kimkat0382k Tafodieithoedd Lloegr. Upton-on-Severn Words and Phrases. 1884. Robert Lawson (1822-1897). 


● kimkat0001 Yr Hafan
● ● kimkat2001k Y Fynedfa Gymraeg 
● ●  kimkat2001k Lloegr – y Gyfeirddalen 
● ● ● ● kimkat0346k Y Gyfeirddalen i Dafodieithoedd Lloegr
● ● ● ● ● kimkat0382k Y tudalen hwn


 (delwedd 0003)






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Upton-on-Severn Words and Phrases. 1884.

Robert Lawson (1822-1897). 

Y Llyfr Ymwelwyr / El Llibre de Visitants / The Guestbook:

a-7000_kimkat1356k Beth sy’n newydd yn y wefan hon?


(delwedd 4665)



(delwedd B3671)


(delwedd B3532b)


llythrennau cochion = testun heb ei gywiro

llythrennau duon = testun wedi ei gywiro




(delwedd B3499)





EGBERT LAWSON, M.A., lUetor of Uptom-cm'Sevem, and Son, Canon ^ WorottUr Caikedtml. portion :





 (delwedd B3500)


Thb collection of Upton -on- Severn Words and Phrases which occupies the following pages was made by the Rev.

Canon Lawson, and is attached as an Appendix to a new book by Mrs. Lawson, entitled The Nation in the Parish, or Records of Upton-on- Severn,

On Mr. Lawson applying to me for some information, I took the opportunity of asking him if he would allow the

English Dialect Society to have a reprint of his list of words for issue to the members. He kindly consented, and the present publication, including a few corrections and additions, is the result. The thanks of the members are due to Canon Lawson for his permission to add this collection to the Society's series.


November 1, 1884.



(delwedd B3501)

UccH of the iBJignage belonging to different eroe of national hie atill lies imbedded in the variouB strata of local dialect.

This, however, is rapidlj disappeariag before (he advance of railwajB, newspapers, aad schools ; for it is the tendency of theie, while levelling up onr vocabulary to the requirements of contemporary diction, to smooth down and bury aH oxit- etavpvig ruggodnesB of old-world spaecb.

It IM the more desirable to collect some of the survivals which may yet be found among the household words of our Worcea- tershire folk, because Mr. Halliwell-PbillippB * has noticed very few u belonging to this county. And Upton, combining, as it does, some urban with some mral oharaoteristlcs, would be likely to ifield, were the neodfol leisure and study applied, a nober vanety of such survivals than places which are towns or villages pure and simple.i'

The collection here presented is very far irom being com- plete. It baa been niado with scanty knowledge of other eollectione; and the specimena which it contains have been picked up, for the most part, upon the surface, and in many

OOBSB labelled with more of guesswork than of research.

NevertbeleBB, an expert in etymology will not fail to note among them some fossil rehos of the speech of the sucoesaive rocea which have made their homes on the banks of Bevern ; and he will also find expressions wliich, although long unknown to ordinary dictionaries, were once familiar utterances, in locally varied forma, of our composite English tongue.

To some of the words and phraees given below attention waa colled by a brochure issued under an assumed name by the lato

Bev, C. Allen, Incumbent of Bnshley,; who baa therein re- "Dictionary of Arohoio imd Provincial Wocdn," tenlli edition,

I 18SI. Only foorteeu of the Upton words given below are by bim [ Mdgned to Worcestershire. To each of these the abbreviation Mall, ^ la appendf d. + ]j*land Bpenks of Upton as " a townlet : " but Strobo, a writer

I el niDCfa earlier date and more exteodi'd travel, nses a term which

I llill more accurately dencribes it, " iii,iii6iru\:c, S vlllage-tf

Woroeatenibirp, by A. Poraon, '. and Ciairison, Tewfaesbury, l"~ i Sayings 1 the Dialect of Soatb ' JamesFarker & Co., London ;



(delwedd B3502)

corded a number of original and raoy sayings of the Sonth Woroestershire peasantry. The words in hJB list Are about a hundred and fifty ; bat, as Bushley ia neighbour to Tewkeabixry rather than to Upton, leaa than a hundred of these find a place iu an Upton Olossary. Frooi a uuch longer list, sent by tha present Incumbent of Busliloy, the Rev. E. B. Dowdesnell, about thirty words have been thankfidly adopted after careful scrutiny. Many valnableadditiona have been Huggestcdby Mrs.

