N/sser  Awdke, 7>., J6nger, atch opró, hushti*

Away, *dróm, avri  Awful, Trdsh/«/  Axe, T6ver, tobdr

B. Baby, T*kno chávo, támo chávo  Back, n.,  Doómo  Back, adv., Pauli, pálla  Bacon, Bálovás  Bad, Vdsavo, wdsedo, wdfedo, b*ngalo, doosh  Badger, Badjairvis  Badness, Wdfedopen  Bag, Gúnno  Baker, Mauréngro  Bald, N6ngo  Ball (dance), Kdopen  Baptise, BoUa *  Barber, Morméngro, múrav- mdngro  Bare, N6ngo  Barefoot, N6ngo-pe*ro  Bark, v., Bosh  Barley, Lfvina-ghiv  Bam, Grdnza, grdinsi, lood- open  Basket, Kópsi, kfpsi, kúshni, túshni, toóshni, troóshni, pitaree *  Bastard, Dadéngro, ddálo, dddomdngro, boshtdrdus, bostdrdo, bastdrdo  Bathe, Jal adró the padni  Battle, Koóroben, koórimus  Be, See, vel, wel




(delwedd E6906) (tudalen 167)


Beads, Mdrikk?., m*rikli&f  Beak, Chfriklesto nok  Bean, Boóbi  Bearded, . Choóralo  Beat, Koor, del  Beating, Koóroben  Beautiful, Rfnkeno  Become, Vel, wel, q,v.  Bed, Voddrus, woddrus  Bedfordshire, WoiSáruS'gav- tem  Bee, Fisham, podshamer, godálo-pfshamer, godálo- pfsham  Beef, Moóshkeno-mds, grod- venesko-mds  Beer, Lfvina, lovína, Vfnf  Beerseller, Lfven., ngro  Before, Anglo,* aglál, *glal, agál, 'gal  Beg, Mong Beggar, Mdngaméngro  Begging, Mongamus  Behaviour, Kdiropen, káriben, kárimus  Behind, Pálla, palál, paúli  Belief, Pátsaben  Believe, Pátser  Bell, Shoon-/'*-kdngri  Bellows, Peshota,* poddam*n- gri, poodála*  Below I **j* *j* ,j* ***  Beneath, j  Bend, Kair bdngo  Bent, Bdngo  Berry, Dúril  Better, F*terdafro, f*radair

Bible, Mi-dodvel&skohlil  Big, Baúro  Bigger, Bauroddr  Billhook, Chfnoméngro, kis- soni  Bind, Pdnder, pand, pan  Bird, Ch*riklo, chfriklo  Birdcage, Chfriklesto kair  Birmingham, Kaulo-gav  Bit, n.,  Kátor, kodsi  Bitch, Jodkli  Bite, Ddnder, dan  Bitter, Shoátlo (lit., sour)  Black, Kaúlo  Blackbird, Kaúlo-chóriklo  Blackness, Kaúlopen, kaúloK ben  Blackpool, Kaúlo gav, kaúk>- padni-gav  Blacksmith, Kaúlomdskro, kauloméngro, sdstram*skro, p*tal6ngro  Blanket, Kdppa  Blaze, Yog, hátcher, kitchar  Bless, Pdrav, párik  Blind, Koródo, kárdi, kord  Blindness, Kdrodomus  Blood, Ratt Bloody, Ráttvalo, ratty*//o  Blow, v,* Pood  Blow, n., Koor  Boar, Modshkeno baálo  Boast, V., Shor  Boat, Bero, paanengro  Body, Trodpus, trodpo  Boil, Kdrav  Bone, Kokdios, kokoálus


(delwedd E6907) (tudalen 168)

1 68


Bonnet, Joóvioko stdrdi Book, Lil Boot, Skó'ni,pl.,skninya, chok, chókka  Booty, Loóripen  Born, Be*no  Bosh* Lavines  Bosom, Berk Boswell, Choomomengro*  Both, Doói Bother, Kfnger, chára  Bottle, VAlin, wAlin  Bottle-neck, V41in., sko-men  Bough, Bei Bowels, V*ndri, w6ndraw  Box, M6xto, m6kto, moókto, klfsi  Boxer, Koóromingro  Boy,Ch4vo,moosh-chávi, rdklo  Brandy, Tátto padni  Bread, Manro,* mauro  Bread and butter, Kil mauro  Break, Póger, pog  Break-wind, Ril  Breast, Berk, toótchi {nipple)  Breath, Bdval  Breeches. See Trousers  Brick, Chfkino-kóva  Brickfield, Ch/kino tan,kafriko tan  Bride,
Rómadi, rómeni, rómni  Bridegroom, Rom  Bridewell, Klfsom6ngro  Bridge, Poodj  Briále, Sheréngro, s61iv6ngro, s61ov4rdo, sálivárus, shó11o- v4rdo

Bright, Doódeno, doódengi, doódom6ngro  Bring, And, hand, rfgher  Bristle, n.,  Baúlesko bal  Broad, Baúro  Broadsheets, Ghflyawj  Broken, Pógado  Broken-kneed horse, Peléngro, p6ga(do)-chóngaw-grei  Broken-winded horse, Pógado bdvaléngro, bavéngro, p6ga- bdval-grei  Broken-backed horse, Doom- éngro, doom*ksno-grei  Brooch, Spfngo B*C'} Yoósen«*-kosht Broth, Zfmen Brother, Pal Brother-in-law, Stffo-pal Brow, Kor Bull, Goóro, grov, goóroni, moóshkeni-groóvni  Bung, BungisMS  Burn, H6tcher, hotch, kat- char  Bury, Poórav, poóras  Business, Kdiropen, jivoben, boóti, boótsi-  Butcher, Mas6ngro  Butter, Kil  Buttermilk, Kal6ngri  Button, Kreifni  Buy, Kin  By,/r*., Hjr*  By, adv., Pósha, posh



(delwedd E6908) (tudalen 169)


C. Cabbage, Shok, pl., shókyaw  Cake, Manrickli,* mdrekli  Caldron, Pedri, kekdvi  Call, Kor  Cambridgeshire, D6va tern kei o shórokon6 gair* jivenna  Camp, Tan Can, Sástis, vide Tastfs  Cannot, Nastfssa, nestfs  Canále, Mámbli  Cannon, Baúro-y6gom*ngri  Cap, Koófa, hoófa  Captain,Sheróngro, shoréngro, b*resto-sheréngro  Cards, Wardi  Care, Kisser, trad  Carpet, Pedresto-kóppa  Carriage,
Róiesko-vArdo  Carrion, Moó1omds  Carry, Rfgher, rfker, rig  Cart, Vdrdo, wdrdo  Castle, Kralisko-pooro-kair  Cat, Mátchka  Certainly, Our, oúrli, aava, advali  Chain, Chftti, v6riga, w*riga, v*riglo, w*riglo  Chair, Beshoméngro, boó1- koóva, skámin  Chamber, Kam6ra  Change, v., Pdra, pura  Change, n.,  Pirapen  Chap, n.,  Chal  Charm, n.,  Fiz  Cheat, Hoax, chiv opró

Cheater, Kórom6ngro Cheek, Cham Cheer up, Mdntchi too Cheese, Kal Cherries, Lálo koóvaw Cheshire, Kálesko-t*m, kal- kdh«*-t6m,kal-kó1imus-t6m  Chief, Shórokno  Child, Chávo, chábo, tdrno, tikno, tfkeno  Chin, Choómbo,chámba,kum- bo  Choke, Tdsser  Chopper, Chfnom*skro  Christ, Mi-dúvelesko Chávo  Christmas Day, B611esko-dfv- vus, mi-dúver*-dfyvus, mol- dfwus  Church, Kóngri  Circus, Sfkomdngro  Clean, Yoóso, yoózo  Clean, v,y Yoóser, yoósheróva, kósher, kósser  Clean up, Yoóser aprd  Clear, adj., Yoósho, doódo- méngro, doódeno  Cleaver, Chfnoméngro, chfno- m6skro « Cloak, Pladshta, pl6xta, pl6ch- ta  Clock, Ora, y6ra  Close, v,y Pand aprd  Cloth, adj. and n.,  Pdrno  Cloth, n.,  Pdrtan, p6ktan, p6;)*- tan  Clothes, ) E6zaw, rfvoben.  Clothing,/ ródi, x6Ai'ing


(delwedd E6909) (tudalen 170)



Clothes-p.,Gad-)co3ht-kodva, troósheni  Coals, Angar, v6ngar, w6ngar  Coarse,
Rózlo  Coat, Chiho, chcj*a, chóka, choóko, chcxSfa, cháka  Cock, B6shno Codfish, Moóshkeúo-mitcho  Coffin, Millo m6j(to  Coire, K*ter, chorda, sov Idsa  Cold, n., ShU  Cold, a*'., Sháino, shlrilo  Collar, Men., ngro  Colliers, Wóngar*ngri«-, w6n- gali-gúri  Comb, n., Kóngali  Comb, v., Kongl, kónga  Come, Av, av*l, awil, 'vel, 'wel, dver  Companions, Mályaw  Confined, Chiveti to woódnis, p65hli Constable, Moóshkero  Conversation,
Rókerop6n, ró- kerben, rókerob*n, rókamus  Convict, «., Bltchaméngro  Cook, n.,  Hdbeningro, hibe- n., ngri  Cook, v., K*rav, kel, kair  Cooper,, Wardéngro  Copper, adj., Harko,* horki- pen,* haúrengo, hálono  Copper, n.,  Haúro  Coppersmith, Hirkom*skro*  Cord, Shó1o, sh*lo  Corn, Ghiv  Comer, Kodnsus, ko<5nshi

