kimkat3938k A New Latin Vocabulary. 1841 (Eleventh Edition). Geirfa Ladin yn Saesneg.




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A New Latin Vocabulary. 1841 (Eleventh Edition).

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WITH Tables of Numeral Letters,



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London: Printed by A. Spottiswoode,


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ADVERTISEMENT. The nature of this Vocabulary, which was originally intended for private use, will be sufficiently evident without a previous explanation. It was compiled with the view of affording examples to all the rules for irregular nouns, adjectives, and verbs. The genitive case of the nouns and the conjugation of the verbs are inserted, that the scholar may be induced to have recourse to his Grammar alone for the genders of the former, and principal parts of the latter. It is confessed that the rules for genders founded on termination are the most natural. But the utility of Lily's special rules in teaching the quantity of the penultima in the geni-


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tive case, if they are freed from his distinction of acute and long, is so obvious, that the Editor of this little book, to accommodate it to both systems, has endeavoured to be accurate in marking the quantity of that syllable.


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Mensa, ae, a table,
Penna, ae, a pen.
Rosa, ae, a rose,
Schola, ae, a school.


Ager, agri, a field.
Culter, cultri, a knife.
Magister, magistri, a master.
Minister, ministri, a servant.


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Amor, amoris, love.
Labor, laboris, labor.
Flos, floris, a flower.
Mos, inoris, a custom.

Currus, us, a chariot,
Fluctus, us, a wave,
Fructus, us, a fruit.
Passus, us, a step.

Res, rei, a thing,
Dies, diei, a day.


Carus, a, um, dear.
Dignus, a, um, worthy.
Largus, a, um, large.
Saevus, a, um, cruel.


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Brevis, e, short.
Dulcis, e, sweet.
Lenis, e, gentle.
Vilis, e, vile.

Clemens, entis, merciful,
Ingens, entis, large,
Sapiens, entis, wise,
Vehemens, entis, vehement.


Ala, ae, a wing.
Lapis, lapidis, a stone.
Regnum, i, a reign.
Casus, us, a fall.
Sermo, onis, a speech.

Clarus, a, um, famous.
Fallax, fallacis, deceitful.
Mollis, e, soft.


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Cursus, us, a race,
Lector, oris, a reader,
Codex, icis, a book,
Aper, apri, a wild boar,
Aula, ae, a hall.

Altus, a, um, high.
Felix, icis, happy.
Fortis, e, strong.

Rex, regis, a king.
Telum, i, a weapon.
Pater, patris, a father.
Bellum, i, war.
Gener, eri, a son-in-law.

Grandis, e, great,
Velox, ocis, swift,
Frequens, entis, frequent.

Sensus, us, a sense,
Nomen, in is, a name,
Carbo, orris, a coal,
Spolium, i, a spoil,
Caper, capri, a he-goat.


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Certus, a, um, certain,
Doctus, a, um, learned,
Viridis, e, green.

Planta, ae, a plant,
Man us, us, a hand,
Funus, eris, a funeral,
Palus, udis, a marsh,
Corpus, oris, a body.

Fidus, a, um, faithful,
Tardus, a, um, slow,
Elegans, antis, elegant.

Motus, us, a motion,
Miles, itis, a soldier,
Puella, ae, a girl,
Puer, eri, a boy.
Pastor, oris, a shepherd.

Turpis, e, base,
Formosus, a, um, fair,
Honestus, a, um, honorable.

Hora, ae, an hour,
Crimen, inis, a crime.


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Caput, capitis,
Ictus, us, a head, a stroke.
Pomum, i, an apple.

Lastus, a, um, joyful
Suavis, e, sweet.
Ferox, ocis, fierce.

Frater, fratris, a brother.
Pes, pedis, a foot,
Rana, ae, a frog.
Via, ae, a way.
Vir, viri, a man.

Longus, a, um, long.
Jucundus, a, um, pleasant.
Recens, entis, fresh.

Exercitus, us, an army.
Virgo, inis, a virgin,
Faber, fabri, a workman.
Mater, matris, a mother.
Casa, ae, a cottage.

Gravis, e, heavy,
Sagax, acis, sagacious.
Purus, a, um, pure.


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Dominus, i, a lord.
Filius, i, a son.
Filia, ae, a daughter.
Mare, is, the sea.
Nubes, is, a cloud.
Mons, montis, a mountain.

Niger, nigra, um, black.
Agilis, e, active.
Facilis, e, easy.
Bonus, a, um, good.

Annus, i, a year.
Facies, ei, a face.
Collis, is, a hill.
Signum, i, a sign.
Gutta, ae, a drop.
Nata, ae, a daughter.


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Benignus, a, um, kind.
Solus, a, um, alone.
Mai us, a, um, bad.
Crudelis, e, cruel.

Deus, i, a Heathen God.
Dea, ae, a Goddess.
Parens, entis, a parent.
Ulmus, i, an elm.
Stella, ae, a star.

Unus, a, um, one.
Duo, ae, o, two.
Tres, tria, three.
Quatuor, four.

Aurum, i, gold.
Quercus, us, an oak.
Virtus, virtutis, a virtue.
Piscis, is, a fish.
Sol, solis, the sun.
Nidus, i, a nest.

Solidus, a, um, solid.
Solus, a, um, alone.


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Piger, pigra, um, slow.
Civilis, e, civil.

Malus, i, a mast.
Malus, i, an apple-tree.
Medicus, i, a physician.
Mendicus, i, a beggar.
Ensis, is, a sword.
Fons, fontis, a fountain.

Tantus, a, um, so great.
Totus, a, um, the whole.
Ferax, feracis, fruitful.
Acer, acris, ere, sharp.

Mulier, eris, a woman.
Soror, oris, a sister.
Dux, ducis, a leader.
Aquilo, onis, the North Wind.
Equus, i, a horse.
Equa, ae, a mare.

Ambo, ae, o, both.
Crassus, a, um, thick.
Tener, era, erum, tender.
Centum, a hundred.



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Glacies, ciei, ice.
Dens, dentis, a tooth.
Imago, inis, an image
Nihil, nothing.
Paulus, i, Paul.
Ovum, i, an egg.

Avidus, a, um, greedy.
Celer, celeris, ere, swift.
Pulcher, chra, chrum, fair.
Parvus, a, um, little.

Castra, orum, a camp,
Apium, i, parsley,
Sitis, is, thirst.
Mare, is, the sea.
Latro, onis, a robber.
Collum, i, the neck.

Pius, a, um, pious,
Probus, a, um, honest.
Ducenti, ae, a, two hundred.
Mille, a thousand.

Classis, is, a fleet,
Panis, is, bread.


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Callis, is, a road,
Cassis, cassidis, a helmet,
Rabies, rabiei, madness,
Fides, fidei, faith.

Volucer, lucris, cre, winged.
Ullus, a, um, any.
Rectus, a, um, right.
Reus, a, um, impeached.

Alexander, dri, Alexander.
Caesar, aris, Caesar.
Horatius, i, Horace.
Sanguis, guinis, blood.
Pons, pontis, a bridge.
Templum, i, a temple.

Magnus, a, um, great.
Gracilis, e, slender.
Prior, us, former.
Primus, a, um, first.

Cornu, a horn.
Arcus, us, a bow.


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Genu, a knee.
Pagina, ae, a page,
Navis, is, a ship.

Iste, a, ud, that.
Sanctus, a, um, holy.
Null us, a, um, none.
Miser, era, erum, wretched.

Heros, herois, a hero.
Spes, spei, hope,
Febris, is, a fever.
Lac, lactis, milk.
Divitiae, arum, riches.
Folium, i, a leaf.

Rudis, e, unpolished,
Exilis, e, slender.
Verus, a, um, true.
Procerus, a, um, tall.

Vas, vasis, a vessel.
Fas, right.
Diu, in the day.
Mons, montis, a mountain.


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Infans, antis, an infant.
Uxor, oris, a wife.

Pudicus, a, um, chaste.
Juven is, e, young.
Meus, a, um, my.
Humilis, e, humble.

Coelum, i, Heaven.
Crux, crucis, a cross.
Pernicies, ei, destruction.
Animal, alis, an animal.
Arbor, oris, a tree.
Comes, comitis, a companion.

Alter, era, erum, the other.
Vetus, veteris, old.
Dives, divitis, rich.
Tuus, a, um, thy.

Egomet, meimet, I myself.
Aprilis, is, April.
Donum, i, a gift.


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Cinis, cineris, ashes,
Acus, us, a needle,
Lampas, adis, a lamp.

Quicunque, qusecunque, quodcunque, whoever.
Sylvester, tris, tre, woody.
Memor, oris, mindful.
Finitimus, a, um, neighbouring.

AEneas, ae, a Trojan Prince.
Hostis, is, an enemy.
Londinum, i, London.
Thamesis, is, the Thames.
Humus, i, the ground.
Ritus, us, a ceremony.

Secundus, a, um, second.
Novus, a, um, new.
Suus, a, um, his.
Aliquis, a, id, some.