ChamberlMn'H " GloBeary of West Worcestershire Words,"* and by an unpublished ooUeotiou which has been made by the Rev.

Hamilton Kingaford, Vicar of Stoulton. and illustrated from

Shakespeare by hia brother, Mr. Walter B. Kingeford, of

Lincoln's -inn. With r^j^ard to some special words, Professor

Skeat baa been consulted, and ho has most kindly fumiahed the informatioD and EUggesttoDs to which his name is attached.

For further matter, denved from his Etymological Dictionary, the new editioQ (18S4) of that work is quoted. Miss Jackson's '** Shropshire Word-book " (pp. 524) f- was not obtained until aller

I tiie following OloBsary had gone to the printer ; and, even then,

I (he extent and completeness of her work mii;ht havo extinguished

I this attempt in deapair, but for the consciousnees that the latter

I purports to be no more than a hastily developed after -thought, lpl>eoded to the records of a single parish.

Much care has been taken to eiclude all words which have not been verified as being more or less used in the [larish of , Dpton ; and cordial thanks are due to many friends who have

I rendered weloome aid in the process of authentication, as well

U in that of discovery-

It haa properly come within the scope of the Glossary Ic &ictude words wbicb, altboogh not of unusual meaning, are ontuukUy proDOonced ; but only a few of such are given by wi^ of hsiping to indicate local pbooetics. The following may serve m specimens of a considerable number for which spaoe «ould not be afforded :—alAtrf (athwari), athoul (without], irockiloui (brocoli), 'cuft, moif, gowiui, lat/loek (Tilaoi, tnarvtl (marble), moral (model), 'ommer (hammer), oppU, rot (rat),

I ,njjf (rt>ul)> 'oltel (salad), ikeUinlon, iparrib, wviUnge (.syringe), 'fM«, iMrmit, unbthnoumtt, tchattomever, wop4,



(delwedd B3503)


Mlaek (small ooal), slop, BmocJc, snacTc, swa/rm (olimb), Bwath,

Hne, trapes, ventu/reaome, unthy, &o.

It ifl, however, almost ^possible so to observe this role as to satisfy every reader, and an exception to it has purposely been made in the ease of a few technical words (mostly relating to trades or agrionltnre), which are more or less in general use.

These have been inserted in order to supply an explanation of terms which occasionally meet the nnfairniliar eye or ear without conveying a dear impression of their meaning.



(delwedd B3504)




AiBBBVUTiOKB. — Adj., adjectwe; adv., adverb; aU., allied;

A.S., AcglO'Sftxoti; contp., compare ; cfcr., derived from ; £t.

Dict., Skeat'B Etymologieal Dictioaaqr; Fr., French; Hall.,

Hftlliwell-PhaiippB ; Icel., IpoUiidio ; w(., inteijeclion ; Ldt,,

LB,tm; M.E., mddle Englieb ; n., nonn ; jiart,, participle; j)(it., plural ; jprtp., preposition; pr., pronoun; pron., pro- nunciation; img., fiiaguW; v., verb.

ABOVE-A-BIT, adv. Considerably, a good deal.

ACCÁRD, v. Pron. of accord. To agree, or be of one mind.

ACKEEN, (I. Pron. of acorn ; der. not A.S. dc, oak, bM A.S. acer, a field, an aare (Et. Dict.).

ACQUAINTANCE, n. A sweetheart.

ADDEB, n. One who enlari^os a statement beyond the faclit.

ADLANB, n. ProTt. of headland. A strip of ground left for _ the plough to torn upon at the end of the furrowa.

ADLED, part. Pron. of addled ; A.S. adela, mad (El. Dict.).

A-OATE, adv. Astir, a-going, in band.

AGLE, n. An iciole. A.S. gieel (Skeat).

AILS, n. (pronounced, abyk). Beards of cone-wheat or barley.

A.S. egla, egle, a priokls, a mote (Et. Dict.).

AIT, n. Pron. of eyot. An islet in a river. leel. ty, an island (Et. Dict.).

ALL-ABOUT.IT, n. The whole matter.

ALL-AS'IS, n. All that remains.

ALL-AS-ONE, adv. All the same.