Corpse, Tro<5pus, tro<5po, moó1o  Cough, B<Sshenis, shel  Count, Ghfnja, ghfnya County, ( Country, adj., Tem&kri Countryman, Teméngro County-town, St*ripen-gav Court, v., Kom, pfriv Cousin, Sim*nsa Cover, v., Choniva Cow, Groóvni, groúven Crab, Heréngro-mitcho Creim, Smenting, sm*ntini Creator, Kúromingro Cress, Pan., ngri shok Crooked, B6ngo Cross, adj., H6ino, háno, kórni  Crow, Kaulo chfriklo  Crown (five shillings), Koóro* na, pansh kála  Cry, v., Rov  Cup, Dash, koóri, káro, kiSra, paloo *  Cup and saucer, Doól-K]ash, doo-das  Curse, v., Siverhol, sulverkon, sivlohol  Curse, «., S6Iohó1omus, s6vlo- hó1oben, s6verhó1oben  Cut, v., Chin Cut ofi", Chfn tale, chin al6  Cut, n., Chfnoben  Cyder, PoWngro, p6besko- pfam*kro



(delwedd E6910) (tudalen 171)


D. Dance* v., Kel Dance, n.,  Kálopen Dark, Támlo, kaálo Daughter, Chei Day, Dfwus, div*z Dead, M06I0, múlo Deaf, *Shoóko Deaf person, 'Shoóko kandn- Dear, Kóinelo Death, Mdripen Deceit, Hoókaben Deep, Baúro Deer, Stadni Derbyshire, Chumba-kálesko- tem  Deserter, Prdster-méngro, prdstero-m6ngro  Devil, Bang, beng  Devil's Dyke, B*ngesko-hev  Devilish, B*ngalo, beng*sko  Diamond, Barvalo-bar  Die, Mer, mel  Dig, Chin the poov  Dirt, Chik  Dirty, adj., Chfklo, hlndi, moókedo, m6;*odo  Dirty, v., M6ker  Distance,) *  Distant, /  Divine, Doóvelkan., sto, doó- vel*sko  Do, Kair, kel  Doctor, Tátcho drabéngro, drabéngro

Doer, K*loméngro  Dog, Joókel, jook, ydkel  Doll, Koókelo, kóshno chávi, kóshteno tfkno  Doncaster, n,pr., Meflesto-gav, moflesto-gav  Donkey, M*ila, m6ila  Don't, Maw, ma  Door, Woóda  Down, Tal4 al6, '1*  Dress, v., Rood  Dress, n.,  Roódopen, rfvoben, joóvni-kó1aw  Drink, v., Pee, pi6va  Drink, n., Pfaben, pfamus  Drown, TAsser  Drug, Drab  Druggist, Drab*ngri  Drum, Krámbrookos, koóro- m*ngri,wdsto-b6shomengro  Drunk, M6tto, pe*álo  Drunk, To get. Lei m6tti  Drunkard, M6ttoméngro, pee- mdngro, pfaméngro  Drunkenness, M6ttoben  Dry, Shoóko  Duck, R*tza  Dumb, Shoóker, kek tátcho adró the moo, lúllero *  Dung, Full, chik  Dunghill, Chfkesko-chumba

E. Ear, Kan Earring, Kan., ngro, kfli, kdno-  méngro



(delwedd E6911) (tudalen 172)



Earth, n.,  Poov, chik  Earth, adj., Poóvesto  Easter, Y6rakana koóroko  Easy, Shookár  Eat, Kol, hoi, haw  Eatables, Kóben, hóben, hó1- ben  Educate, And apre  Eel, Sap, sdpesko-mAtcho  Egg, Y6ro, y6ri  Eight, Oitoo,* ochto,* doóY- storiw  Eighteen-pence, D&hto-hauri, d&ti-kóri  Encamp, Tan  Enchantment, Fiz  Enemy, Wifedo gdiro  England, Anghitirra  English, Gadjokones, gaujones  Englishman, Gaújo, Anitrd- kero (AnghiterrAkero)  Enough, Doósta, d6sta  Entire, Chó1o Entrails, Wóndraw, vender!  Every, S6rkon  Evil, Doosh  Except, Tcilla  Exchange, Púraben  Excuse, n., Veena  Eye, Yok  Eyebrow, Kor  Eyeglasses, Yok*ngri*j

R Face, Moór Fagot, Tushni, toóshni

Fair, n.,  Fdiros, wagyaúro, walgaúrus, welingauro  Fairies, Mi-doóvel6ski-bitta- f61ki  Fall, v,* Peróva, pel  False, F6shono, malleco*  False laughter, Poshavaben *  Falsehood, Hoókapen  Famine, Baúro b6kalob6n  Far, Door  Farmer, Ghivángro  Farmhouse, Ghfvesto kair  Farther, Doórdair  Farthing, Lá1i, luli  Fashion, Drom  Fasten, Pdnder, pand, pan  Fast, Pdnlo  Fat, adj,y Túlo  Fat, n., Túlopen  Father, Dad, dddus  Father-in-law, Stifo-dad  Fear, n, and v., Trash  Fearful, TrAsh/«/  Feather, Pur, por  Feather-bed, Pórongo-wudrus  Fellow, Chal  Female,  Feminine,  Fern, Foozhári  Fetch, Rfgher  Fidále, v, and n., Bosh  Fidále, n.,  B6shom6ngro, b6sh- omengri  Fidáler, B6shero, b6shomen- gro, b6shom6ngri  Field, Poov  Fiery, Y6gesko

. . > Joovni, joovioko



(delwedd E6912) (tudalen 173)


Fight, z/., Koor Fight, n.,  Koóroben, koóri- mus  File, Rin *  Fill, Pórder  Filth, Chik  Find, Latch  Fine, Fine-o  Finger, V6ngusti, v6ngushi, v6ngus  Finger-nail, Nei  Fire, n.,  Yog; adj.y Yogesko  Firearm, Yogéngro, y6gom*n- gro, yog*ngri  Firebrand, Dood - y6gengi - kóshter  Fireplace, Y6gom6skro, y6- gongo-tan  First, FirstdAHxx  Fish, Mátcho, mátchi  Fisherman, Mátchoméngro, matchéngro  Five, Pansh Five-pound note, Panshéngro  Five shillings, Koórona, pansh kó1a  Flame, Prdrchadi  Flea, Poóshamer, pfsham  Flies, Lfkyaw  Florin, Doói kó1i  Flour, Vdro, v6ro, p6rno  Flower,
Rósali, rósheo  Fly, *., Mosco;* z/., vol*  Foal, Tarno-grei, greiV tfkno  In foal, Adró kaifni, kdvni  Fold, Pdndoméngro  Folk, Folki, sweti *

Follow, Av pálla, jal pálla  Food, Kóben, hó1ben, hóben  Fool, Dfnilo, dfnvero, dfnlo  Foolishly, Dfnveres  Foolish, Dfnveri  Foot, Pe*ro, pfro, pe*ri  For, Pa*  Forcibly, Drován  Forget, Bfsser  Foreign, Gaujokones  Foreigner, Gaujo, gaúji, wdver- teméngro  Forest, Vesh  Forgive, Artav,*/<?rd6, /*rd61, párdel  Forgiveness, Artapen,* fordid' \oftess  Fork, Pósomdngro  Foretell, Doórik, duker  Fortune, Bok, dúkeriben  Fortunes, To tell, Doórik, dú- ker  Fortune-telling, Do<5rikapen, dukeropen  Foul, v., M6ker  Four, Stor  Fox, Vesh-joókel, o I6I0 wesh- keno-joókel  Fragment, Kótoróndri  Friday* Pansh dfvvus*j- pálla koóroko, D06Y dfwus*j* 'glal koóroko  Friend, Bor, mal, pal, kómelo gdiro.  Friendship, Kómoben  Frightened, Trishedo  Frock, Shoóba


(delwedd E6913) (tudalen 174)



Frog, O stor herdngro b6n-  gesko kó1i ta jab adró o  padni so pi6va From, Avr{, fon Frying-pan, MasAli, tátter-  m*ngri Full, Pórdo Fun, P*ias Further, Doórdair