Jupiter, Jovis, Jupiter.
Sermo, onis, a speech.
Mel, mellis, honey.
Preci, a prayer.


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Cometa, ae, a comet.
Fagus, i, a beech.

Impos, potis, unable,
Bipes, pedis, twofooted.
Propior, us, nearer,
Fragilis, e, brittle.

Eremus, i, a desert.
Murus, i, a wall.
Domus, i*, us, a house.
Manus, us, a hand.
Barbitus, i, a harp,
Sal, salis, salt.

Infidus, a, um, faithless,
Noster, tra, trum, our.
Multus, a, um, much.
Venturus, a, um, to come.

Baculus, um, i, a stick.
Nugae, arum, trifles,
Supellex, llectilis, furniture,
Os. oris, the mouth.

*Domi is used only for at home


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AEnigma, atis, a riddle.
Populus, i, a people.

AEquus, a, um, equal,
Dubius, a, um, doubtful,
Mirus, a, um, wonderful,
Insons, sontis, guiltless.

Ros, oris, dew.
Os, ossis, a bone.
Anchises, sae, the father of AEneas.
Palmes, mitis, a vine-branch.
AEdes, is, a temple,
AEdes, ium, a house.

Pestifer, era, erum, poisonous,
Docilis, e, teachable.
Invictus, a, um, unconquered.
Quidam, quaedam, quoddam, a certain.

Penelope, es, the wife of Ulysses,
Populus, i, a poplar,
Heres, redis, an heir.
Planeta, ae, a planet,
Superbia, ae, pride,
Corbis, is, a basket.


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Pauper, eris, poor.
Quadrimus, a, um, four years old.
Imbecillis, e, weak.
Vester, tra, trum, your (said of more than one).

Lex, legis, a law.
Grex, gregis, a flock.
Forfex, ficis, scissors.
Lux, lucis, light,
Ramus, i, a branch.
Frons, frondis, a leaf.

Satur, ura, urum, full.
Flebilis, e, lamentable.
Inclytus, a, um, renowned.
Dexter, era, erum, right-handed.

Iter, itineris, a journey,
Calcar, caris, a spur.
Jubar, baris, a sun-beam.
Orpheus, eos, ei, Orpheus,
Canon, onis, a rule.
Delphin, inis, a dolphin.


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Juvenilis, e, youthful.
Superus, a, um, high.
Castas, a, um, chaste.
Armifer, era, erum, bearing arms.

Pecus, udis, a sheep.
Pecus, oris, cattle.
Pelagus, i, the sea.
Porticus, us, a porch.
Vermis, is, a worm.
Civis, is, a citizen.

Adolescens, entis, young.
Senex, is, old.
Urendus, a, um, to be burnt.
Segnis, e, slow.

Arma, orum, arms.
Bos, bovis, an ox.
Taurus, i, a bull.
Dido, us, Queen of Carthage.
Hyems, hyemis, winter.
Rus, ruris, the country.


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Saucius, a, um, wounded,
Uber, eris, fertile,
Plus, pluris, more,
Particeps, cipis, partaking.

Mars, Martis, the God of war.
Nectar, aris, the liquor of the Gods,
Caro, carnis, flesh,
Lacus, us, a lake,
Fluvius, i, a river.
As, assis, three farthings — a pound weight.

Sacer, cra, crum, sacred,
Celeber, bris, bre, celebrated,
Malevolus, a, um, malevolent,
Nequam, wicked.

Genius, i, a guardian angel,
Hector, oris, oros, a Trojan chief,
Dos, dotis, a dowry,
Littus, oris, a shore,
Bes, bessis, eight ounces,
Marmor, oris, marble.



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Caucus, a, um, blind.
Vigil, ilis, watchful.
Quis, quae, quid, who?
Exsanguis, e, bloodless.

Paris, idis, idos, son of Priam.
Fletus, us, a weeping.
Juventus, utis, youth.
Elis, idis, a country of Peloponnesus.
Centaurus, i. a Centaur.
Centaurus, i, the name of a ship.

Bicorpor, oris, two-bodied.
Omnis, e, all.
Par, aris, equal.
Tutus, a, um, safe.

Sestertius, i, a sesterce — 2,d.
Sestertium, i, a thousand sesterces.
Laurus, i, us, a laurel.
Quadigae, arum, a chariot drawn by four horses.
Rudens, entis, a cable.
Aulularia, ae, a little pot.


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Matutinus, a, um, early.
Beneficus, a, um, beneficent.
Pinguis, e, fat.
Degener, eris, degenerate.

Fama, ae, Fame.
Denarius, i, eight-pence.
Series, iei, an order.
Veru, a spit.
Passer, eris, a sparrow.
Suber, eris, a cork-tree.

Paluster, tris, tre, marshy.
Puber, eris, of age.
Similis, e, like.
Sterilis, e, barren.

Robur, oris, a hard oak.
Poema, atis, a poem,
Sedile, is, a seat.
Judex, icis, a judge,
Tribus, us, a tribe.
Unguis, is, a nail of the hand.

Impar, aris, uneven.
Laniger, era, erum, bearing wool.



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Levis, e, light,
Ocyor, us, swifter.

Nix, nivis, snow.
Civitas, atis, a state.
Carthago, inis, a city in Africa,
Amussis, is, a mason’s rule.
Lis, litis, a quarrel,
Metus, us, fear.

Integer, gra, grum, entire.
Saluber, bris, bre, wholesome.
Exter, era, erum, outward.
Vacuus, a, um, empty.

Vis, vis, strength,
Axis, is, an axle-tree.
Ovis, is, a sheep,
Specus, us, a den.
Vinum, i, wine.
Ver, veris, the spring.

Magniloquus, a, um, one who boasts.
Quisquis, quidquid, whosoever.
Sospes, itis, safe.
Inops, opis, poor.


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Res-publica, rei-publicae, a Republic.
Mensis, is, a month.
Athos, o, i, a hill in Macedonia.
Daemon, onis, a spirit.
Vectigal, alis, a tax.
Carmen, inis, a poem.

Pedester, tris, tre, on foot
Alteruter, tra, um, the one or the other.
Laevis, e, smooth.
Compos, otis, master of.

Species, iei, an appearance.
Litera, ae, a letter.
Literae, arum, an epistle.
Ilion, i, Troy.
Crus, cruris, a leg.
Orbis, is, a circle.

Victor, oris, victorious,
Victrix, icis, victorious,
Consors, ortis, sharing,
Canorus, a, um, shrill.

Nex, necis, a death,
Pulvis, eris, dust.


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Virus, i, poison.
Calx, calcis, the heel.
Calx, calcis, lime.
Tussis, is, a cough.

Egenus, a, um, in want.
Artifex, ficis, an artificer.
Almus, a, um, cherishing.
Discolor, oris, of a different color.

Ignis, is, fire.
Cor, cordis, the heart.
Grando, inis, hail.
Locus, i, a place.
Perdix, icis, a partridge.
Nox, noctis, night.

Edax, acis, devouring.
Irrequietus, a, um, restless.
Uter, tra, trum, which of the two.
Idem, eadem, idem, the same.

Caulis, is, the stalk.
Spontis, of its own accord.
Fax, facis, a torch.
Splen, splenis, the spleen.


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Navale, is, a dock.
Regio, onis, a country.

Redux, ucis, returned.
Neuter, tra, trum, neither.
Ipse, a, um, himself,
Callidus, a um, cunning.

Hirundo, inis, a swallow.
Ligo, onis, a spade,
Margo, inis, the brink,
Scutum, i, a shield.
Siler, eris, an osier.
Aqua, ae, water.

Ruber, bra, brum, red.
Alacer, cris, cre, brisk.
Opimus, a, um, rich.
Inferus, a, um, below.

Tenebrae, arum, darkness.
Testudo, inis, a tortoise.
Ternio, onis, the number three.
Arrhabo, onis, a pledge.
Jus, juris, law.
Candela, ae, a candle.


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Sinister, tra, trum, the left.
Ineluctabilis, e, unavoidable.
Sons, sontis, guilty,
Mundus, a, um, neat.

Artus, us, a joint,
Limax, acis, a snail.
Caligo, inis, darkness.
Papilio, onis, a butterfly,
Ancora, ae, an anchor.
Seciiris, is, an axe.

Ales, itis, winged,
Comis, e, courteous.
Nostras, atis, of our country,
Mendax, acis, lying.

Rastrum, i, a rake.
Carbasus, i, a sail.
Avis, is, a bird.
Aqualis, is, a water-pot.
Cuspis, idis, the point of a spear.
Cos, cotis, a whet-stone.

Superstes, itis, surviving.
Vestras, atis, of your country.


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Utilis, e, useful.
Inexorabilis, e, inexorable.

Opus, eris, a work.
Thus, thuris, frankincense.
Miles, itis, a soldier.
Genu, a knee.
Puteus, i, a well.
Domus, i, us, a house.

Supplex, icis, suppliant.
Moribundus, a, um, dying.
Longinquus, a, um, long.
Asper, era, erum, rough.

