ingkat5111c English Dictation (= Dictat anglès). The Jackdaw and the Eagle (= el gralló i l’àliga).


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Each student completes the gapped vocabulary (/1)


Before giving the student or students the sheet, the teacher can ask orally some or much of the vocabluary. Filling in the sheet will reinforce what has been previoulsy learned or half-learned.


Each student is given a sheet with the answers (/2) (the students could compare their answers in pairs previously); .or else the teacher asks the students for the answers they have written.


They could also be asked how the word is spelt to practise the letters of the alphabet, and questions about how to spell (How do you spell that?) which are frequent in spoken English, and have an importance far greater than in other languages, given the unusual spelling of the English language.which is generally unpredictable and poorly representative of the pronunciation.


For the dictation, the teacher can read the dictation (/3) to the student or students, who have a copy of the gapped text´(/4).


A copy of the full text (/5) can then be given for the students to correct the work.


Instead of listening to the teacher reading the dictation, the students could read the dictation to each other in pairs (sheets /6 and /7). Or else after the teacher has read the dictation, and the students have corrected the text, thy could do the pair work in addition.


Finally, the students can be asked orally to translate words and phrases from the dictation, or similar phrases (it began to rain > to snow, to thunder, to hail, etc)..




An eagle was perched on a high rock. He saw a lamb down in a field, and he flew down and caught it in his talons. He took it up to his rock to eat it.


A jackdaw who saw this decided that he wanted to be an eagle, and he was sure he could be a better eagle than the eagle himself.


He saw a large ram and he flew down and landed on its back. His feet got caught in the ram’s wool. The shepherd ran to the ram and caught the jackdaw and took him to his house and put him in a cage.


His children asked, Father, what kind of bird is that?


Their father said – It’s a jackdaw.


And the bird replied – You are wrong, sir. Can’t you see I’m an eagle?


Moral: Self-deception means you deceive yourself, but nobody else!








1 àguila E _ _ L _

2 ajocar-se P _ R C H

3 roca R O C _

4 [hai] alt _ _ _ _

5 sobre _ _

6 _ _ _ (veig),

_ _ W (vaig veure),

_ _ _ _ (he vist)

7 amunt i avall _ _ ·· AND ·· _ _ _ _

8 xai [lam] L A M _

9 camp F _ _ L D

10 mosca F _ Y

11 F _ _ (volo),

F L _ W (vaig volar),

F L O W _ (he volat)

12 C A _ _ _ (agafo),

C A U G H _ (vaig agafar)

_ _ _ G _ _ (he agafat)

13 T A _ E (agafo),

T O _ K (vaig agafar),

T A _ _ N (he agafat)

14 B R _ _ _ (porto cap aquí),

B R _ U G H _ (vaig portar)

_ _ _ U G _ _ (he portat)

15 urpa T _ L O N

16 T A _ E (porto cap allà),

T O _ K (vaig portar),

T A _ _ N (he portat)

17 _ _ _ (menjo),

A T _ (vaig menjar),

E _ _ E N (he menjat)

18 gralló J _ C K D _ W

19 decidir D _ C _ D E

20 voler [wont] W _ _ T

21 bo, millor, el millor

G _ _ D, B _ T T _ _ , THE ·· B _ _ T

22 ell mateix HE ·· H _ M S E L _

23 gros B _ G

24 gros L A R _ _

25 terra L A _ D
26 aterro L A _ _,

vaig aterrar, he aterrat L _ _ D E D (verb regular)

27 esquena B _ _ K

28 peus, peus F _ _ T, F _ _ T

29 moltó R _ M

30 bosc W O O _

31 fusta W O O _

32 llana W O O _

33 aconsegueixo G _ T,

vaig aconseguir G _ T,

he aconseguit G O _

34 pastor [shépəd] S H _ _ H _ _ D

35 corro R _ N,

vaig córrer R A _,

he corregut R _ N

36 casa ___________

37 poso P _ T,

vaig posar P _ T,

he posat P _ T

38 gàbia C _ G E.