G. Gamekeeper,Kan6ngri-moosh, yog-moosh, veshéngro, yog- 6ngri-gaújo  Gaol, St*ripen  Garden, Roózho-poov, bor  Garlic, Póruma  Garments, Rfvoben  Gate, Bur, st*kas, stfgher  Gentile, n.,  Gaújo, gaúji  Gentile, adv,* Gaújokones, gaú- jones; adj., Gaújokono  Gentleman, Rei  Gentlemanlike, Reiáli  Genuine, Tátcho  Get, Lei, rfgher  Get up, Atch opró  Ghost, Múlo, moó1o  Gift, Dfno (lit., given)  Gipsy. See Gypsy  Girl, Rdkli  Give, Del, d*  Glad, Mfshto Glandered horse, Nokéngro  Gloves, Vongsh*ngri, f61as6, f61asdw

Glutton, Baúro-hó1omingro  God, Doóvel, dúvel  Go, J6va, jaw, jal, jil, jol  Go back. Jaw paúli  Go slowly, Jal shookár  Goat, Ldvines-b6kro  Gold, Soónakei  Goldsmith, Soónako-p*tal6n* gro  Gonorrhoea, H6tcheropen, hótchopien, hódjerpen  Good, Koóshko, koóshto, kúsh- to, kiSshto, m{shto, tátcho, titcheno, Iátcho  Goodness,Koóshkopen,koósh- tiben, koóshtoben, kóshto- ben, Iátchipen Good health!) t* , .* ,11  * J 1 1 • f Kooshto Dok!  Good luck! ) Goose, Pipin, pápini, pápin6n- Gooseberry, Dúril  Gown, Shoóba Grandchild, Poóro-dad'j chávo  Grandfather, Poóro-dad, paú- pus  Granámother, Poóri-dei, baiSri- dei  Grass, Chor  Grassy, C hó res to, chórkeno chor*ngri  Grasshopper, Chór-6%tam6n- gro  Grave, f*., Hev  Gray, «. pr., Bal (Ik., hair)  Grease, n.,  Túlopen  Great, Badro



(delwedd E6914) (tudalen 175)


Green, GreAto, chor-dfk/«., choróngri, selno*  Greenwood, Bfvan-kosht  Greyhound, Kan., ngri-joókel, shóshi-joókel  Grieve, Toog  Grieved, Toógno, toógeno, to<5gnus  Ground, Tan, chik, poov  Grouse, Náthcvin., x chfriklo  Guinea, Kótor Guineafowl, Atch paúli kdnni  Gun. See Musket  Gut, V*nderi  Gypsy, n., Rom, R<Smani-chal, kauloméngro; *<*'.,
Rómani  Gypsy language,
Rómanes H. Hail, n,j Badro bfshno; it hails, grondinni*  Hair, Bal Hairy, Baleno, bal*  Half, Posh  Half-breed, Dfdak*i, p6sh- pe*rdo  Halfcrown, Posh-koórona  Halfpenny, Posh-hóri  Hall, Fflisin  Halt, Atch  Halter, Muloméngro  Hammer,Delom6skro,p6gero- m*skro, p6gerom*sti, tobdr, t6ver, shukara *  Hand, Vast, wast, vásti, vas, vastro*

Handbills, Ghflyawj  Handcuffs, Wast*ngnV*  Handkerchief, Dfklo, p6sh- neckus, p6ngdishler  Hang, NAsher  Happiness, Koóshko-b<5k  Hard, adv., DrovAn  Hare, Kan., ngro, kan., ngri  Hark! Shoónta!  Harlot, Loóbni9 loódni, lubni  Harness, Wdrdesko kó1a  Harvest, Ghfvesto-chafrus  Haste, Hdka, y6ka  Hasten!* Rdssi toot, kair h*ka  Hat, Staddi, stAdi  Hatchet, CWnoméngro  Hate, Kek-kom  Have, Si, shan, q.v.  Hawker, Bfkinoméngro, bfko- méngro, kauroméngro  Hay, Kas  Hayrick, Kasingro  He, Ov, yov, yow  Head, Sháro, shóro, shoró, shuro  Hear, Shoon  Heart, Zee  Heat, TAttoben  Heaven, D6vel, midúvelesko chAirus, midúvelesko-kiri  Heavy, Láko {q.v,\ p6rdo  Hedge, Bor Hedgehog, H6tchi-wftchi  Hedgestake, Bordngri  Height, T6rropen  Hell, B*ngesko-tan  Help, Kair-posh, husker*


(delwedd E6915) (tudalen 176)



Hen, Kdnni, kd*ni  Her, Ldki, 16ki, Idkro, Iáti  Here, Ak*i, 'kei  Herefordshire, Póbesko pfa- meski tern  Heren,\ «./r.,Mátcho,Rossar-  Heron, > mescro;* pl., Baúro-  H erne, ) kan., ngri - mooshá w, Balawj  Herring, Mátcho, báleno mitcho  Hide, Gdrav, gdra  Hidden, adv., Gdrones, gdrid- nes; adj., gdridno, gdrido  High, T6rro  Highway, Baúro drom  Hill, Chong, choong, choónga, choómba, kúmbo, dumbo  Him, Las, les, 16sti  His, L*sko, l*sti'j, olescro*  Hit, Del, koor  Hold, n.,  B6nek; v., Til  Hole, Kev, hev  Holy, Doóvelkan6sto  Home, Ker., k*ri  Honey, Pfsham  Hoof, Grefesto-pfro, pindro*  Hop, v., Hok  Hops, Liven., ngri*j  Horn, Shing Horse, n., Grei; adj., Grefesto  Horse-dealer, Grei-engro  Horse-shoe, P*tal, gref-e*to- chok  Horse-race, Prasterimus, prds-  term*ngri, grefesto-prdster-  ing

Horse-fair, Gr*iesto-fúros  Horse-whip, Gr*iesto-chúkni  Horse-rug, Gr*iesto-kóppa  Horse-collar, Gr*iesto-menen- gro  Hot, Titto  Hound, Joókel  Hour, Ora, y6ra  House, Kair House-dweller,) Kairengro,  Housekeeper, ) kair*ngri  How, Sar How d'ye do? Sar shan?  Humble, Choóro, choóreno, choórokno  Humbly, Choóvenes  Hundred, Shel*  Hung, Ndshedo  Hunger, Bok  Hungry, B6kalo  Hurt, n. and z;., Doóka  Husband, Rom

I. I, Man, m6, mdndi, mdnghi  111, Ndsfelo, ndffelo, doosh  Illness, Ndffelop*n  Illtempered, Kórni  Imitation, F6shono  Immediately, Kendw sig  In, Adró, 'dró, ando,* inna*  Indebted, Ykz*rotis  Inflame, Kátcher  Injure, Doóka  Inn, Kftchema  Innkeeper, Kftcheméngro



(delwedd E6916) (tudalen 177)


Intestine, Vdnderi  Into, And6,* adr4 *dró  Ireland, Hfndo-tem, Hindi- tem*skro-tem  Irishman, Hindi-teméngro, poovengri-gauj o  Irish Gypsy, Efage *  Iron,;/., Sáster, sadsta, saashta  Iron, acl/., SAstera  Is, See  It, Les  Itch, n, and v., Honj

J. Jail, St*ripen Jews, Midúvelesto-maurom*n- Jockey, Kdsterméngro  Judgment, Bftchama  Jump, H6kter, hok, 6;)*ta  Jumper, Hd'xterer  Just now, KenAw sig  Justice of the peace, Chfvlo- gaujo, chuvno-gaujo, pok*n- yus, poókinyus K. Keep, Rfgher, riker  Kettle, Kekdvvi, 'kdvvi  Key, Kldrin, klfsin  Kick, V., Del, d*  Kill, Maur  Kin, Sim*nsa Kind, adj., Kámelo, kómo-  muso

King, Krális  Kingdom, Krilisom, tern  Kiss, n, and v., Choóma  Knee, Chong, choong  Knife, Choori, chivoméngro, chinoméngro  Knock, v., Koor, d*  Know, Jin  Knowing, Y6ki, jinomengro, jfnom*skro

L. Lad, Chab, chábo, chávo, mushipen.* See Boy  Lady, Rauni  Lamb, B6kocho, vákasho  Lame, Long, bongo  Lancashire, Piro-d6hV/§--tem  Lanálord, H61eno, hol*skro  Lantern, Doódoméngro  Lard, Baúleski túlopen  Large, Baúro  Lass, Chei. See Girl  Last, Kó1iko Laugh, V., Sav, sal, sarler  Ljaugh, «., Sávaben, sdvapen  Laughter, n., Sálimus, siltng  False laughter, Poshavaben *  Lawyer, Shanengro, sheróks-  no, chfvomengro, rókero-  méngro, rókerm6ngro, sho-  réngro, sh*romdngro, mool-  6ngro, moo-dngro  Lead (metal), M61us, m61ov  Lead, v., Rfgher  Leaf, Fatrin IS


(delwedd E6917) (tudalen 178)