ANANT,ANENBT,oeANUNST, prep. Neit to, over against, opposite. Anenst, Ben Jonsoo's Alchemist, ii. L

ANIGHST, prep. Near.

ANIGHTS, adv. At night.

ANT-TUMP. n. An ant-bill.

ANY-MORE-THAN, adv. If it was not that. " I should be sure to go to church any more than I've not got a gownd to my back, noi yet a shoe to my fiit."

AEBAND, OB AKEANT, n. Pron. of errand; A.S. armtdty a mesBoge, business (Et. Dict.).

ASP, Ji. An aspen tree. Properly, aspen is the adj. form, as wooden of wood (Et. Dict,).

AWHILE, v. To spare time. " I can't awhile to stop now ; I got my waebin' agate."

BACKEN, II. To keep buck, as growth of crops.

BACK-FEIEND, n. A hangnail.

BACK-SIDE, n. A yard at the back of a house. Ben Jonson's

The Case is Altered, iv. 4.

BADGER, n. A dealer, as in fruit, grain, poultry, Ac Properly, a dealer in com, and jocularly transferred to the brock, which was supposed to feed upon com. Herrick calls the badger " the gray farmer " (Et. Dint.).

BAG, n. (1) (Of wheat) three bushels. (2) The udder of a cow.

BAIT, n. A labourer's luncheon. Comp, bait for a horse, and bite.

BAND-HAY, n. Inferior hay used for bay-bandp, packing, &c.




(delwedd B3505)



BAKGLES, n. Severed branoheB not leea tii&n six iocheB in diameter.

BANNUT, ». A Bmall kind of walnut.

BAT, n. A beetle, v. To blink with the eyes.

BATHER, V, To take a. dust bath, as birds do.

BATTER. V, To slope the side of a ditch or banlf . Fr. abatlre.

BEAEBINE, ». The wild convolvolua {arvi^gU). A.B. here, com or barley {bere-tic, i.e.. bear-leek, Skeat), and bine, a twining stem, ue of the bop-plont.

BECALL, v. To rate, or abnse. '"Er hecalled mil sheamfol! "

BED-LIER, n. One who is bed-ridden.

BEESTINGS, or BOISTINGS, n. The first milk drawn bom e, now after culving.

BEETLE, n, A hoary mallet, chiefly need for driving wedges, 2 Hen. IV. J. 2.

BELL, n. A small watery blister, v. To bellow, as a cow. A.S. bellait.

BEST. D. To pet the better of.

BEZZLE, v. To squander on drink. " 'E's bin be zzling about all the wik." (See Embezzle and Imbecile in £t. Dict.).

BIG, v. To magnify. " 'E's a Rood un to big 'isself."

BIBD-BATTING. n. Bird -catching.

BlVER, v. To quiver as the hps do ; A.S. bifiam, to tremble (Skeat). Uncommon.

BLACKSMITH'S DAUGHTER, n. A look and key to a door or Rata.*

BLACK-STEER, 71. ABtarlinR.

BLAGGEBB, n. Pron, of blackguard. One addicted to swear- ing and low language,

BLIND, adj. AppUed to blossom that does not eome to fruit.

BLOW, n. Blossom (pronounced, blaow).

BLUB, e. To swell. "Well, your face be blubbed np ! "

Comp. blubber ; also bleb and blob, a bhster or bubble (Et.


BLUE ISAAC, n. A hedge-sparrow, A.S. Itege-tugge, hedge- sucker. Chaucer, Assemble of foules, heiaugge. Blue, pro- bably, &om colour of eggs.

BLUE-TAIL, n. A fieldfare.

BOAT, n. A veseel on Severn, pointed at either end, and carry- ing about thirty-seven tons.

BOBOWLET, n. A large moth.

BODY -HORSE, n. The middle horse in a team.

BOLTING, n. A measure of straw, being » bundle of from 14 lb. to 21 lb. * Both lack and kty, bowerer, are mostly represented by roaeouliiie pronoima ; and, so far aa baa been ascertained, Ihe only inanimate objects rpoken of ae "she," or rather "her" (wluob is the Dsnal nominatiie), are a boat of any kind, a church bell, a cricket ball, a fire-engiiie, and a railway train. Id Devonshire it used to be said that the nee of the fcmiiiine proDcan was still iQore refitrict«d, and that everyUiing was of the mascnline geoder except a tom-oat. la that county tjie writer has heard a womtm say, " Se'i a nice, mothrrly sbawl," and one of Nelson's old salts apeak of a ship aa



(delwedd B3506)


BONDS, n. Willow twig* for tying up kids, &c.