39 nen, fill C H _ _ _

40 nens, fills C H _ _ _ R E _

41 preguntar A S _,

vaig preguntar / he preguntat A S _ _ D

42 pare __________

43 amable, generós [kaind] K _ N D

44 mena, tipus [kaind] K _ N D

45 quina mena W H _ T · K I _ _

46 ocell B _ _ D

47 dic S _ Y, vaig dir [sed] S A _ D,

he dit [sed] _ _ _ _

48 contesto [riplái] R E _ _ _ ,

vaig contestar, he contestat R E _ _ I _ D

49 equivocat, incorrecte W R _ _ G

50 no tens raó, vas equivocat

Y _ _ ·· A _ _ ·· W R _ _ G

51 senyor S _ R

42 no pots veure…?

C _ _ ’ T ·· _ _ _ ·· S E _….?

43 auto- S E _ F

43 vull dir [miin] M E _ N,

volia dir, vaig voler dir [ment] M E AN _ ,

he volgut dir [ment] M E A N _

44 tu mateix Y O _ R S _ L F

45 ningú més N O _ _ D Y ·· E L S _





1 àguila EAGLE (II.gǝl)

2 ajocar-se PERCH (pǝǝch)

3 roca ROCK (rok)

4 alt HIGH (hai)

5 sobre ON (on)

6 (verb irregular) (veig) SEE (sii), (vaig veure) SAW (soo), (he vist) SEEN (siin)

7 amunt i avall UP·· AND ·· DOWN (ʌp ǝn DAUN)

8 xai LAMB (lam)

9 camp FIELD (fiǝld)

10 mosca FLY (flai)

11 (verb irregular) (volo) FLY (flai), FLEW (vaig volar) (fluu), (he volat) FLOWN (floun)

12 (verb irregular) (agafo) CATCH (kach), CAUGHT (vaig agafar) (koot), CAUGHT (he agafat) (koot)

13 (verb irregular) (agafo) TAKE (teik), (vaig agafar) TOOK (tuk), (he agafat) TAKEN (TEI.kǝn)

14 (verb irregular) (porto cap aquí) BRING (bring), BROUGHT (vaig portar) (broot), (he portat) BROUGHT (broot)

15 urpa TALON (TA.lǝn)

16 (verb irregular) (porto cap allà) TAKE (teik), (vaig portar), TOOK (tuk), (he portat) TAKEN (TEI.kǝn),

17 (verb irregular) (menjo) EAT (iit), (vaig menjar) (et), (he menjat) EATEN (II.tǝn)

18 gralló JACKDAW (JAK.doo)

19 (verb regular) decidir DECIDE (di.SAID), passat- DECIDED (di.SAI.did)

20 voler WANT (wont)

21 bo, millor, el millor GOOD, BETTER, THE BEST (gud, BE.tǝ, dhǝ BEST)

22 ell mateix HE ·· HIMSELF (hii him.SELF)

23 gros BIG (big)

24 gros LARGE (larj)

25 terra LAND (land)
26 (verb regular) aterro LAND (land), vaig aterrar, he aterrat LANDED (LAN.did)

27 esquena BACK (bak)

28 peus, peus FOOT, FEET (fut, fiit)

29 moltó RAM (ram)

30 bosc WOOD (wud)

31 fusta WOOD (wud)

32 llana WOOL (wul)

33 (verb irregular) aconsegueixo GET (get), vaig aconseguir GOT (got),

he aconseguit GOT (got)

34 pastor SHEPHERD (SHE.pǝd)

35 (verb irregular) corro RUN (rʌn), vaig córrer RAN (ran)

he corregut RUN (rʌn)

36 casa HOUSE (haus)

37 (verb irregular) poso PUT (put), vaig posar PUT (put), he posat PUT (put)

38 gàbia CAGE (keij).