Lean, adj., Bfto, b/tl Leather, Cham Leave, z*., Mook Leaves, Roókenghi chá*a* Lee, n. pr., Poórum Leek, Poórumi Left, adj.y B6ngQ, zezro * l*tity p. party Moóklo Leg, H*ro Leggings, Herengri*j Lent, Moóklo Let, Mook Letter, Ch/noméngro, Chfvo-  méngro Liar, H6;*ano, hókeno, sha-  nengro Lice, Joove, joóva* Lick, V., Kósher Lie, H6xaben, hóxani, hoók-  apen Life, Meripen, jfvoben Lift, Had, azer Light, n,i Dood Light (lucidus), adj., Doódeno Light (levis), adj., 16ko (gene-  rally used for heavy) Lightning, Baúro-dood, mi-  duvelesto-dood, mi-doóvel-  esko-yog, villarminni * Like, v., Kom; adj., P*nsa,  p6nza, sar Likeness, Dikomengri Lincolnshire, Túlo-mas tern Lip, Wisht Listen, Shoon Little, Tikno, bfto A little, Koósi

Live, Jiv Livelihood,) .. -  T . . \ Jivoben Living, j "* Lively, Jfdo Liver, Boóko Liverpool, Booko-paani, boó- kesto-paani-gav, b*ro-gav, baúro-beresto-gav  Loaf of bread, Chó1o mauro  Lock, z/., Klisin  Lock-up, n.,  Klfsom*ngrp  Lodge, v., Lod  Lodging-house, Loodopen  London, Lundro, Londeri, Lundra, Kaúlo-gav, Baúro- gav  Lonely, Kókero, toogeno  Long, Door  Very long way, Doovorf-doo- vori  Look! D6rdi! hokki!  Look, v., Dik  Looking-glass, Dfkoméngro, moóesto-kóva  Loose, Pfro  Lose, Nasher  Louse, Joóva  Lousy, Joóvli Love, V., Kom; pl., Kómoben  Lovell, n, pr., Kómom&kro, kómelo  Lover, Pfrino, pfrini  Lucifer-match, D*lomengro, doódom6skri  Luck, Bok  Lucky, B6kalo



(delwedd E6918) (tudalen 179)


M. Mad, Dfvio Made, Kafrdo, kddo Magistrate. See Justice of the peace  Magpie, Kdkaratchi, rómani- chal-róken«* ch/riklo  Maid, Rdkli  Make, Kair, kel  Maker, K*roméngro  Make love, Pfriv  Male, Moóshkeno  Man, Gdiro, mdnoosh, moosh  Manchester, Poovengri gav, Moóshkeno gav, Tdvesto- gav, Pó;*tan gav  Mangy, Hdnyified  Mansion, FiHsin  Many, Doósta, d6sta  Mare, Grdsni  Market-town, F6rus  Married, Romedo  Marry,
Rómer  Marshall,;/./r., Mokkado tan- engre*  Masculine, Moóshkeno  Master, Shórokno gdiro  Match, Deloméngro, doódo- m*skri  Mate, Bor  Mates! Choováli! chaw61i! mályaw!  May, Te (preceding verb)  May be, Estist *  Mayor, Grdsti  Me, Man, mdndi

Meal, Kona* Meat, Mas, -vas Medále, Chálav, chárvo, chára Mercy, Kómoben Midnight, Múlo raáti Midwife, Mormusti,*dfvi-g4iri Mile, Meea Milestone, Mcdasto bar, poók- er/;/* bar  Milk,;/. and v., Tood  Mill, Porn., ngri, p6gamengri, bdvál-p6gamengri  Miller, Pógerom6ngro, p6rno- mesti, varóngro, vardéngro- gdiro  Mind! Lei trad! Rak! Lei ve*na!  Mine. See My  Miss, Nfsser .  Monday, Yek dfvvus pálla koóroko  Monkey, Búmbaros, mwikiros  Money, Lúva, dngar, v6ngar, vángar, w6ngar  Month, Shoon  Moon, Shoon, shool, chein, choom, sfkerméngro, n\i- dúvelesko-dood  More, Bootodair, kómi, kómp- dair  Morning, Saúla, saala  This morning, Kesaúla  Mother, Dei  Mother-in-law, Stifi-dei  Mountain, Dumbo  Mourn, Rov  Mouse, Mousc-us



(delwedd E6919) (tudalen 180)


Mouth, Moót Much, Boot, booti, kfsi, doósta Muck,\ ., ., Mud. } **'* Muck-cart, Fúll-várdo Muddy, Chfklo Mule, Sháni Mumper, Choórokono moosh, choórodo  Musket, Pushca,* powiskie,* yogéngro  I must. Shorn te  Mustard, Ddnomdskri  Mutton, Joóvioko-mas  My, Me*ro, mefro, mfno, mi, mandiV

N. Nail (finger), Nei Nail (iron), Krdfni Naked, N6ngo Name, Nav, lav Narrow, Bfto Naughty, Wdfedo Near, Pósha Neck, Men Necklace, Men-w6riga Neeále, Soov Negatives, Kek, maw, na (see p. 49)  Nettles, Ddndim*ngri chor Never, Kek-kómi New, N*vo Newspaper, Shoónaben,Shoó- namdngri, ghflyawj, ghil- yengri**

Night, Raáti Nine, Enneah * Ninety, Enyovardesh * Nit, Lik No, Kek, k*ker, k*keno, naw, na, nei, nanei, kek-nanef  Nobody, Kek-kómeni  ' No road,' Chfchikeno drom  Noise, Gúáli, g6áli  None, K*kero, kókeno, kek- kómeni, kek-nane{  Norfolk, Mátchesko-gav-tem, p6besko-gav-tem  Norwich, Póbomuski-gav, p<5- bomusti-gav  North, Shflo-tem  Nose, Nok  Not, Kek. See No  Notice, n., Ve*na  Nothing, Chkhi, chi  Now, Kendw, kondw, kanna, kónna, kon  Nudge, Moónjer  Nuts, P*áliaw, p*tliaw, p*v- liaw, peneka,* penliois,* nuti O. Oak, Poóroder rook, králisko rook  Oath, S6verhó1oben, sovlohi- loben, s61ohó1omus  Oats, Job Oat-stack, Job-poosdngro  Off, Avrf, tald, aU  Ointment, Túlipen  Old, Poóro



(delwedd E6920) (tudalen 181)


Old-fashioned, Poórokono On, Opró, apró, 'pre Once, Y*korus One, Yek One-year-old horse, Besh*n- gro  Onion, Poórumi, strdngli  Only, ad;., Y6kino  Open, v., Pfriv; adj., P/ro  Opened, Pfriváo  Opposite, Pósh-aglál, tátcho 'glal  Orange, Póbomus  Order, n., Trad; v., Del trad  Osier, Ran  Other, Wdver, w6ver  Our, M6ro, m*ndi'i-, amandi'j*  Out, out of, Avrf  Over, Pa\idel, párdel  Owe, Kom  Owl, W*shni-mulo  Own, ad/., N6go, ndgo, n., vus  Ox, Moóshkeni-groóvni

P. Pail, bedra* Pain, n. and v., Doóka Palace, Králisko kair, krális- k&ko kair  Pales, palings, Palyaw  Paper, Lil, Iflesko kóva  Pardon, v., Artav,* /ord6l, /ord6, párdel  Pardon, n.,  Artapen,*/<7rd*lo- ness, párdonos  Parlour, Beurus

Rómani-chal-róker/«* chfriklo, Hfndo-kAkarátchi  Parson, Rdshei, rdshre{, d*lo- méngro, mi-dúverj moosh  Part, Kótor  Partners, Mályaw  Partridge, RidjW  Path, Poov*la, droni  Paunch, Pur Pauper, Choóredo. See Tramp  Pawn, V., Sfmmer  Pawnshop, Sfmmer/«* boó- dega  Pay, v., P&ser  Pea, Boóbi  Pear, Ambrol*  Pedere, Ril  Pedestrian, Peeréngro  Peálar, Bfkinoméngro, bfko- mdngro  Pen (fold), Pdnoméngro  Penny, Kóri, hóro, hóri, hári  People, Folh\y sweti *  Pepper, Ddnderm*skri, tátto- koóva  Performer, K*lom6ngro  Petticoats, Chuffar, shoóva, shooba, pallani-chókka  Pheasant, Baúro ch*riklo, r*i- esko cheriklo  Photograph, Dikom*ngri  Physician, Drabéngro  Pick, V., Tdrder  Pie, G6f  Piece, Kótor  Pig, Baúlo  Pig-face, Baulesko moói


(delwedd E6921) (tudalen 182)



Pig-fair, Baúlesto f6ros  Pillow, \Voódrus sheromengro  Pin, Spingl, spfnger, spink  Pincers, Tflom*ngri, plaistra*  Pinch, z/., Moónjer  Pinfold,;/. /r., Pinom6ngro  Pipe, Swdgler, swegler  Piper, B6shom*ngri  Place, v,y Chiv;;/., Tan  Placenta, Poshbcúnimus  Plate, Chóro,chor,s6rsin, skoo- dálin  Play,*.,Kel; n., Kdimus,p6ias  Please! Lei koóshtoben!  Pleasure-grounds, S(kerni6n- gro  Pledge, v., Simmer  Plenty, Doósta, d6sta  Plough, Poo v-várdo, poóvesto- choóri, poóvo-ch{nomdngri, vardo-bav6ngro  Plunder, i/., Loor;;/.,Loóripen  Pocket, Poótsi, pá'chi  Poison, Drab  Policeman, Gavángro, moósh- kero, nashermdngro, pras- terméngro, chukdngro  Poor, Choóro, chúveno, choó- reno, choórokrto  Poorer, Choóroddr  Pork, Báleno-mas, baúlesko- mas  Post, Kosht  Possible, Astis,* sdstis, stastfs, tastfs, q.v.  Pot, Koóri, koro  Potato, Pdovángri, poovy*ngri