Jocus, i, a jest.
Astu, a town.
Arctos, i, a constellation called the Bear.
Vulgus, i, the common people.
Monile, is, a necklace.
Portio, onis, a part.

Perbrevis, e, very short.
Plus, pluris, more.


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Consonus, a, um, consistent.
Aliquis, a, id, any.

Pietas, atis, piety.
Partus, us, a birth.
Vas, vadis, a surety.
Gens, gentis, a nation.
Servitus, utis, slavery.
Acer, eris, a maple-tree.

Praedurus, a, um, very hard.
Maturus, a, um, ripe.
Coelebs, ibis, unmarried.
Amplus, a, um, large.

Clavis, is, a key.
Cyrene, es, a city in Africa.
Moenia, orum, the walls of a town.
Gustus, us, the taste.
Quies, etis, rest.
Tempe, a valley in Thessaly.

Ultrix, icis, revengeful.
Exspes, hopeless.
Deparcus, a, um, very sparing.
Talis, e, such.


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Adeps, ipis, fatness.
Crater, eris, a cup.
Elephas, antis, an elephant.
AEquor, oris, a plain.
Elysium, i, the Elysian fields.
Papaver, eris, a poppy.

Singuli, ae, a, one by one.
Impavidus, a, una, fearless.
Diuturnus, a, um, lasting.
Amarus, a, um, bitter.

Robur, oris, strength.
Ren, renis, the reins.
Dama, ae, a deer.
Methodus, i, a method.
Sertum, i, a garland.
Virgilius, i, the poet Virgil.

Bini, ae, a, two by two.
Acer, eris, e, sharp.
Semiplenus, a, um, half full.
Timidus, a, um, fearful.

Jurisperitus, i, one learned in the law.
Materia, ae, -es, ei, materials.


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AEgyptus, i, Egypt,
Pecten, inis, a comb.
Lumen, inis, light,
Fel, fellis, gall.

Merus, a, um, pure,
Alius, a, ud, another.
Adamantinus, a, um, of adamant,
Nuperus, a, um, late.

Restis, is, a rope.
Lynx, lyncis, an ounce (animal),
Color, oris, color.
Furfur, uris, bran.
Nardus, i, spikenard,
Faber, bri, a workman.

Inhabitabilis, e, uninhabitable.
Antiquus, a, um, ancient,
Superbior, us, prouder,
Fugitivus, a, um, flying.

Cohors, ortis, a company,
Vesper, the evening,
Delicium, i, a delight,
Pus, puris, corruption.


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Eunuchus, i, a play of Terence,
Faba, ae, a bean.

Uter-que, utra-que, utrum-que, both.
Regalis, e, royal,
Triplex, icis, threefold,
Perobscurus, a, um, very obscure.

Cortex, icis, the bark of a tree,
Cucumis, is a cucumber,
Puppis, is, the stern,
AEs, aeris, brass,
Scelus, eris, a crime,
Sacerdos, otis, a priest.

Angustus, a, um, narrow,
Nequiens, euntis, being unable,
Deterior, us, worse,
Pernix, icis, swift.

Jugerum, i, an acre.
Silex, icis, a flint.
Rhetor, oris, a rhetorician.
Uber, eris, a pap.
Herba, ae, an herb.
Boreas, ae, the North wind.


(delwedd J8080)) (tudalen 032)


Humanus, a, um, human.
Melior, us, better.
Lacer, era, erum, torn.
Rapax, acis, ravenous.

Lacedaemon, onis, a city in Greece.
Canis, is, a dog or bitch.
Digitus, i, a finger.
Aquilo, onis, the North wind.
Abies, etis, a fir-tree.
Requies, etis, ei, rest.

Validus, a, um, strong.
Uter-vis, utra-vis, utrum-vis, which of the two you please.
Ulterior, us, farther.
Sagax, acis, shrewd.

Tuber, eris, a swelling.
Far, farris, corn.
Grus, gruis, a crane.
Semen, inis, a seed.
Hystrix, icis, a porcupine.
Janitor, oris, a door-keeper.


(delwedd J8081)) (tudalen 033)


Arduus, a, um, lofty.
Campester, tris, tre, of a plain.
Atrox, ocis, cruel.
Praeceps, cipitis, headlong.

Peneus, i, a river in Thessaly.
Strix, strigis, a screech-owl.
Ravis, is, hoarseness.
Epulum, i, a feast.
Merces, edis, a reward.
Macies, ei, leanness.

Celsus, a, um, high.
Cujas, atis, of what country?
Vorax, acis, devouring.
Ecquis, a, id, who?

Amnis, is, a river.
Granicus, i, a river in Asia.
Avernus, i, a lake in Italy.
Caesarea, ae, a city in Palestine.
Repetundarum, extortion.
Teges, etis, a mat.


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Exiguus, a, um, small.
Trux, trucis, cruel.
Opifer, era, erum, bringing help.
Profundus, a, um, deep.

Alpheus, i, a river in Greece.
Cyprus, i, an island in the Mediterranean.
Alec, ecis, a pickle.
Meridies, ei, mid-day.
Dumus, i, a bush.
Vulpes, is, a fox.

Qui, quae, quod, who.
Ignobilis, e, mean.
Meritus, a, um, deserving.
Amabilis, e, lovely.

Darius, i, a king of Persia.
Ergo, for the sake.
Natu, by birth.
Imber, bris, rain.
Turns, is, a tower.
Vates, is, a prophet.


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Perdiligens, entis, very diligent.
Equester, tris, tre, of a horse.
Claudus, a, um, lame.
Melior, us, better.

Thrasybulus, i, an Athenian.
Mugil, ilis, a mullet.
Pumex, icis, a pumice-stone.
Alex, ecis, a herring.
Mus, muris, a rat or mouse.
Genus, neris, a kind.

Juvenilis, e, youthful.
Lucifugus, a, um, shunning the light.
Optimus, a, um, best.
Hilaris, e, cheerful.

Arx, arcis, a citadel.
Balneum, i, a bath.
Insidiae, arum, snares.
Senium, i, old age.
Catena, ae, a chain.
Mula, ae, a she mule.


(delwedd J8084)) (tudalen 036)


Accommodus, a, um, suitable.
Pravus, a, um, wicked.
Particeps, cipis, partaking.
Iners, ertis, sluggish.

Postis, is, a post.
Prandium, i, a dinner.
Balanus, i, ointment.
Induciae, arum, a truce.
Bacchanalia, orum, et um, feasts of Bacchus.
Pudor, oris, shame.

Acerbus, a, um, unripe.
Subitus, a, um, sudden.
Posterus, a, um, behind.
Inanis, e, empty.

Phryx, ygis, a Phrygian.
Impetis, force.
Bubo, onis, an owl.
Studium, i, study.

Diphthongus, i, a diphthong.
Terra, ae, the earth.


(delwedd J8085)) (tudalen 037)


Surdus, a, um, deaf.
Mirabilis, e, wonderful.
Princeps, cipis, chief.
Brevior, us, shorter.

Fraga, orum, strawberries,
Follis, is, bellows.
Anguis, is, a snake.
Appendix, icis, a supplement,
Episcopus, i, a bishop,
Inferiae, sacrifices to the dead.

Cavus, a, um, hollow.
Anterior, us, former.
Sextus, a, um, sixth.
Debilis, e, weak.

Cubital, alis, a cushion.
Gramen, inis, grass.
Vicis, of the place of another.
Portus, us, a harbour.
Ficus, i, us, a fig.
Felis, is, a cat.

Inelegans, antis, without elegance,
Indocilis, e, that cannot be taught.


(delwedd J8086)) (tudalen 038)


Puber, eris, of age.
Mortalis, e, mortal.

Sors, sortis, a lot.
Taxus, i, a yew-tree.
Jussu, at the command.
Sagitta, ae, a dart.
Pondus, eris, a weight,
Nux, nucis, a nut.

Mortifer, era, erum, deadly.
Opportunus, a, um, convenient.
Impubis, e, not of age.
Impotens, entis, weak.

Maenalus, i, a hill in Arcadia.
Domus, i, us, a house.
Lar, laris, a household God.
Pix, picis, pitch.
Rumex, icis, sorrel.
Custos, odis, a keeper.

Beatus, a, um, blessed,
Exsors, ortis, without share,
Commodus, a, um, convenient,
AEger, gra, grum, sick.


(delwedd J8087)) (tudalen 039)


Senectus, utis, old age.
Munus, eris, a gift.
Vannus, i, a winnowing fan.
Fascis, is, a bundle.
Proles, is, an offspring.
Magnes, etis, a loadstone.

Armipotens, entis, powerful in arms.
Aridus, a, um, dry.
Argenteus, a, um, of silver.
Trilinguis, e, having 3 tongues.

Sandyx, ycis, a purple color.
Cubile, is, a couch.
Hirudo, inis, a leech.
Lebes, etis, a caldron
Cocytus, i, a river in hell.
Mas, maris, a male.