39 nen, fill CHILD (chaild)

40 nens, fills CHILDREN (CHIL.drǝn)

41 (verb regular) preguntar ASK (ask)

vaig preguntar / he preguntat ASKED (= ASK’D) (askt)

42 pare FATHER (FAA.dhǝ)

43 amable, generós KIND (kaind)

44 mena, tipus KIND (kaind)

45 quina mena WHAT KIND (wot KAIND)

46 ocell BIRD (bǝǝd)

47 (verb irregular) dic SAY (sei), vaig dir SAID (sed), he dit SAID (sed)

48 (verb regular) contesto REPLY (ri.PLAI),

vaig contestar, he contestat REPLIED (ri.PLAID)

49 equivocat, incorrecte WRONG (rong)

50 no tens raó, vas equivocat YOʌ· ARE ·· WRONG (yuu aa RONG),

(més col·loquialment) YOU’RE WRONG (yoo RONG, yǝ RONG)

51 senyor SIR (sǝǝ)

42 no pots veure…? CAN’T ·· YOʌ· SEE….? (kaant yuu SII)

(més col·loquialment) CANCHA SEE…? (kaan.chǝ SII)

43 auto- SELF (self)

43 (verb irregular) vull dir MEAN (miin), volia dir, vaig voler dir MEANT (ment)

he volgut dir MEANT (ment)

44 tu mateix YOURSELF (yoo.SELF)

(més col·loquialment) Y’SELF…? (yǝ.SELF)

45 ningú més NOBODY ELSE ( ELS)





1 An eagle was perched on a high rock.


2 He saw a lamb down in a field,


3 and he flew down and caught it in his talons.


4 He took it up to his rock to eat it.


5 A jackdaw who saw this decided that he wanted to be an eagle,


6 and he was sure he could be a better eagle than the eagle himself.


7 He saw a large ram and he flew down and landed on its back.


8 His feet got caught in the ram’s wool


9 The shepherd ran to the ram and caught the jackdaw


10 and took him to his house and put him in a cage.


11 His children asked, Father, what kind of bird is that?


12 Their father said – It’s a jackdaw.


13 And the bird replied – You are wrong, sir.


14 Can’t you see I’m an eagle?


15 Moral: Self-deception means you deceive yourself, but nobody else!






a jackdaw



a ram


 1 An E _ _ _ _ ·· W _ _ ·· P _ R C H _ D ·· O _ ·· A ·· H _ _ _ ·· R _ _ K


2 _____________________________


3 and he ______________________.


4 He T _ _ K it _ _ to his _ _ _ _ ·· T _ ·· _ _ _ ·· _ _ .


5 A _ _ _ ¨D A W ,


6 and ñH _ ñ W _ _ ñ S _ _ _ ñ Heñ [kud] ñ B _ ñ A ñ _ _ _ _ _ _ eagle than _ _ _ ·· _ _ _ _ _ ·· H I M _ _ _ _


7 _ _ ·· _ _ _ ·· _ ·· L A R _ _ ·· _ _ _ and ____________________________________a


8 His feet His feet G _ _T ·· _ _ _ U _ _ T ·· _ _ ·· T _ _ ·· _ _ _ ’ _ ·· W _ _ L


9 The S H _ P H _ _ D


10 ____ ·· _____ ·· ______ ·· ___·· ____·· H _ _ S _ ·· ____ ·· _____ ·· _____· · IN ·· A ·· _______


11 ____________________________________________


12 Their father _ _ _ _ – It’s a _ _ _ _ _ _ _


13 And ___________________ – You are _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _


14 C _ _ ’ _ ·· _ __ ·· S _ _ ·· I’m an _ _ _ _ _?


15 Moral: _ _ _ _ -deception [miinz] _ _ _ N S you deceive your_ _ _ _, but N _ B _ _ _ else!.






1 An eagle was perched on a high rock.


2 He saw a lamb down in a field,


3 and he flew down and caught it in his talons.


4 He took it up to his rock to eat it.


5 A jackdaw who saw this decided that he wanted to be an eagle,

Un gralló que va veure això va decidir que volia ser àguila


6 and he was sure he could be a better eagle than the eagle himself.

i estava segur que podria ser una àguila millor que l’àguila mateixa


7 He saw a large ram and he flew down and landed on its back.

Va veure un moltó gros i va volar cap avall i es va plantar sobre la seva esquna


8 His feet got caught in the ram’s wool


9 The shepherd ran to the ram and caught the jackdaw


10 and took him to his house and put him in a cage.


