ingka0023c English Quiz (= joc de preguntes en anglès). Cartographer (= cartògraf). Trenta preguntes / Thirty Questions / Thəəti Kwéshchənz

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Anglès pels Països Catalans. Pàgina Principal.
English for the Catalan Countries.
Main Page.
Íngglish f
ǝ dhǝ Katǝlan Kʌ́ntriz. Mein Peij.


1/ How many sides does a triangle have?

2/ What’s the official religion of Israel?

3/ What country defeated the USA and won the Vietnam War in 1975?

4/ In what European capital city is the river Líofa (Liffey in English)?

5/ Name a South American country that starts with the letter “U” (yoo)

6/ What animal with wings was Pegasus, according to the Greeks?

7/ What Roman army unit had 480 men?

8/ What English word, from an expression in medieval Latin meaning ‘broken bench’, refers to somebody who has no money to pay his debts?

8/ What is the currency used in the United Kingdom?

9/ What was the name of the spacecraft in the moon landing in 1969?

10/ What is a mosque?

11/ What is collateral damage in a war?

12/ What Greek flat bread has a name meaning ‘cake’ or ‘pie’?

13/ Which French city is famous for its mustard?         

14/ The last two letters in KFC stand for ‘fried chicken’. The ‘K’ is the name of a state of the USA.. Which one?

15/ What two Japanese cities were hit by atomic bombs in 1945 by the Americans?

16/ What part of the body does the Greek root ‘rhin’ refer to?

17/ What does the abbreviation SMS mean?

18/ Xerxes (ZƏƏK-siiz) in the 400s ruled a vast empire. Which one was it?

19/ What are the three primary colors?           

20/ In what city is the El Palau de la Paeria in Catalonia?

21/ What book about a vampire did the Irish author Bram Stoker publish in 1897?

22/ How many hours of daylight are there at the equinox?

23/ What country has a maple leaf on its flag?

24/ What did the American Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791–1872) invent?

25/ What alcoholic drink is made from fermented appeles?

26/ In Old English a hlǣfdīġe (khláav-diiye) was the mistress of a household, but literally a ‘female kneader of loaves’.. (which became ‘lavdi’ or ‘laddi’ in Middle English). The corresponding form in modern English would be ‘loaf-dey’ (loaf = bread; dey = dairymaid, but originally kneader of bread, from a Germanic root meaning ‘to knead’).What is this word hlǣfdīġe in modern English?in moern English

27/ In what well-known novel, by Sir Walter Scott, do Robin Hood and Friar Tuck appear?

28/ The river known as Shatt-el-Arab (literally
stream of the Arabs) is a river formed by the confluence of what two rivers?

29/ What is the name for a collector of, or researcher into, coins and medals?

30/ What is the name of the nine-lamp candelabrum used on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah?


1/ How many sides does a triangle have?
It has three sides

2/ What’s the official religion of Israel?

3/ What country defeated the USA and won the Vietnam War in 1975?
North Vietnam

4/ In what European capital city is the river Líofa (Liffey in English)?
Baile Átha Cliath / Dublin

5/ Name a South American country that starts with the letter “U” (yoo)
6/ What animal with wings was Pegasus, according to the Greeks?
A horse

7/ What Roman army unit had 480 men?
A cohort

8/ What English word, from an expression in medieval Latin meaning ‘broken bench’, refers to somebody who has no money to pay his debts?
Bankrupt (banca rupta)

8/ What is the currency used in the United Kingdom?
The pound

9/ What was the name of the spacecraft in the moon landing in 1969?
Apollo II

10/ What is a mosque?
A place of worship for followers of Islam

11/ What is collateral damage in a war?
Non-combatants (civilians) who are killed by military forces

12/ What Greek flat bread has a name meaning ‘cake’ or ‘pie’?

13/ Which French city is famous for its mustard?         

14/ The last two letters in KFC stand for ‘fried chicken’. The ‘K’ is the name of a state of the USA.. Which one?

15/ What two Japanese cities were hit by atomic bombs in 1945 by the Americans?
Hiroshima and Nagasaki

16/ What part of the body does the Greek root ‘rhin’ refer to?

17/ What does the abbreviation SMS mean?
Short Message Service

18/ Xerxes (ZƏƏK-siiz) in the 400s ruled a vast empire. Which one was it?
The Persian empire

19/ What are the three primary colors?           
Blue, red and yellow

20/ In what city is the El Palau de la Paeria in Catalonia?

21/ What book about a vampire did the Irish author Bram Stoker publish in 1897? Dracula

22/ How many hours of daylight are there at the equinox?

23/ What country has a maple leaf on its flag?

24/ What did the American Samuel Finley Breese Morse (1791–1872) invent?
Morse code

25/ What alcoholic drink is made from fermented appeles?

26/ In Old English a hlǣfdīġe (khláav-diiye) was the mistress of a household, but literally a ‘female kneader of loaves’.. (which became ‘lavdi’ or ‘laddi’ in Middle English). The corresponding form in modern English would be ‘loaf-dey’ (loaf = bread; dey = dairymaid, but originally kneader of bread, from a Germanic root meaning ‘to knead’).What is this word hlǣfdīġe in modern English?in moern English
27/ In what well-known novel, by Sir Walter Scott, do Robin Hood and Friar Tuck appear?
28/ The river known as Shatt-el-Arab (literally
stream of the Arabs) is a river formed by the confluence of what two rivers?
The Euphrates and the Tigris

29/ What is the name for a collector of, or researcher into, coins and medals?

30/ What is the name of the nine-lamp candelabrum used on the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah?
Menorah (in Hebrew it means simply ‘lamp’)




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Symbols / Símbols:
Turned e: majuscule Ǝ minuscule ǝ.
Schwa with acute (Ә́ ә́) is a letter of the Cyrillic script.
Turned v:
Ʌ, minuscule: ʌ
Anglès pels Països Catalans
English for the Catalan Countries
Íngglish fǝ dhǝ Katǝlan Kʌ́ntriz