Sequior, us, worse,
Sanguineus, a, bloody,
Propinquus, a, near,
Capax, acis, um, um, capacious.

Tonsor, oris, a barber.
Cenchris, is, a kind of serpent.


(delwedd J8088)) (tudalen 040)


Coxendix, icis, the hip.
Remissio, onis, a remission.
Mantile, is, a towel.
Cadaver, eris, a dead body.

AEgrotus, a, um, sick.
Proclivis, e, inclined.
Ponendus, a, um, to be placed.
Decorus, a, um, graceful.

Homo, inis, a man or woman.
Alvus, i, the belly.
Antidotus, i, a counter poison.
Asparagus, i, asparagus.
Sertum, i, a garland.
Questus, us, a complaint.

Improbus, a, um, wicked.
Tricuspis, idis, with three points.
Redolens, entis, smelling of.
Perennis, e, lasting.

Delectus, us, a choice.
Torrens, entis, a torrent.
Cassis, is, a net.
Pergamus, i, Troy.


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Gummi, gum.
Vallis, is, a valley.

Irreparabilis, e, not to be repaired.
Coelestis, e, heavenly.
Munificus, a, um, generous.
Minor, us, less.

Doctrina, ae, learning.
Noctu, by night.
Ingratiis, by constraint.
Filix, icis, fern.
Pavo, onis, a peacock.
Cardo, inis, a hinge.

Posticus, a, um, behind.
Latinus, a, um, Latin.
Tot, so many.
Quot, as many.

Pirum, i, a pear.
Stemma, atis, pedigree.
Virga, ae, a rod.
Maritus, i, a husband.
Volupe, pleasure.
Nefas, wickedness.
Exanimis, e, lifeless.


(delwedd J8090)) (tudalen 042)


Tantundem, so much.
Coruscus, a, um, glittering.
Mordax, acis, biting.

Cornix, icis, a crow.
Obex, obicis and objicis,a bar.
Vulnus, eris, a wound.
Crystallus, i, crystal.
Speculum, i, a looking-glass.
Corinthus, i, a city in Greece.

Assiduus, a, um, assiduous.
Subtristis, e, melancholy.
Perparcus, a, very sparing.
Profugus, a, um, um, fugitive.

Pater-familias, patris-familias, a father of a family.
Libellus, i, a little book.
Liberta, ae, a freed-woman.
Linter, tris, a little boat.
Urbs, bis, a city.
Salus, litis, safety.

Summus, a, um, highest,
Indoctus, a, um, unlearned.


(delwedd J8091)) (tudalen 043)


Amans, antis, loving.
Functus, a, um, having discharged.

Thorax, acis, the breast.
Laus, laudis, praise.
Cacoethes, an evil habit.
Soboles, is, an offspring.
Sordis, filth.
Colus, i, us, a distaff.

Omnipotens, entis, almighty.
Major, us, greater.
Facillimus, a, um, easiest.
Semianimis, e, half-dead.

Opis, help.
Opes, um, wealth.
Abyssus, i, a bottomless pit.
Unio, onis, a pearl.
Nemo, inis, nobody.
Anser, eris, a goose.

Immemor, oris, unmindful.
Fertilis, e, fruitful.
Strenuus, a, um, active.
Illustris, e, famous.


(delwedd J8092)) (tudalen 044)


Draco, onis, a dragon.
Odor, oris, a smell.
Obses, idis, a hostage.
Interpres, etis, an interpreter.
Seges, etis, corn.
Torris, is, a firebrand.

Appetens, entis, desiring.
Profusus, a, um, lavishing.
Alternus, a, um, every other.
Anceps, cipitis, doubtful.

Vectis, is, a lever.
Chaos, a confusion.
Buris, is, the beam of a plough.
Epos, epic poetry.
Adria, ae, the Adriatic sea.
Parisii, orum, the city of Paris.

Plenus, a, um, full.
Satior, us, better.
Securus, a, um, free from care.
Moriturus, a, um, doomed to die.

Exta, orum, entrails.
Siremps, all alike.


(delwedd J8093)) (tudalen 045)


Testis, is, a witness,
Cupressus, i, a cypress,
Clunis, is, a buttock,
Volucris, is, a winged creature.

Fervidus, a, um, hot.
Justus, a, um, just.
Mirans, antis, wondering.
Decimus, a, um, tenth.

Quiris, itis, a Roman.
Occiput, pitis, the back part of the head.
Frutex, icis, a shrub.
Stirps, stirpis, the trunk of a tree,
Varix, icis, a swelled vein.
Fustis, is, a staff.

Sobrius, a, um, sober.
Quotidian us, a, um, daily.
Vanus, a, um, vain.
Arcanus, a, um, secret.

Suppetiae, help.
Samnis, itis, a Samnite.



(delwedd J8094)) (tudalen 046)


Thema, atis, a proposition.
Canalis, is, a conduit pipe.
Adolescens, entis, a young person.
Eumenes, is, a Grecian warrior.

Millesimus, a, um, the thousandth.
Octingentesimus, a, um, the eight hundredth.
Vigesimus, a, um, the twentieth.
Nonus, a, um, the ninth.

AEtna, ae, a mountain in Sicily.
Rubus, i, a bramble.
Pinus, i, us, a pine-tree.
Soracte, is, a hill in Italy.
Tapes, etis, tapestry.
Vepres, is, a briar.

Persuasus, a, um, persuaded.
Rediens, euntis, returning.
Isthic, isthaec, isthoc, this.
Plus, pluris, more.

Arabs, abis, an Arabian.
Forceps, cipis, a pair of tongs.


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Carex, icis, a sedge.
Minos, ois, a king of Crete.
Cytisus, i, a shrub.
Sudarium, i, a handkerchief.

Proprius, a, um, proper.
Opacus, a, um, dark.
Nigrior, us, blacker.
Humillimus, a, um, most humble.

Jupiter, Jovis, the chief of the Gods.
Nuptiae, arum, a wedding.
Penus, i, us, provisions.
Satias, dat. ati, satiety.
Sentis, is, a thorn.
Hepar, atis, the liver.

Temerarius, a, um, rash.
Amicus, a, um, friendly.
Acer, cris, ere, sharp.
Hic-cine, haec-cine, hoc-cine, this?

OEdipus, i, odis, a king of Thebes.
Ditionis, of dominion,
Georgica, con, a poem of Virgil,
Auctor, oris, an author.


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Cutis, is, the skin.
Pars, partis, a part.

Garrulus, a, um, prating.
Extremus, a, um, last.
Corneus, a, um, horny.
Immanis, e, cruel.

Orestes, ae, is, a Grecian prince.
Justitia, ae, justice.
Situs, filth.
Atrides, ae, the son of Atreus.
Conjux, ugis, a husband or wife.
Lens, lentis, lentils.

Qui-vis, quae-vis, quod-vis, any one.
Maledicus, a, um, slandering.
Quadruplex, icis, fourfold.
Pejor, us, worse.

Pelvis, is, a bason.
Gryps, yphis, a griffin.
Uter, tris, a leather bottle.
Patruelis, is, a cousin.
Larix, icis, a larch-tree.
Conviva, ae, a guest.


(delwedd J8097)) (tudalen 049)


Utens, entis, using.
Lepidus, a, um, pretty.
Petulans, antis, saucy.
Varius, a, um, different.

Praeneste, is, a city in Italy.
Sementis, is, seed.
Sexus, i, us, a sex.
Augur, uris, a soothsayer.
Princeps, ipis, a prince.
Melos, a song.

Maculosus, a, um, spotted.
Potens, entis, powerful.
Junior, us, younger.
Solus, a, um, alone.

Orontes, ae, is, a river in Syria.
Necesse, necessity.
Dica, an indictment.
Serpens, entis, a serpent.
Praes, praedis, a surety.
Albula, ae, a river in Italy.

Unus, a, um, one.
Bonus, a, um, good.


(delwedd J8098)) (tudalen 050)


Citerior, us, nearer.
Vetus, eris, old.

Arcas, adis, an Arcadian.
Sextans, antis, two ounces.
Superficies, ei, a surface.
Affinis, is, a relation by marriage.
Tros, ois, a Trojan.
Troas, adis, a Trojan woman.

Romanus, a, um, Roman.
Parvus, a, um, little.
Duo, ae, o, two.
Similis, e, like.

Rhodus, i, an island in the Mediterranean.
Faux, faucis, a jaw.
Vindex, icis, an avenger.
Chelys, yos, a harp.
Acinaces, is, a Persian sword.
Dialectus, i, a dialect.

Declivis, e, steep.
Plus, pluris, more.
Nullus, a, um, none.
Graecus, a, um, Grecian.


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Hebe, es, the goddess of Youth.
Helicon, onis, a hill in Boeotia.
Animans, antis, a living creature.
Pyramis, idis, a pyramid.
Dies, ei, a day.
Oleaster, tri, a wild olive tree.

Famelicus, a, um, famished.
Interior, us, inner.
Annuus, a, um, yearly.
Densus, a, um, thick.