11 His children asked, Father, what kind of bird is that?


12 Their father said - It’s a jackdaw.

El seu pare va dir – és un gralló


13 And the bird replied – You are wrong, sir.

I l’ocell va respondre, No té raó, senyor


14 Can’t you see I’m an eagle?

No veu que sóc una àguila?


15 Moral: Self-deception means you deceive yourself, but nobody else!

Moral: L’autoengany vol dir que t’enganyes a tu mateix – però a ningú més!











1 An eagle was perched on a high rock.

Una àguila s’ajocava sobre una roca alta


2 He saw a lamb down in a field,

Va veure un xai avall en un camp


3 and he flew down and caught it in his talons.

i va volar cap avall i el va agafar amb els seus urpes


4 He took it up to his rock to eat it.

El va portar cap amunt a la seva roca per menjar-lo


5 A jackdaw who saw this decided that he wanted to be an eagle,


6 and he was sure he could be a better eagle than the eagle himself.


7 He saw a large ram and he flew down and landed on its back.


8 His feet got caught in the ram’s wool

Els seus peus es van quedar atrapats a la llana del moltó


9 The shepherd ran to the ram and caught the jackdaw

El pastor va anar corrents al moltó i va agafar el gralló


10 and took him to his house and put him in a cage.

i el va portar cap a la seva casa i el va posar dins una gàbia


11 His children asked, Father, what kind of bird is that?

Els seus nens li va preguntar, pare, quina mena d’ocell és aquell?


12 Their father said – It’s a jackdaw.


13 And the bird replied – You are wrong, sir.


14 Can’t you see I’m an eagle?


15 Moral: Self-deception means you deceive yourself, but nobody else!






1 An eagle was perched on a high rock.

Una àguila s’ajocava sobre una roca alta


2 He saw a lamb down in a field,

Va veure un xai avall en un camp


3 and he flew down and caught it in his talons.

i va volar cap avall i el va agafar amb els seus urpes


4 He took it up to his rock to eat it.

El va portar cap amunt a la seva roca per menjar-lo


5 A jackdaw who saw this decided that he wanted to be an eagle,

Un gralló que va veure això va decidir que volia ser àguila


6 and he was sure he could be a better eagle than the eagle himself.

i estava segur que podria ser una àguila millor que l’àguila mateixa


7 He saw a large ram and he flew down and landed on its back.

Va veure un moltó gros i va volar cap avall i es va plantar sobre la seva esquna


8 His feet got caught in the ram’s wool

Els seus peus es van quedar atrapats a la llana del moltó


9 The shepherd ran to the ram and caught the jackdaw

El pastor va anar corrents al moltó i va agafar el gralló


10 and took him to his house and put him in a cage.

i el va portar cap a la seva casa i el va posar dins una gàbia


11 His children asked, Father, what kind of bird is that?

Els seus nens li va preguntar, pare, quina mena d’ocell és aquell?


12 Their father said – it’s a jackdaw.

El seu pare va dir – és un gralló


13 And the bird replied – You are wrong, sir.

I l’ocell va respondre, No té raó, senyor


14 Can’t you see I’m an eagle?

No veu que sóc una àguila?


15 Moral: Self-deception means you deceive yourself, but nobody else!

Moral: L’autoengany vol dir que t’enganyes a tu mateix – però a ningú més!







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Symbols / Símbols: 

Turned e: majuscule Ǝ minuscule ǝ.

Schwa with acute (Ә́ ә́) is a letter of the Cyrillic script.

Turned v: majuscule: Ʌ, minuscule: ʌ

 ʌ with acute acent: ʌ́

Anglès pels Països Catalans
English for the Catalan Countries
Íngglish f
ǝ dhǝ Katǝlan Kʌ́ntriz