Potter, Kórom6ngro, koréngro Pothook, Sáster Pouch, Gúnno Pound {Ł,\)y Bar, bálanser, bálans  Pound (for cattle),Panomdngro  Pour, Chiv Powerful, Rúslo, ruzino  Power, Rúzlipen  Praise, v., Shor  Pray, Mong, mole*  Predict, Doórik, dúkker  Pregnant, Baúri, shoóbli, shoóvli (of women); kdvni, kadfni (of animals)  Present,;/., Del-Zi*-mdndi, dfno  Pretty, Rfnkeno, rfkeno  Prettily, Rfnkenes  Prison, Stdriben, st*ripen, st6- rimus, stdrdo, staúri  Prisoner, St*roméngro, stero- mdsti  Privy, Hindi kair  Prognosticate, Doórik  Prostitute, Lubni  Protect, Rak  Proud, Boólíno  Public-house* Kftchema  Pudding, G6l Pudding-bag, G6Tongo gúnno  Pudendum muliebre, Mindj, minsh  Pudendum virile, Kóri, kaúri  Pugilist, Koórom6ngro  Pull, Tdrder  Purse, Kfsi  Put, Chiv



(delwedd E6922) (tudalen 183)


Quarrel, z/., Ch{ngar Quarrel, n.,  Chingariben, g6dH Quart, Troóshni Queen, Kral/si, Králisi Quick, Sig Be quick, Sfgo toot, ressi toot, kair dbba  Quietly, Shookár

R. Rabbit, Shóshi, mdvi  Rabbit-trap, KHsoméngro  Race, v., Prdster  Race, n.,  Prdstermdngri  Rails, Pályaw Railway train, VvúSitring kó1i  Rain, Brfshindo, bfshno  It rains, Brfshin., la  Rainy, Brfsheno, bfehavo  Raise, Had, til apró  Raw, Biván, bfvano  Razor, M6rom6ngro  Read, Del apró, D* apr* del  Reading,, Lálo-gav  Real, TAtcho, tátcheno  Reckon, Ghfnja, ghfnya  Reeds, Rushisl  Red, LáI0, Iálo  Redford, H, /r., LAlo pe*ro  Red-herring, Lá1i mcitcho  Reins, Tfiomdngri  Relation, Sim*nsa  Relieve the bowels, Kfnder,  hfnder, hfngher, húld

Religious, Mi-d\ivelesko  Remember, Chiv it adr* your sh*ro, shoon l*ndi, kek bfs- ser, rapper toot  Remove, Rdnjer  Resurrection, Aiching apr* *p6pli  Return, z/., Av paúli, jaw paúli  Rib, KokAlo  Riband, D6ri  Rich, Bdrvalo  Riches, Bdrvalopen  Ride, Raster, kfster  Rider, K&termdngro  Ridicule, v., Prosser,* pross*  Right, adj., Tatcho, tátcheno  Right, adv.f Tátchnes  Right,;/., Tatchopen  Right arm, Kúshto moóshi  Ring, n.,  V6ngus, v6ngustl, v6ngushi  River, Dorio v, Doydv, nill*  Road, Drom  Roast, Pek  Rob, Loor  Rock, n.,  Bar  Rod, Ran  Room, Kamora  Rope, Sh*lo, shó1o  Royal, Králisko  Row (noise), Gdáli, g6áli  Rump, Bool  Run, «/., Ndsher, prdster  Runner, Ndshermdngro, Prds- terméngro  Rushes, Rushixl


(delwedd E6923) (tudalen 184)

1 84



Sack, G6no, gúnno, kAnyo  Sadále, B*shto, b6shto,b6shta  Safe, Tátcho, tAtcheno  Sail, n.,  B*resto pld*ta  Sailor, Berengro, b*roméngro, paan., ngro-gaujo  Saints, Mi-dúveleski gaire  Sake, Sáke-os  Saliva, Choóngarben  Salt, pl., Lon, Ion  Salt, adj.y Londo, 16ndudno  Sand, Chik  Saturday, O diwus 'glal koó- roko  Savage, Haurini  Say, Pen Scent, Soóngimus  Scissors, Kátserj, kátsi*j  Scold, v., Chfngar  Scotlandr N6rt/ier€ngn-itm  Scotchmen, iVi?r///*rengri gaire  Sea, Dorio'v, doydv, dovAl, dovyal, bauro páni, 16ndo padni, 16ndudno padni  Search, v.. Rod, rdder  Search, n., Roódopen  Second, Duito*  Secretly, Koónjones, gdrones, gdridnes  See! D6rdi! hókki I  See, V., Dik  Seek, Ro'der, rod  Seize, Til, prala *  Self, Kókero  Sell, Bfkin, bik

Send, ) Bftcher,w.,Bkcha-  Sentence,) ma  Serpent, Sap  Servant, Boótiéngro, boótsien- gro  Sessions, B*shopen  Seven, Afta,* eft,* doól triny aw ta yek, trin ta stor, trfnstor  Seventy, Heftwardesh,* doót trinydw ta yek desháw  Sew, Siv  Shake, Rfsser Shame, v., Lddjer;;/., Ladj  Shamefully, l.z,A]fully  Sharp, Jlnomdngro  Shave, M6rov  Shawl, Baúro dfklo  She, Yol, yoi Sheep, B6koro, b6kro, mas  Sheffield, «. /r., Choóresto gav  Shepherd, Bars6ngri, baséngro, b6korom6ngro, b6krom*n- gro, b6kom6ngro, b6korón- gro  Shilling, Tring6rishi, kó11i  Ship, B6ro  Shirt, Gad Shirt-sleeve, Gddesto bei  Shoe, Chok, chóka  Shoemaker, Chokóngro  Shoot, Poóder  Shooting-coat, Yog*ngri choo- ko  Shop, Boódega, boódika, bo<5- rika  Shopkeeper, Boódegam6ngro, boórikam6ngro



(delwedd E6924) (tudalen 185)


Shoulder, Pikó Shout, V., Kaur Show, v., Sfker Showman, ) c-'\ 1  *- ' \ Sikermengro Show-gardens,) Shut, v., Pdnder Sick, Ncisfalo, ndffalo Sickness, Ndfflopen Side, Rig Sign-post, Poóker/«*-kosht, sfkeroméngro  Silence! Shoóker, shookár  Silk, Kaish, kaidj, p'har*  Silken, Kafeheno, kafdjino  Silly, Dfnveri Silver,pl., Roop; adj.f Roópeno  Silversmith, Roópnoméngro  Sing, Ghil, ghiv  Single, Yekino  Sir! Refa!  Sin, Wdfedopen  Sister, Pen Sister-in-law, Stffi-pen  Sit, Besh  Six, Shov, sho*  Sixpence, Shookauri  Sixty, Shovardesh*  Skewer, Chúngar, spingdrus  Skewer-maker,SpingAro-k*lo- mdngro  Skin, Moótsi  Sky, Dúvel, poodj, midúve- lesto-tem  Slap on the face, Tschamme- dini*  Slay, Maur, hetavava *  Sleep, v., Sov, soóter

Sleeve, Bei Slowly, Droóven, shookár  Sly, G6zvero, jfnom*skro,y6ky  Small, Bfto, tfkno  Smallpox, Boókenyus, boóko  Smell, v,f Soon, soom; n., Soóngimus, soónaben  Smith,,y Pótaléngro  Smith, Sásterméngro, p*tal- éngro, kaulom*skro  Smoke,;/. and v,* Toov  Smoke tobacco. Pood toóvalo  Snail, Boúri  Snake, Sap  Snaptrap, KKsoméngro, pan- doméngro, tfloméngro  Snare, Tflomdngro  Snow, Iv, yiv, ghiv, shiv, hiv  It snows, Yivyála  Snowball, Iv-bar  Snuff, Nokengro  So, Aj4w, 'jaw  Soap, Sapanis, sdpan  Soft, Sano*  Soldier, Koóroméngro  Something,) Choómoni, ku-  Some, / meni, kómeni Son, Chor  Song, Ghfli, ghfveli  Soon, Sig  Sorry, Toógeno, toógno, toóg- nus  Soul, Zee  Sour, Shoótlo  Sorrel, Shoótlo-chor  Sovereign (;*i), Bar, bálans, bálanser


(delwedd E6925) (tudalen 186)