Sulmo, onis, a town in Italy.
Omphale, es, a mistress of Hercules.
Strigilis, is, a currycomb.
Tempus, oris, time.
Septunx, uncis, seven ounces.
Juvenis, is, a young man.

Invidus, a, um, envious,
Maritimus, a, um, of the sea.
Alter, era, erum, the other,
Hic-ce, hasc-ce, hoc-ce, this.

Anxur, uris, a town in Italy,
Tiaras, ae, a turban.


(delwedd J8100) (tudalen 052)


Hir, the palm of the hand.
Hippomanes, is, a poison in a mare.
Alpes, ium, mountains between France and Italy.
Hesperus, i, the evening star.

Scriptus, a, um, written.
Tremebundus, a, um, trembling.
Torridus, a, um, burning.
Ipse, a, um, himself.

Calendae, arum, the first day of the
Justitia, ae, justice.
Instar, in the likeness,
Superi, orum, the Gods above,
Domus, i, us, a house,
Iter, itineris, a journey.

Insolitus, a, um, unaccustomed.
Ditissimus, a, um, very rich.
Fretus, a, um, relying on.
Meus, a, um, my.

Caere, etis, a town in Italy.
Agragas, antis, a town in Sicily.


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Argos, a city in Greece.
Eboracum, i, York.
Hierosolyma, orum, Jerusalem.
Athenae, arum, Athens, a city in Greece.

Alius, a, ud, another,
Praelustris, e, very high,
Insignis, e, remarkable,
Vastus, a, um, large.

Cete, whales.
Sardonyx, ychis, a precious stone.
Antistes, itis, a chief priest.
Dapis, a feast.
Cornus, i, us, a cornel tree.
Pulex, icis, a flea.

Is, ea, id, this.
Immeritus, a, um, rejoicing.
Pugnax, acis, undeserving,
Ovans, antis, fighting,

Pontus, i, a country in Asia.
Quintilis, is, July.
Municeps, cipis, a burgess.


(delwedd J8102) (tudalen 054)


Centussis, is, an hundred times the value of an as.
Macte, increased,
Atomus, i, an atom.

Iste, a, ud, that.
Idem, eadem, idem, the same,
Facilior, us, easier,
Argutus, a, um, shrill.

Sason, onis, an island in the Adriatic.
Lotus, i, the lote-tree.
Nepenthes, an herb curing sadness.

Sus, suis, a swine.
Grates, thanks.
Labes, is, a stain.

Neuter, tra, trum, neither.
Malus, a, um, wicked.
Loquax, acis, talkative.
Loquendus, a, um, to be spoken.

Pharus, i, a watch tower.
Plemmyrium, i, a promontory of


(delwedd J8103) (tudalen 055)


Cliens, entis, a client
Phaselus, i, a bark.
Bos, bovis, an ox.
Fruges, productions of the earth.

Amoenus, a, um, pleasant,
Celeber, bris, bre, celebrated.
Ullus, a, um, any.
Nequior, us, more wicked.

Rhamnus, i, a buck-thorn.
Martyr, yris, a martyr.
Panaces, an herb curing all diseases.
Vis, vis, strength,
Periodus, i, a period.
Finis, is, the end.
Factus, a, um, made.

Serus, a, um, late.
Liber, era, erum, free.
Ultimus, a, um, last.


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Aro, to plough,
Laudo, to praise.
No, to swim,
Puto, to think.


Debeo, to owe.
Habeo, to have,
Mereo, to deserve,
Terreo, to frighten.


(delwedd J8105) (tudalen 057)


Tego, to cover,
Cingo, to surround,
Traho, to draw,
Scando, to climb.


Dormio, to sleep,
Mollio, to soften,
Punio, to punish,
Servio, to serve.

Celo, 1, to conceal.
Neo, 2, to spin,
Scribo, 3, to write,
Scio, 4, to know.

Figo, 3, to fix.
Narro, 1, to relate.
Do, 1, to give.
Vestio, 4, to clothe.


(delwedd J8106) (tudalen 058)


Augeo, 2, to augment,
Fleo, 2, to weep,
Lego, 3, to read.
Gemo, 3, to groan.

Polio, 4, to polish,
Verto, 3, to turn.
Noto, 1, to mark.
Gero, 3, to bear.

Bibo, 3, to drink.
Rideo, 2, Flecto, 3, to laugh, to bend.
Probo, 1, to approve.

Spero, 1, to hope,
Spargo, 3, to spread,
Doceo, 2, to teach.
Oro, 1, to beg.

Spolio, 1, to rob.
Nutrio, 4, to nourish.


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Venio, 4, to come.
Capio, 3, to take.

Creo, 1, to create.
Maneo, 2, to remain.
Sedeo, 2, to sit.
Beo, 1, to bless.

Frango, 3, to break.
Fundo, 3, to pour,
Emo, 3, to buy.
Mitto, 3, to send.

Garrio, 4, to prate.
Veho, 3, to carry,
Sumo, 3, to take,
Paro, 1, to prepare.

Jubeo, 2, to order.
Sto, 1, to stand.
Crocio, 4, to croak.
Jacio, 3, to throw.


(delwedd J8108) (tudalen 060)


Sperno, 3, to despise,
Suadeo, 2, to advise,,
Seco, 1, to cut.
Veto, 1, to forbid.

Pio, 1, to expiate,
Cupio, 3, to desire,
Sopio, 4, to lull to sleep
Pello, 3, to drive.

Obedio, 4, to obey,
Pando, 3, to spread,
Tripudio, 1, to caper,
Fallo, 3, to deceive.

Fugio, 3, to fly from,
Mugio, 4, to bellow,
Volo, 1, to fly.
Teneo, 2, to hold.

Mergo, 3, to plunge.
Vinco, 3, to conquer,
Rumpo, 3, to break,
Haurio, 4, to draw.


(delwedd J8109) (tudalen 061)


Ligo, 1, to bind.
Dorno, 1, to subdue.
Fremo, 3, to murmur,
Promo, 3, to bring out

Sitio, 4, to thirst,
Quatio, 3, to shake,
Peto, 3, to seek,
Sentio, 4, to feel.

Texo, 3, to weave,
Vexo, 1, to disturb,
Volvo, 3, to roll,
Levo, 1, to lighten.
Caveo, 2, to beware.
Vito, 1, to avoid.
Ago, 3, to do.
Ico, 3, to strike.

Condio, 4, to season.
Muto, 1, to change,
Cerno, 3, to see.
Damno, 1, to condemn.


(delwedd J8110) (tudalen 062)



Juvo, 1, to help.
Faveo, 2, to favor.
Ludo, 3, to play.
Cado, 3, to fall.
Curro, 3, to run.
Sepelio, 4, to bury.

Algeo, 2, to be cold.
Circumdo, 1, to surround.
Dico, 3, to tell.
Prasdico, 3, to foretell.
Dico, 1, to dedicate.
Praedico, 1, to proclaim.

Struo, 3, to build.
Sileo, 2, to be silent.
Video, 2, to see.
Amitto, 3, to lose.
Retego, 3, to uncover.
Moror, 1, to delay.


(delwedd J8111) (tudalen 063)


Claudo, 3, to shut.
Sono, 1, to sound,
Duco, 3, to lead,
Perlego, 3, to read over,
Lastor, 1, to rejoice,
Frigeo, 2, to be cold.

Fulgeo, 2, to shine.
Glisco, 3, to grow.
Abduco, 3, to lead away.
Crepo, 1, to make a noise.
Solor, 1, to comfort.
Repono, 3, to lay up.

Latro, 1, to bark,
Laedo, 3, to hurt,
Nubo, 3, to marry,
Vincio, 4, to hind,
Erumpo, 3, to break out.
Testor, 1, to witness.

Fluo, 3, to flow,
Vivo, 3, to live,
Lugeo, 2, to mourn,
Fundo, l, to found.



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(delwedd J8112) (tudalen 064)


Vagor, 1, to wander.
Obambulo, 1, to walk about.

Esurio, 4, to desire to eat.
Urgeo, 2, to press.
Educo, 1, to train up.
Educo, 3, to lead out.
Mereor, 2, to deserve.
Sum, to be.

Facio, 3, to do, to make
Poto, 1, to drink.
Propono, 3, to propose.
Tergeo, 2, to wipe.
Timeo, 2, to fear.
Blandior, 4, to flatter.

Audeo, 2, to dare.
Tango, 3, to touch.
Cano, 3, to sing.
Designo, 1, to mark out.
Utor, 3, to use.
Possum, to be able.

Luceo, 2, to shine.
Solvo, 3, to loose.


(delwedd J8113) (tudalen 065)


Cresco, 3, to grow.
Paveo, 2, to be afraid.
Pasco, 3, to feed.
Queror, 3, to complain.

Eo, 4, to go.
Fateor, 2, to confess.
Consterno, 1, to astonish.
Consterno, 3, to strew.
Divido, 3, to divide.
Strideo, 2, to make a noise.