Sovereign, Krdús, kraHsi Spavined horse, B6ngo grei Spectacles, Y6kóngries Spirited, See-éngro Spirits, Tátto padni Spit, v., Choóngar, chungar Spittle, Choóngarben Spit, Spingdrus Sport, Pefas Spree, K*lopen Spring, Firsfadair, or blgno* mus, o' Klei  Spur, Bisko, poósomdngrl  Squirrel, Roókaméngro  Stable, Stinya  Stacks, Sttighi  Staff, Kosht  Staffordshire, Kor*ngri-tem, koroméngro-tem  Stag, Stadni  Stallion, Bar*skro-grei, bar*n- gro-grei, peleno-grei, pel*n- gro-grei, moóshkeno-grei  Stand,) .* ,  stay, I ** *t=*  Stanley,;/./n,Baróngri, Besha- ley*  Star, Stdri, liléngro, diSvel, mi- doóvelesko-dood  Station, Praster///*-wdrdesko- atch/«*-tan  Stays, Troópus  Steal, Chor, loor, nick*  Stick, 11., Kosht  Stile, Pe*roméngro  Stilly adj,* Atchio, shoókar  Stink, v., Kdnder, hfndefj kan

Stinking, Kdnelo, kdnlo  Stockings, Olivaj, hoálavaj", oúlaverj  Stone, Bar  Stop, Atch  Stove, Bo*  Stranger, Gaújo  Straw, n.,  Poos; adj., Poóskend, poóskeni  Straw-stackj Poos6ngro  Street, Drom  Stretch, v., Tát*der  String, D6ri, doóri  Strong, Ruzlo, rtizino, roózlus, surrelo*  Such, Jafri, jdfra  Suffolk, Shooko-niadromen- gro-tem  Sugar, Goóálo Summer, Táttoben, lil*f, Iflfei  Summons, Goóáli  Sun, Kam, tam, sken  Sunny, Támlo (kámlo)  Sunday, Koóroki, Krookingo- divvus, Kúlpho  Supper-time, H6ben-chairus  Swan, Porúo-ratinl  Swear, S6verholj súlverkon, s6vlohol  Sweaty, Kfndo  Sweep, v., Yoóser apr*  Sweet, GocSálo  Sweetheart, Pfrino, pfrihi  Sweetmeats, Gdálopen  Swelled, swollen, Shoóvlo  Sword, Haúro, baúro-chodri



(delwedd E6926) (tudalen 187)


T.  Table, Misali, mfsali, sálaman- ka, haumdskro, hóbendskro  Tail, Póri  Tailor,;/. and 7t, /r., Si vom6n- gro, suvengro  Take, Lei, \i  Take care, Lei trad  Take care of, Rak  Take notice. Lei ve*na  Take off, Ranjer  Take up. Lei opre  Talk, V.,
Róker, voker;* n., 
Rókerop*n. See Conver-  sation  Talker,
Rókeromdskro  Tambourine, Koórom*ngri  Tart, G61  Tea, Múterimongri, mootengri, p{am6skri  Tea-kettle, Kekdvvi  Teapot, M\iterim6ngri-koóva, peeméngro,p{ameskri-skoo- dalin, skoodflin  Tear, v., Chfngar  Tease, K{nger, chára  Teeth, Ddnyaw  Telescope, Door-dfkomdngro  Tell, Pen, poóker  Tell fortunes, Doórik, dúkker  Ten, Desh  Tent, Tan Testicles, Pele, p*lonoj*  Thank, Pdrik, pArikaróva, t*a- rikrdw  That, conj., Te; p*on., Ta, adoova, adúvel, *doóva

The, O Thee, Toot, toóti Their, theirs, Lánti, lenghi Them, Len Then, Kon There, Adof, odof, 'doi They, Yaun, yon Thief, Chor, chóromdngro,loó- roméngro  Thin, Bito  Thine, Te*ro  Thing, Kóva Think, Penchava,* //i/;/*as6va  Third, Trito*  Thirst, Troosh  Thirsty, Troóshlo  Thirty, Trianda*  This, Akóva, *kóva  Thorn, Kóro  Those, Dula, d61a  Thou, Too, toóti  Thousand, Mille*  Thread, Tav, taf, tel  Three, Trin  Throat, Kdrlo, kaúri, kur, gur, goóshum  Through, Adrál,'dral, muscro*  Throw, Woóser, woósher  Thunder, Maloóna, kooroko grommena,*grovena,* grub- bena,* mi-dúvel6sko-g6áli  It thunders, Deargfnni *  Thursday, Stor dfwus*i" pálla koóroko  Thus, Ajaw, *jaw  Thy, Tedro, toóti, tooki, ti  Tie, v., Pander, pand, pan


(delwedd E6927) (tudalen 188)

1 88


Time, Chúrus, pl., koppas *  Tin, Kuri, cham  Tinder, PcxStan  Tired, Kfno, kin6  Tiresome, Droóveno, droóven  Tiring, Túgno  To, Ke, katir, kátar, kiter  Toad, Jámba, jómbo  Tobacco, Tuvlo, todvlo, túvlo- pen  To-day, Kedfvvus, kediv*z, kóva dfwus, ted/wus  Together, Ketan6, ketan., s, katen6, káteni, kátenes  ToUgate, Stfgher. See Turn-  pike  To-morrow, Ovávo dfwus  To-morrow morning, Kó1iko- saula  Tongs, Y6gesto-wdstaw  Tongue, Chib, chiv, jib  Too, Tei  Tooth, Dan Touch, Chárvo, chilav, chára  Towel, Kóssen«* pl*xta  Town, Gav Trail, Pátrfn, páten, troóshel  Train, Prdsterf«*-kó1i, poodj  Traitor, Poókerom6ngro  Tramp, . Choórodo, choóro- méngro, pe6rdo  Transported, Bftchadi paúdel, pafidel-i-paani, pauni*rf  Trap, Pdndoméngro  Treaámill, tread*heel, Póge- romdngri  Tree, Rook

Tremble, Rfsser  Trickster, Kórom6ngro  Tripe, B6kochesto-pur  Trousers, Rokónyus, roxiny*s, ro*/nya, riknies, rokhimyar, 'hámyaj, rok*ngri*j., rokren- yes, bro'gi*j, bool*ngri/'j, booli*ngri*x  Trout, Refeski-mátcho  True, Tátcho, tátcheno  Trust, V., Pdzer; n.,  pázeroben  Truth, Tátchipen  Tuesday, Doói dfwus*j pálla koóroko  Turkey, Kaúli rauni, pápini  Turnip, Kondfia, kondfni, kradfni, pan., ngro  Turnpike, Fdsh/ree, stekas, stfgher, p&ser-stfgher  Twenty, Bish, stor-pansh  Two, Doór  Two shillings, Do(Sr-kó1i U. Unable, Nastfssa, nestfs  Uncle, Kóko, kok  Under, /**/., Tal4 al6, '1*  Under, adj., Tállani  Up, upon, Opre, apr4 'pre  Upper, Pró-6ngro J{'!"*' iMáter  Unnate,) Urinal, Múter///* kó1a Us, Men, mdndi Used, S/klo



(delwedd E6928) (tudalen 189)


V. Vagrant, Pedrdo Very, Boot, boóti Verily, Aava, our. See Yes Vessel, Troóshni Vex, Kfnger Victuals, Kóben, hóben, hó1- ben, hó1en  Village, Gav  Vinegar, Shoóto  Vinegry, Shoótlo  The Virgin, Doóveleski-joó- vel  Vomit, Woóser apr* W. Wagon, Wardo, vArdo  Waistcoat, Bdngeri  Wakefield, n. /n, Choórones- gav 


Wales, Wólsho, Wótchkeni- tem, Lavines-tem 


Walk, Peer, p{riv  Warm, v,y Tátto  Warmth,

Táttopen  Was, Sho'mas, sas, q/v.  Wash, Tov  Watch, n.,  Ora, yora, hóra, poókeroméngro  Watch v., Vdrter, dik pálla  Water, Padni, páni, pauni  Watercress, Padnesto-shok, padni-shok, paan., ngri-shok  Watery, Padnisko  Way, Droni

We, Men, m*ndi Wealth, Bdrvalopen Wealthy, Barvalo Wear, Riv Wearing apparel, Rfvoben Wearisome, Droóveno, droó* ven  Weary, adj., Kfno, kin6  Wednesday, Trin dfvvus*j, pálla koóroko  Week,Koóroki, kroóko, koóko, kókerus  Weep, Rov  Well, adv.f Mfshto, mist6, tátcho; s,y Hanik, hánikos 

Welsh Gypsies, Ingrinies, 

Welshman, Wótchkenéngro, Lávinéngro, Lávines-gaújo 

Welsh language, Lávines ró-kerben, Wólshitíkka 

 Were, Shámas, sas, q,v.  Wet, Kfndo  Whale, Bauro-matcho  What, Sivo, So  Wheat, Ghiv  Wheat, adj.y Ghfvesto  Wheat-stack, Ghiv-poos*n- gro  Wheeále, PAndjer  Wheel, H6ro, wdrdesko-prds- term*ngri, wArdesko-herd  When, Kdnna, kónna) v6nka, w6nka, sAvo-che*rus 