Ornor, 1, to be adorned.
Tono, 1, to thunder.
Turgeo, 2, to swell.
Meto, 3, to mow.
Fero, to bear.
Loquor, 3, to speak.

Affero, to bring.
Colo, 1, to strain.
Colo, 3, to till.
Ordior, 4, to weave.
Ordior, 4, to begin.
Indulgeo, 2, to indulge.


(delwedd J8114) (tudalen 066)


Cedo, 3, to yield.
Extinguo, 3, to extinguish.
Ango, 3, to vex.
Labor, 3, to slide.
Volo, . to be willing.
Exerceo, 2, to exercise.

Aufero, to take away.
Nescio, 4, not to know.
Clango, 3, to sound a trumpet
Condemno, 1, to condemn.
Premo, 3, to press.
Misereor, 2, to pity.

Exigo, 3, to drive out.
Flaveo, 2, to be yellow.
Pen do, 3, to weigh.
Pendeo, 2, to hang.
Redeo, 4, to return.
Gradior, 3, to step.

Nolo, to be unwilling.
Ulciscor, 3, to revenge.
Jungor, 3, to be joined.
Scindo, 3, to cut.


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(delwedd J8115) (tudalen 067)


Luo, 3, to pay.
Allicio, 3, to allure.

Ruo, 3, to fall,
Spondeo, 2, to promise,
Respondeo, 2, to answer,
Lavo, 1, 3, to wash.
Sequor, 3, to follow,
Disco, 3, to learn.

Mulceo, 2, to soothe.
Mulgeo, 2, to milk.
Moveor, 2, to be moved.
Sustineo, 2, to sustain.
Reor, 2, to think.
Sino, 3, to permit.

Compesco, 3, to restrain,
Ascendo, 3, to mount.
Patior, 3, to suffer.
Singultio, 4, to sob.
Carpo, 3, to crop,
Accido, 3, to happen.

Diruo, 3, to overthrow
Pungo, 3, to prick.


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(delwedd J8116) (tudalen 068)


Repello, 3, to drive back;
Decipio, 3, to deceive.
Nanciscor, 3, to get.
Contemno, 3, to despise.

Consulo, 3, to consult.
Relinquo, 3, to leave.
Interficio, 3, to kill,
Satisfacio, 3, to satisfy.
Conquinisco, 3, to stoop.
Floreo, 2, to florish.

Decet, 2, it becomes.
Fruor, 3, to enjoy.
Doceor, 2, to be taught.
Mordeo, 2, to bite.
Cubo, 1, to lie down.
Ejicio, 3, to throw out.

Studeo, 2, to favor.
Ferio, 4, to strike.
Libet, 2, it pleases.
Dego, 3, to live.
Parco, 3, to spare.
Opprimo, 3, to oppress.


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(delwedd J8117) (tudalen 069)


Caedo, 3, to cut.
Plaudo, 3, to clap hands.
Dignosco, 3, to distinguish.
Agnosco, 3, to own.
Precor, 1, to pray.
Abdo, 3, to hide.

Ingredior, 3, to enter,
Aspicio, 3, to behold.
Applico, 1, to apply.
Prohibeo, 2, to hinder.
Egeo, 2, to want.
Raucio, 4, to be hoarse.

Lambo, 3, to lick.
Accusor, 1, to be accused.
Rapio, 3, to snatch.
Velio, 3, to pull.
Mentior, 4, to lie, say falsely.
Omitto, 3, to leave out.

Lacesso, 3, to provoke.
Caleo, 2, to be warm.
Mico, 1, to shine.


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(delwedd J8118) (tudalen 070)


Misceo, 2, to mix.
Allido, 3, to dash.
Obliviscor, 3, to forget.

Displiceo, 2, to displease.
Lateo, 2, to lurk.
Nupturio, 4, to desire to be married.
Licet, 2, it is lawful.
Corrigo, 3, to correct.
Conspergo, 3, to sprinkle.

Depso, 3, to knead.
Amicio, 4, to clothe.
Rado, 3, to shave.
Recumbo, 3, to recline.
Metior, 4, to measure.
Malo, to be more willing.

Pario, 3, to bring forth.
Dispesco, 3, to separate.
Consecro, 1, to consecrate.
Accino, 3, to sing in concert.
Insanio, 4, to be mad.
Flector, 3, to be bent.


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(delwedd J8119) (tudalen 071)


Fio, to be made , to become
Diligo, 3, to love.
Salio, 4, to leap.
Posco, 3, to demand.
Scateo, 2, to abound.
Tondeo, 2, to shear.

Proficiscor, 3, to go a journey.
Elicio, 3, to draw out.
Piget, 2, it grieves.
Fido, 3, to trust.
Rodo, 3, to gnaw.
Dimico, 1, to fight.

Ardeo, 2, to burn.
Calveo, 2, to be bald.
Como, 3, to deck.
Stringo, 3, to bind.
Refello, 3, to confute.
Morior, 3, 4, to die.

Frigo, 3, to fry.
Verro, 3, to brush,
Sallo, 3, to salt.
Intelligo, 3, to understand.


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(delwedd J8120) (tudalen 072)


Invado, 3, to invade.
Progredior, 3, to go on.

Confiteor, 2, to confess.
Fodio, 3, 4, to dig.
Neco, 1, to kill.
Placeo, 2, to please.
Coepi, to begin,
Incesso, 3, to attack.

Trano, 1, to swim over.
Requiro, 3, to require.
Liveo, 2, to be black and blue
Censeo, 2, to judge.
Conor, 1, to endeavour.
Apiscor, 3, to get.

Sero, 3, to sow.
Negligo, 3, to neglect.
Metuo, 3, to fear.
Terreor, 2, to be frightened.
Gaudeo, 2, to rejoice.
Impetro, 1 to obtain.

Antepono, 3, to prefer,
Renideo, 2, to shine.


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(delwedd J8121) (tudalen 073)


Aperio, 4, to open.
Adipiscor, 3, to obtain,
Addo, 3, to add.
Fingo, 3, to feign.

Incido, 3, to fall in.
Consero, 3, to plant together.
Tundo, 3, to beat.
Indigeo, 2, to want.
Comminiscor, 3, to invent.
Lino, 3, to anoint.

Pingo, 3, to paint.
Ningo, 3, to snow.
Consideo, 2, to sit together,
Pellor, 3, to be driven away
Suspicio, 3, to look up.
Cognosco, 3, to know.

Credo, 3, to trust.
Surripio, 3, to steal away,
Discutio, 3, to shake asunder.
Abluo, 3, to wash away,
Polleo, 2, to be able.
Exoleo, 2, to fade.


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(delwedd J8122) (tudalen 074)


Aboleo, 2, to abolish.
Adoleo, 2, to burn.
Accendo, 3, to kindle.
Decerpo, 3, to pluck out.
Sterno, 3, to lay flat.
Revertor, 3, to return.

Assero, 3, to claim.
Procurro, 3, to run forward.
Recurro, 3, to run back.
Prodigo, 3, to lavish
Surgo, 3, to rise.
Minor, 1, to threaten.

Aio, to say.
Nitor, 3, to endeavour.
Laboro, 1, to labor.
Juro, 1, to swear.
Praesto, 1, to excel.
Condo, 3, to hide.

Psallo, 3, to play on an instrument,
Alo, 3, to nourish,
Antecello, 3, to excel.


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(delwedd J8123) (tudalen 075)


Percello, 3, to astonish.
Spector, 1, to be beheld.
Molior, 4, to attempt.

Decido, 3, to fall off.
Recido, 3, to fall back.
Odi, to hate.
Tollo, 3, to lift up.
Coquo, 3, to boil.
Opto, 1, to wish.

Occido, 3, to fall down.
Occido, 3, to kill.
Delecto, 1, to delight.
Commendo, 1, to praise.
Oportet, 2, it behoves.
Nascor, 3, to be born.

Strido, 3, to creak.
Parturio, 4, to bring forth
Feror, to be borne.
Dedo, 3, to surrender.
Posthabeo, 2, to value less.
Sorbeo, 2, to sup up.


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(delwedd J8124) (tudalen 076)


Inquio, to soy.
Perficio, 3, to finish.
Annuo, 3, to assent.
Vendo, 3, to sell.
Pcenitet, 2, it repents.
Tutor, 1, to defend.

Paciscor, 3, to bargain.
Quaeso, to pray.
Contundo, 3, to bruise.
Scabo, 3, to scratch.
Moveo, 2, to move.
Farcio, 4, to stuff.

Transilio, 4, to leap over
Aveo, 2, to desire.
Pango, 3, to fix.
Excello, 3, to excel.
Orior, 3, 4, to rise.
Pudet, 2, it shames.

Laedor, 3, to be hurt.
Sisto, 3, to stop {active sense).
Sisto, 3, to stand still.
Arbitror, 1, to think.


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Frico, 1, to rub.
Tumeo, 2, to swell.

Memini, to remember.
Pluo, 3, to rain.
Suesco, 3, to be accustomed.
Abscondo, 3, to hide.
Expergiscor, 3, to awake.
Adimo, 3, to take away.