Where, Kei 

Whey, Kaléngri 

Whip, Choókni, choópni 

Whiskers, Bánga


(delwedd E6929) (tudalen 190)



Whistle, If., Shol, shool Whistler, Sheléngro White. Pórno Who, Ko, kon, sdvo Whole, Chó1o Whore, Lúbni Why, S6ski Wicked, V*savo, wasedo, w4- fedo, b*ngalo  Wickedness, Wafedopen  Widow, Pe*vli-gairi  Widower, Pe*vlo-gdiro  Widowed, Pe*vlo  Wife,
Rómeni, rómni, romi  Wild, DiVio  Will-o'-th'.Wisp, Doodesko- moó1o  Wind, Baval Winámill, Bdval p6gam*ngri  Window, Hev, kev  Wine, Mol, mul  Winter, Ven, wen; **'.,Venesto  Wintry, Vdnlo  Wise, Jfnoméngro  Witch, Choófihóni, choóvikon, ch5Vihóni  With, Sar, pashal*  Within, Inna*  Withy, Ran  Wolf, Bauro-hó1om6ngro-joó- kel  Woman, Gdiri, JQ6vel, man- oóshni, moóshni, m6noshi  Woman's bonnet, Joóvioko- staadi Woman's clothing, j'oóvni kola  Womb, Doódum

Woo, PWv  Wood, Vesh, kosht  Woodcutter, Koshtengro  Wooden dishes, Kóshtudno skoodflyaw  Wool, Poóshcim  Word, Lav Work, «. and v., Booti, bootsi  Worker, Boótidngro  World, Sweti,* doovelesto- chafros  Worm, K*rmo  Worth, Mool, mol  Wound, Chfnoben  Wrexham, «./r., R*ltum  Wrong, B6ngo  Wrongly, B6nges Y. Ye, Tumdndi Year, Besh Yearling, Beshéngro Yes, Adva, advali, our, oúwa, oúrli  Yesterday, Kó1iko,kó1iko-ály- vus, káliko  Yew, Moó1eno rook  Yonder, Od6i, addi, *doi  Yorkshire, Barvalo-tem, Chor- keno-tem, Meflesko-tem  You, Too, toot, tooti  Your, yours, Te*ro, toóti'j  Young, adj. and n. /fK, Tarno, tauno  Younger, Tarnodar  Youth, Tdrnomus,


(delwedd E6930) (tudalen 191)



REFERRING TO ccttltRT Pabit0 mi bottom in 9oint amcng CnglU* #5psu0.

In numerous instances Gypsy customs have been related to  us in
Rómanes by Gypsies themselves* and it has appeared  to us to be of considerable interest and value to take down  these communications as we received them, and to preserve  the ipsissinta verba made use of by our informants. It  would be beyond the scope of the present work, to which  we have set strictly linguistic limits, to enter into details  concerning manners and traditional observances which are  still to be found among the Gypsies of this country. But,  incidentally, it has become necessary to refer to them, in  order to explain certain allusions which might otherwise  be imperfectly understood. We have therefore introduced,  where necessary, in the following pages, a few explanatory  notes to render clearer the meaning of particular passages  and expressions, but at the same time wish to disclaim?iny  intention of treating comprehensively a subject which has  a special interest apart from the language. In spite of the  numerous violations of every grammatical rule, these com-  positions are (as far as our experience goes) written in the  "deepest" English Romanes extant.


(delwedd E6931) (tudalen 192)

192 GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. PITCHING A TENT* N., chQw6Ii, kair ti grefaw te jal sig. Raáti see welw'  sig opró m6ndi. Kek tan see m*ndi kóva raati te sov tal6;  kek bfto shoóko tan mindi latchóva kóva raáti te jaw to  scxSto opró. So sig see o pradsterméngro jin., la mdndi shem akei, yov  kom*la to chiv m6ndi door d6sta oprd o dfom, or to lel m*n  opr*. Yov see tátcho d6sta. Chiv*Ia men adrd o st*ripen,  ta bfken sor m6ri grefaw, ta wdrdi, ta s6rkon kovaw sham  m* (mendi). Kondw, chow6H, kair sig. Kair tf tan opró. D6sta  brfshno w6Ia tal., ta hiv tei. M*ndi sor meróva /*-raáti te * The old-fashioned Gypsy encampments, once so frequent in shady  lanes and secluded spots, have almost entirely disappeared from some  parts of England. Hence it has been too hastily assumed that these  inveterate strollers have forsaken tent-life and become permanent house-  dwellers. Even Mr. Borrow makes the remark ("Lavo-lil," p. 221,)  that you may " walk from London to Carlisle, but neither by the road-  side nor on heath or common will you see a single Gypsy tent." This  is' certainly a mistake. Harassed by the rural police, deprived of his  accustomed camping-grounds by Enclosure Acts, the Gypsy, like the  bittern, has been extirpated from many of his old haunts — ancient  commons and wastes from which "the Northern farmer" and other  pioneers of modern agriculture have "raaved an'rembled un oot"— but  he has only shifted his quarters, and not changed his habits. On our  coasts where holiday-makers congregate, and in the neighbourhood of  popular watering-places, still as heretofore are '' The Gypsies all the summer seen,  Native as poppies to the green," their tents having become a permanent feature in many such localities.  Here they ply their traditional vocations, and reap a rich harvest from  the visitors, a seaside flirtation being harály deemed complete unless a  Gypsy sybil has told the fortune of the amorous couple. The Gypsy willingly pays a small ground-rent for the patch he occu-  pies, and then his frail tent becomes as much his castle as an English-  man's house, and is as safe from the intrusion of prastermengros,  and other unwelcome visitors. We know of an instance at Blackpool  where a Gypsy, though living in a tent, has been so long a squatter on  the same spot as to have been assessed for the poor-rate, which be  duly discharges.


(delwedd E6932) (tudalen 193)

GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. 1 93 shil, ta and choómoni te kair a koóshto yog tei. Chiv o  tan tal* koóshto. D6sta bdval wela kóva raáti. Poóder*Ia men o bdval  sor opró kóva raati. Mi chávi mer*nna o' shil. Chiv sor  o rdnyaw adrd o tan tátcho, to hatch mfshto, ta spfnger o  kóppa opre o rdnyaw tátcho, to kel it hatch mfshto. O  choro chavi rov*nna tálla l*nghi hóben. Mi Do(5vel, so  mdndi kairóva te lei Idndi hóben te hoi. Chfchi nanef  mdndi te del lendi. Mer*nna yon tálla hóben. Translation. Now, mates, make your horses go quick. Night is  coming quick upon us. No tent is there for us this night  to sleep under; no little dry place shall we find this night  to go to sleep on. As soon as the policeman knows we are here, he will  want to put us very far on the road, or to take us up.  He is fit enough (for that). He will put us in prison, and  sell all our horses and carts, and everything we have. Now, mates, be quick. Put your tent up — much rain  comes down and snow too. We all shall die to-night of  cold; and bring something to make a good fire too. Put  the tent down well. Much wind will come this night.  My children will die of cold. Put all the rods in the  ground properly, to stand well, and pin the blanket on  the rods properly to make it stand well. The poor chil-  dren cry for their food. My God, what shall I do to  get them food to eat? I have nothing to give them.  They will die without food. CHOOSING A CAMP. Kei jdssa tum*ndi, chav61i, tedfvvus te sov? M6ndi jaw káter d6va ghiv&kro kair. Yov kom*la 
Rómano-chaldw. Kei see d6va } D6l, kei atchá*m yek besh pauli, w(5nka jdfra iv pedds  tald 13


(delwedd E6933) (tudalen 194)

194 GKNUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. Jin6va kondw sdvo tan see. Kei vids o Rei káter mdndi  te del m*ndi jaw kfssi kas te del mauri greidw. Our, jin6va  kondw. Jas m*nghi od6i te atch. Kek yov penda kek  wdfedo to m*ndi. M*ndi kom*la. Atchás* odoi a koó-  roko, te m*ndi konu. Yov del*la men koshtdw te hótcher.  Yov mook*la men chiv mauri greidw adrd l&ko pooy-  yiw. Yon te vel sor tátcho. Kek yon te wel pánlo.  Atchis* m*ndi adró maúri wo<5drus tátcho te sov. Kek te  atch opr* to dik tálla mauri greidw adr* o múUo raati. Translation. Where are you going, mates, to-day, to sleep? We are going to that farmer's house. He likes Gypsies. Where is it? There, where we stopped a year back, when so much  snow fell. I know now where the place is. Where the gentleman  canie to us to give us so much hay to feed our horses  with. Oh yes, I know now. Let us go and stop there.  He will not rate at us. He likes us. Let us (pr* we will)  stay *here a week, if it suits us. He will give us soipe  firewood, and let us put our horses in his fields, where  they will be safe, and not be put in the pound. We shall  rest in bed safe asleep, *nd not have to get up tp look after  our horses jn the dead of night. O moOlo. Kei jdssa, cboowAli, te soy tedfww*? Mook m*n., i jal *  soóto adró d6va gransa. Káter d6va tan, kei d6va kóshto Rei, te Ratini, jiv*la.  Kei o moó1o sas djknd. Kek mdndi jal odof te s5v. Mindi shoq:i txz,'** te dil* mopl.,  te wel trdshedo (?' mi m*riben. Gaujó poókadds mdndi d(S8ta  chafrus*j', o moosh, ghivéngro sas-16, nashadds l*sko kcSker*  opró o rook adró o koónsa, kei m*ndi jdbV te atch. * First pers., pi., prcs., or fqt., indicative, or the Imperative V.  Gram., p. 39.