Explodo, 3, to disapprove.
Soleo, 2, to be accustomed.
Sido, 3, to sink.
Denseo, 2, to grow thick.
Torreo, 2, to roast.
Amplector, 3, to embrace.

Confit, it is done.
Mano, 1, to flow.
Adjuvo, 1, to help.
Respuo, 3, to reject.
Agor, 3, to be driven.
Attero, 3, to wear out.

Careo, 2, to be without.
Glabreo, 2, to be smooth.


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(delwedd J8126) (tudalen 078)


Ingruo, 3, to assail,
Succurro, 3, to assist,
Polliceor, 2, to promise,
Fulcio, 4, to prop.

Afficio, 3, to affect.
Colligo, 3, to gather,
Rudo, 3, to bray.
Coaleo, 2, to grow together.
Albeo, 2, to be white.
Senesco, 3, to grow old.

Percutio, 3, to strike.
Vigilo, 1, to watch.
Furor, 1, to steal.
Eo, 4, to go.
Inspicio, 3, to look into,
Aufero, to take away.

Adsum, to be present.
Complico, 1, to fold together.
Prandeo, 2, to dine.
Operio, 4, to cover.
Vincor, 3, to be conquered.
Tueor, 2, to defend.


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(delwedd J8127) (tudalen 079)


Sterto, 3, to snore,
Recludo, 3, to open,
Circumcurro, 3, to run round,
Custodio, 4, to guard,
Doleo, 2, to grieve,
Recordor, 1, to remember.

Implico, 1, to involve,
Cogo, 3, to force,
Contingo, 3, to touch,
Reticeo, 2, to conceal,
Conniveo, 2, to wink,
Absum, to be absent.

Dirigo, 3, to direct,
Deligo, 3, to choose,
Sancio, 4, to establish,
Deliteo, 2, to lie hid.
Meditor, 1, to meditate,
Defit, it is wanting.

Prosum, to profit,
Instituo, 3, to appoint,
Fallor, 3, to be deceived.


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(delwedd J8128) (tudalen 080)


Impertio, 4, to impart,
Jacto, 1, to boast
Jaceo, 2, to lie down.

Perplaceo, 2, to please much.
Illudo, 3, to mock.
Necto, 3, to knit.
Dido, 3, to distribute.
Impingo, 3, to throw against.
Praelior, 1, to fight.

Lacero, 1, to tear.
Lacteo, 2, to suck milk.
Comperio, 4, to find out.
Condisco, 3, to learn together.
Refercio, 4, to cram.
Infit, he begins.

Recano, 3, to sing again.
Versor, 1, to be employed.
Pecto, 3, to comb.
Strepo, 3, to make a noise.
Tremo, 3, to tremble.
Oppeto, 3, to undergo.


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(delwedd J8129) (tudalen 081)


Capior, 3, to be taken.
Diffringo, 3, to break in pieces
Sapio, 3, to be wise,
Liceo, 2, to be valued.
Explico, 1, to unfold,
Piscor, 1, to fish.

Moereo, 2, to mourn.
Perago, 3, to finish,
Pellicio, 3, to allure.
Adulor, 1, to flatter,
Gigno, 3, to beget,
Pervello, 3, to afflict.

Desum, to be wanting,
Complaceo, 2, to please,
Defetiscor, 3, to be weary,
Reposco, 3, to re-demand,
Eneco, 1, to kill.
Noceo, 2, to hurt.

Horreo, 2, to be rough.
Ovat, he rejoices,
Repungo, 3, to prick again.


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(delwedd J8130) (tudalen 082)


Impleo, 2, to fill.
Nugor, 1, to trifle.
Edo, 3, to utter.

Ambigo, 3, to doubt.
Circumsedeo, 2, to sit around.
Satago, 3, to be busy.
Ambulo, 1, to walk.
Cieo, 2, to rouse.
Perdo, 3, to lose.

Tendo, 3, to stretch.
Trudo, 3, to thrust.
Veneror, 1, to worship.
Detrecto, 1, to disown.
Vapulo, 1, to be beaten.
Transcurro, 3, to run across.

Depango, 3, to plant.
Plecto, 3, to plait.
Supersedeo, 2, to forbear.
Diluo, 3, to wash off.
Alor, 3, to be fed.
Veneo, 4, to be sold.


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(delwedd J8131) (tudalen 083)


Furo, 3, to be mad.
Dedisco, 3, to unlearn.
Calefacio, 3, to warm.
Coerceo, 2, to restrain.
Rigeo, 2, to be stiff.
Viso, 3, to visit.

Applaudo, 3, to applaud.
Oppango, 3, to fasten.
Apage, away.
Consto, 1, to stand together.
Deleo, 2, to blot out
Videor, 2, to be seen.

Labo, 1, to fall.
Inculco, 1, to force upon.
Ferveo, 2, to be hot.
Fervesco, 3, to grow hot.
Venor, 1, to hunt.
In do, 3, to set in.

Invenio, 4, to find.
Consequor, 3, to attain.
Tero, 3, to bruise.



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(delwedd J8132) (tudalen 084)


Caecutio, 4, to be dim-sighted,
Repango, 3, to plant,
Nexo, 1, to bind.

Insulto, 1, to leap upon,
Desipio, 3, to be mad.
Praeficio, 3, to set over,
Nego, 1, to deny,
Experior, 4, to try.
Interneco, 1, to massacre.

Impendeo, 2, to hang over,
Praedamno, 1, to prejudice,
Exsto, 1, to stand out.
Desacro, 1, to consecrate,
Rogor, 1, to be asked,
Desero, 3, to forsake.

Pugno, 1, to fight.
Pertracto, 1, to handle often.
Vergo, 3, to incline.
Oleo, 2, to smell, to grow.
Inoleo, 2, to grow into use.
Jocor, 1, to jest.


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(delwedd J8133) (tudalen 085)


Reddo, 3, to restore.
Foveo, 2, to cherish.
Onero, 1, to load.
Praecello, 3, to excel.
Bivertor, 3, to turn aside.
Effero, to carry out.

Sarcio, 4, to mend.
Pinso, 3, to bake.
Occano, 3, to sound against.
Eligo, 3, to elect,
Opinor, 1, to think.
Pareo, 2, to obey.

Reperio, 4, to find.
Obsoleo, 2, to grow out of use
Recello, 3, to bend back.
Appareo, 2, to appear,
Miseret, 2, it pities.
Assentior, 4, to assent.

Monstro, 1, to show.
Profiteer, 2, to profess.
Volo, to be willing.


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Ave, hail.
Seligo, 3, to select.
Infringo, 3, to break in pieces.
Obdo, 3, to oppose.
Obeo, to go through.
Divello, 3, to pull asunder.
Taceo, 2, to be silent.
Lacrymo, 1, to weep.
Lacrymor, I, to weep.

Haereo, 2, to stick.
Plico, 1, to fold.
Glocio, 4, to cluck.
Trado, 3, to deliver.
Reficio, 3, to repair.
Epulor, 1, to feast.

Torqueo, 2, to twist.
Tepesco, 3, to grow warm.
Praevertor, 3, to out-run.
Immineo, 2, to hang over.
Dementia, 4, to be mad.
Salve, hail.


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(delwedd J8135) (tudalen 087)


Prodo, 3, to betray,
Liquet, 2, it is clear,
Voveo, 2, to vow.
Contemplor, 1, to view,
Devello, 3, to pluck off.
Pergo, 3, to continue.

Navigo, 1, to sail.
Ineptio, 4, to play the fool.
Comedo, 3, to eat.
Dejicio, 3, to throw off.
Ausim, I dare.
Reminiscor, 3, to remember.

Praebeo, 2, to afford.
Subdo, 3, to substitute.
Valeo, 2, to be well.
Succido, 3, to cut. down.
Diffiteor, 2, to deny.
Faxo, I will take care.

Impedio, 4, to hinder.
Impello, 3, to drive.
Prosilio, 4, to leap forth.


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Ringor, 3, to grin.
Fio, to be made.
AEdifico, 1, to build.

Potior, 3, 4, to enjoy,
Ferocio, 4, to be fierce.
Compungo, 3, to vex.
Cedo, give,
Findo, 3, to cleave.
Plango, 3, to lament.

Calco, 1, to tread.
Medeor, 2, to heal.
Demo, 3, to take away
Vescor, 3, to feed,
Liquor, 3, to melt,
Finio, 4, to end.


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(delwedd J8137) (tudalen 089)




Unus, a, um, I. 1.

Duo, ae, o, II. 2.

Tres, tria, III. 3.

Quatuor, IV. 4.

Quinque, V. 5.

Sex, VI. 6.

Septem, VII. 7.

Octo, VIII. 8.

Novem, IX. 9.

Decem, X. 10.

Undecim, XL. 11.

Duodecim, XII. 12.

Tredecim, XIII. 13.

Quatuordecim, XIV. 14.

Quindecim, XV. 15.