(delwedd E6934) (tudalen 195)

GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. 1 95 So ker*ssa kon? Jdssa too od6i, te atchás?  Kókera mdndi.  Kei jdssa kon? Adró a wdver poóro drom, yek mee doóroder. Do(  in., ndi atchóssa.* Kek kómeni chards {sic) m6ndi. Translation. THE GHOST. Where are you going to sleep to-day, mates? Let us  go to sleep in that barn. At that place where that kind gentleman and lady live —  where the ghost was seen. I will not go and sleep there, I am afraid of seeing  ghosts, and being frightened to death. The Gentiles have  told me many a time how the man, he was a farmer,  hanged himself on the tree in the corner where we arc  going to stop. What will you do, then? Will you go there and stop } Not I! Where will you go, then? Down another old road, a mile further on. We will stop  there. No one will dsiturb us. A CAUTION, Maw mook te*ro greidw, chaw61i, jal tal6 d6va drom, kei  see d6va kóshto chor. Yon te vel pandad6. Translation. Do not let your horses, mates, go down that road, where  that good grass is, or they will be put in the pound. THE HAUNTED CAMP. " I can just about remember the old times when our old  folk harály spoke any Gaujincs. They were timid folk.  You might hear them say: —

n., Vi*H**ea«iv«*m

* First pcrs., pi, prcs., or fot., indicative*


(delwedd E6935) (tudalen 196)

196 GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. " Kon dodva, dddi? "  Who is that, father? " K*kena jin6va m*. Diktds kómeni? "  Not know I. Did you see any (thing)? " Kek mdndi. Shoond6m choómoni. So shoond6m ghids  . Not I. I heard something. What I heard went p6nsa groóvni."  like (a) cow. "Jaw opró o drom. Dik so see."  Go up the road. See what it is. " Ghi6m justa kondw. Kek nanef mdndi dikt6m chfchi,  I went just now. No not I saw nothing, na shoond6m chfchi. O beng see, tátcho d6sta."  nor heard nothing. The devil it is, sure enough. " Maw trash toóti."  Don't fear thou. " Trash see mdndi.*'  Fear is to me. " Mdntcha too! Atch o koósi. Shoondom-les popli.  Cheer up! Wait a bit. I heard it again. Kómeni sas m6rdno ak*i. Aváa yov *p6pli."  Some one was killed here. Comes he again. " Wónka 'saula veb, jaw m6nghi ak*i. Kek na kom6va  When morning comes, go I hence. No not I love jAfri tandw see kó1i, p6sha baúro wesháw. M*ripen tandw  such places as these, near great woods. Murdering places see dikda."  as it looks. "Ei, d6rdi! Wdfedo diking tan see kóva. Tátcho  Eh, look! Evil looking place is this. True moolesko tan see kóva, pats6va mdndi ajdw."  ghost s place is this, believe I so. " Kaulo raáti see. S6rkon wdfedi kó1i see opró m*ndi.  Dark night it is. Every evil thing is upon us.


(delwedd E6936) (tudalen 197)

GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. 1 97 Yek wdfedo ková kaiw d6sta waver wafedi kó1i."  One evil thing makes plenty of other evil things. Wester Boswell. SUPPER-TIME. N4 chaw61i, kair koósi yog. Shflalo shorn mdndi. Chiv  o kekdvi opró o yog, te kel pfam*ngri. B6kalo shorn.  D6sta hóben see mandi. D6sta groóveni-mas see mdndi. Kind6m-les káter dovi  kooshto yoózho masdngroV boódiga. Beshás sor mendi  tale, te porder mauri perdw misht6. Talla mdndi ghiv6va,  te kef o b6shom*ngri. Sor mdndi keras m*ndi. Mook sor  dula tarno raunia ker m*nsa. Tálla yon d*la men lúva, ta  lei mdndi koóshto nav. Translation. Now, mates, make up a little fire, for I am cold. Put  the kettle on the fire, and make tea. I am hungry. I  have lots of food, and plenty of beef, which I bought at  that nice clean butcher's shop. Let us all sit down and  satisfy our appetites. Afterwards we will sing, and play  the violin. Let us all set to. Let all those young ladies  dance with us. Afterwards they will give us some money,  and give us a good name. HEDGEHOG HUNTING AND GYPSY CAKE.* "N6 moóshaw! Koshto dood-raáti see kondw. Jas  Now men! Good light night it is now. Let mdnghi perdal kó1a poovydw. Dikds m*ndi pAlla doór-trin  m go over these fields. Let us look after two {or) three  hótchi-wftchi. Kosht6 see-ld kondw. T06I0 see-1* {pr l*ndi).  hedge-hogs. Good (pi.) are they now. Fat are they,  Mandi jin6va poovydw kei used to ven d6sta. Latchás  / know fields where used to come plenty. Let us find - - . * See also " Dinner Dialogue."


(delwedd E6937) (tudalen 198)

igS GENtnNE ROMANY C0M1»0SITI0KS. m*ghi doól-trin /i*-raáti. Av6samdndi?" "Oúa. MAndi  two {or) three to-night Will you go {with) me? " " Yes. /  jal tusa." "Nash*na sor kondw párdal o poovyaw kóIa  go with your " They run all now over the fields titese  dobd-raátia. Kerds mdnghi
Rómani mArikli o' dool.  light-nights. Let us make {a) Gypsy cake or two. Láva Wndi to mdndi'j hóben adró kAliko 'saula.  / will have them to my breakfast in to-morrow morning. Keróva mdnghi a
Rómani mdrikli. (Mdrikli see k*do *  I will make for me a Gypsy cake, {Cake is made of p<5rno.) Keróva kóshto yog. Chiv6va-les adr* a bev  flour.) I will make {a) good fire. I will put it in a hole adrd o yog. Choróva-les pardál o* yog. Keróva-  in t/iefire {ash). I will cover it over with fire {ash). I will cook les. Chin6va les opr*. See man d6sta kil, chiv6va kil  it. I will cut it up. Is me sufficient butter * I will put butter opró, ta holdva les m6nghi sor mi, or me*ro, kókero."  on, and I will cat it myself all my- self "You make them of flour and water, and roll them well.  Then you make a hole in the ashes, wood ashes are best,  and put the cake in, and cover it over with ashes, and  when jt is cooked you just cut off the burnt part, and it  eats so sweet."* Wester Boswelu PATRENL Kei jissa, choowdú 1 Mtodi jálr yek gdver ú o wdver. Sor mendi jála, ta  mdndi |6va mi kdkero. Kek na jiniw mi sdvo drom ta mdndi jála.

* Another standard dish among the Gypsies is m*lo-masy or tlic  flesh of animals which have sickened and. died unattended in thehr  last moments by the butcher. They sometimes make a kind of broth  or soup of saailsy which they- call bauri-ziminen.,  and which is not  unsavoury.


(delwedd E6938) (tudalen 199)

GENUINE ROMANY COMPOSITIONS. 1 99 Mook m6ndi jal kátef o Meflesto-gav Praisterlmus, ta  dikds o gr*iaw praisterin\ Door door d6sta; do<5irorf  akef; door d6sta see pardál od6x. Kek na jin6va o drom. Mookóva patrdni opr* o drom te jin sdvo drom ghi6m  m*. So ker*ssa o patr*ni troóstal? Kek na jin6va. Poókeróva toot kon. Keróva-les ko<Ssi chor, koósi ddn-  dim*ngri-chor. Woóseróva I6sti tal6 opr* o drom so jóva; Mi Doóvel jal toósa. Atch káter mi Doóvel. Maw jal tal6 d6va drom; See a chfchikeni drom. Kóva  drom jila kiter bftto gav. Koóshko d{wus, Bor. Yon ghids l*ndi k*tane yek t'o wdver. Translation.  TRAILS. Where are you off to, mates? Going from one town to the other. We are all going,  and I ani going myself. I do not know which way I shall go. Let us go to Doncaster Races, and sefe the horses run. H  is a very long way; a great distance from here; far away  over in thai direction. I do not know the Way. I will k*ve a sign chit the i-oad by which you \>ill knoW  which way I have gone. What will you make the sign with? I do not know. I will tell you then, I will make it of a little grilss/ — a  few nettles. I will throV thefh down oh thó i*oad I go. Goodbye. God bless you. Do not go down fAat road. There is no thoroughfare.  TAis road leads to the village. Good day, mate. Th* went a#2ty together, both of them.* * The patrin, or Gypsy trail, deserves a few words of explanation.  As the Gypsies are a wandering and vagabond race, it has always been  necessary for them to have some way of pointing out to stragglers the




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