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(delwedd J8138) (tudalen 090)


Se- or sexdecim, XVI. 16.
Septemdecim, XVII. 17.
Octodecim, XVIII, XIIX. 18.
Novemdecim, Undeviginti, XIX. 19.
Viginti, XX. 20.
Triginta, XXX. 30.
Quadraginta, XL. 40.
Quinquaginta, L. 50.
Sexaginta, LX. 60.
Septuaginta, LXX. 70.
Octoginta, LXXX. 80.
Nonaginta, XC. 90.
Centum, C. 100.
Ducenti, ae, a, CC. 200.
Trecenti, ae, a, CCC. 300.
Quadringenti, ae, a. CCCC. 400.
Quingenti, ae, a, IÇ, or D. 500.
Sexcenti, ee, a, DC. 600.
Septingenti, ae, a, DCC. 700.
Octingenti, ae, a, DCCC. 800.
Nongenti, ae, a, DCCCC, or CM. 900.
Mille, M, or CIÇ. 1000.
Duo millia, bis mille, MM. 2000.


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Tria millia, ter mille, MMM. 3000.

Quatuor millia, quater mille, MMMM. 4000.

Quinque millia, quinquies mille, IÇÇ, or V|. 5000.

Decern millia, decies mille, CCCIÇ, or X|. 10,000.

Quinquaginta millia, quinquagies mille, IÇÇÇ, or L|. 50,000.

Centum millia, centies mille, CCCIÇÇÇ , or C|. 100,000.

Quingenta millia, quingenties mille, IÇÇÇÇ or D|. 500,000.

Decies centena millia, CCCCIÇÇÇÇ, or M|. 1,000,000


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I, signifies one, because it is the smallest

V, five, because it is sometimes used for U, the fifth vowel.

X, ten, because it represents two Vs.

L, fifty, from its resemblance to the lower
half of C, which follows.

C, a hundred, centum.

IÇ, or D,five hundred, the half of CIÇ.
M, or CIÇ, a thousand, from Mille. The latter figures joined at the top, M|, formed the ancient M.

If the less number is placed before the greater, the less is to be deducted from the greater ; thus IV signifies one less than five, i.e. four; IX, nine; XC, ninety.

A horizontal stroke over a numeral denotes a thousand; thus V| marks five thousand; L, fifty thousand; M, a thousand times a thousand, or a million.


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A. Aulus.
A.B. Artium Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Arts.
A.C. Ante Christum, before the birth of Christ.
A.D. Anno Domini, in the year of our Lord.
A.M. Anno Mundi, in the year of the world.
A.M. Artium Magister, Master of Arts.
A.M. Ante Meridiem, before noon.
A.U.C. Anno Urbis Conditse, in the year after the building of Rome.
B.D. Bachelor of Divinity.
B.V. Bene vale, farewell.
C. Caius.
c. caput, chapter.
Cal. Calendis, the first day of the month.


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(delwedd J8142) (tudalen 094)


cf. confer, compare.
Cl. Clarus, the celebrated.
Cl. Claudius.
Cn. Cneius.
Co. Company.
Cos. Consul.
Coss. Consules.
D. Decimus.
D.D. Doctor of Divinity.
D.D. Dono Dedit, gave as a present.
D.D.D. Dat, dicat, dedicat, dedicates.
D.G. Deo gratias, thanks to God.
D.M.S. Diis Manibus Sacrum, sacred to
the Gods of the Dead.
Do. Ditto, [Ital.] detto, the said.
D.O.M. Deo Optimo Maximo, to GOD the best, the greatest.
E. East.
e.g. exempli gratia, for instance.
&c. et ceteri, ae, a, and so forth.
F.A.S. Fellow of the Antiquarian Society.
F.H.S. Fellow of the Horticultural Society.
F.L.S. Fellow of the Linncean Society.
Fol. Folio, a whole sheet of paper.
F.R.A.S. Fellow of the Royal Asiatic Society.
F.R.S. Fellow of the Royal Society.


A close-up of a list of text

Description automatically generated
(delwedd J8143) (tudalen 095)


H.J.S. Hic jacet sepultus, here lies buried.
H.M. Her Majesty.
H.M.P. Hoc monumentum posuit, erected this monument.
H.M.S. Her Majesty’s Ship.
H.R.I.P. Hîc requiescit in pace, here rests in peace.
H.S. Sestertius, two-pence.
Ibid, ibidem, in the same place.
Id. idem, the same.
i.e. id est, that is.
IHS. Jesus Hominum Servator, the Saviour of Mankind.
Imp. Imperator, Emperor.
K.B. Knight of the Bath.
K.C.B. Knight Commander of the Bath.
C.B. Companion of the Bath.
K.G. Knight of the Garter.
K.G.C.B. Knight Grand Cross of the Bath
K.P. Knight of Saint Patrick.
K.T. Knight of the Thistle.
L. Lucius.
Lb. Libra, a pound.
Leg. Legatus, Lieutenant-General.
Lib. Liber, book.
LL.B. Legum Baccalaureus, Bachelor of Laws.


A list of medical records

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(delwedd J8144) (tudalen 096)


LL.D. Legum Doctor, Doctor of Laws.
L.L.S. Sestertius, two-pence.
Lre. [French] lettre, letter.
L.S. Locus sigilli, the place of the seal.
L.S.D. [French] Livres, sous, deniers, pounds, shillings, pence.
M. Marcus.
M. [French] Monsieur, Mr.
M|. Marca, Mulier, a woman.
M.D. Medicine Doctor, Doctor of Physic.
M.F. Member of Parliament.
M.R.I.A. Member of the Royal Irish Academy.
M.R.S.L. Member of the Royal Society of Literature.
M.S. Memoriae Sacrum, sacred to memory.
MS. Manuscript.
MSS. Manuscripts.
N. North.
n. note.
N.B. Nota bene, mark well.
N.L. North Latitude.
No. Numero, number.
N. S. New Style.
N. T. New Testament.
Ob. Obolus, three halfpence.
O.S. Old Style.


A close-up of a text

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(delwedd J8145) (tudalen 097)


O.T. Old Testament.
P. Publius.
p. page.
P.C. Patres Conscripti, Senators.
P.M. Post meridiem, afternoon.
P.P. Pater Patriae, the father of his country.
P.P.C. [French] Pour prendre congé, To take leave.
P.R. Populus Romanus, theRomanpeople.
P.S. Postscript.
Q. Quintus.
Q. Quadrans, a farthing.
Q.D. Quasi dicas, as if you should say.
Q.D.B.V. Quod Deus bene vertat, Which may God direct well !
Q.E. Quod est, which is.
Q.E.D. Quod erat demonstrandum, which was the thing to be demonstrated.
Q.S. Quantum sufficit, a sufficient quantity.
R.N. Royal Navy.
RP. Respublica, the Republic.
R.S.V.P. [French] Reponse s'il vous plait, Answer if you please.
S. South.
S| . Uncia, an ounce.
S.C. Senatus consultum, a decree of the senate.


A close-up of a document

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(delwedd J8146) (tudalen 098)


S.D. Salutem dicit, sends health.
S.L. South Latitude.
S.P.D. Salutem Plurimam Dicit, sends a
hearty greeting.
S.P.Q.R. Senatus Populusque Romanus, the senate and the people of Rome.
St. Saint.
S.T.P. Sanctae Theologiae Professor, Doctor in divinity.
S.V.B.E.E.Q.V. si vales, bene est; ego quoque valeo, if you are in good healthy it is well; I also am in good health.
T. Titus.
T.L. Testamento legavit, he bequeathed by will.
TR.M. Tribunus militum, a military tribune.
U.S. United States of America.
V. Vide, see.
v. verse.
V.C. Vir clarissimus, a celebrated man.
V.D. Vir doctus.
VV. DD. Viri docti.
v.g. verbi gratia, for instance.
Viz. videlicet, namely.
V.R. Victoria Regina, Queen Victoria.
W. West.


A close-up of a paper

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(delwedd J8147) (tudalen 099)




N.B. The Values of these Coins are constructed on
different principles from those found elsewhere.

Teruncius, Quadrans, - a farthing.
As, - three farthings.
Sestertius, Nummus, - 2d.
Quinarius, Victoriatus, - 4d.
Denarius, 10, afterwards 16, ases - 8d.
Solidus, - 12s.
Aureus, 30 denarii, - 1l.
Libra, - 2l. 16s.
Pondo argenti, 100 Denarii, - 3l. 6s. 8d.
Sestertium, 1000 Sestertii, - 8l. 6s. 8d.


A close-up of a paper

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(delwedd J8148) (tudalen 100)



Chalcos, - a brass farthing.
Obolus, - three half-pence.
Drachma, 6 oboli, - 2d.
Philippus, - 15s.
Mina, 100 drachmae, - 3l. 15s.
Talent, 60 minse, - - - 225l.
Great talent, 100 minae, - 375l.
Talent of gold, 10 talents, - 2,250l.


Printed by A. Spottiswoode,


003 041 329 5


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