BORE, n. The tidal siirge iu Sovem, which uaed to be plainly visible At Upton. Also called Flood'e-bead.

BOST, V, To burst, genernlly in an eicorative sense. " They hoalfd wSontH." " Boat this door, 'e wiint open."

BOTTLE, n. A small wooden keg for can'ymg a labotuw'a

BOUGHTEN, part. Said of bread or beer not made or brewed

BOUT, n. A torn or time; Bpeoially applied to sicknesH and ploughing, Der. DoniBh bugt, a, bend, turn, bight ; but in sense of sickness, drinking, £c,, dtr. Fr. fioaler, to thrust ; a stroke, or lime (Et. Dict,).

BOW-HAUL, v. To tow a vessel by man-power,

BOS, n. The treasury of a Friendly Society ! "on the box," drawing an allowance from the Glob.

BRAND-TAIL, n. Theredstart.

BREE, n. A large cattle-By. Eriee, Troil. and Cress, i. 8.

A.8, brimta, a gad-fly ; M.E. breie (El. Dict.).

BREEDa, it. The hrim of a hat.

BR£VIT. u. To prowl, or hang about. •> I seed Mr. Ranalds (the foi) a-brevitin' about." " Wotbe tbembwoysa-ftrwitMi' about in onr lane for ? "

BRIM, n. A boar pig.

BRUND, or BRUN, 71. A log for burning.
' Fetch a. good chump o' wood out o' tho cellar, and put 'iin bcjind the fire for a Christmas brun." Comp. brand {brond, Chaucer, G. T. 1S40). A.S. brinnan, to bum (Et. Dict.).

CRUSH, or BRASH, n. Small branches of trees, used for pea- sticks and kids.

BRDSH-HOOK, n. A long-handled biU-hook for trimming

BUCKLE, n. A twt^ of basel or withy, pointed at both ends. ehaved fiat, and twisted, for eecuriog thatch, v. In eenso of bend, 2 Hen. IV. i. 1.

BUFFLE. v. To speak with a catoh in the breath ; to stutter.

In Middle Engliah buffer is a stattorer (Et. Dict.). Wiolif,

Isaiah xiiii. 4.

BUFF-PEAL, n. A muffled peal.

BULLPITS, OR BDLLPEAT8. n. Tufts of coarse grass very blunting to the scythe. Probably from tho tufl on a bull's forehead. See Miss Baker's North amptooshire Gloss., " BuU-pated."

BUMBLE.FOOTED, adj. Club-footed.

BUNNEL, n. Something to drink. Boon-ale ? (Skeat).

BUNT, v. To butt or thrust with the horn.

BURCOE, n. Pron. of borecole.

BURDEN, V, To forbode. " I biirdem tempest afore night."

BURR, 11. A Bweet-bread.

BURRO, n, Sboller from wind or sun. Babies must be kept. and cuttings must be planted, in the burrfi. Same word as burrow and borough. A.S. beorgan, to protect (Et. Dict.).

BUB7, 11. A storage of roots coveiod with earth. Proaonnoed as borry.



(delwedd B3507)


BUSSOCK, or BOOSSOCK, n. A bad cough. v. To cough. Chiefly applied to cattle.

BUT-JUST, adv. Just this moment.

BUTTY, n. A mate, or fellow-workman. Der. boty-felowe, partner in booty. A butty gang is a gang of men who share equally. (Et. Dict.).

CADDLE, v. To nestle, to want to be petted. Comp. Cadelamb, coddle. Old Fr. cadel. a starveling, &c., one that hath need of cockering and pampering (Et. Dict.).

CADGE, v. To beg indirectly by means of hints  or flattery.

CAG-MAG, v. {Hall.) To quarrel.

CALL, n. Business, right, occasion. " 'Er 'ad no call to kip on becallin' of 'im that-a-way."

CALLUST, adj. Saturated, choked up, impermeable ; applied to soil. Connected with callous, from Lat. callus, or callum, thick skin or coating, difficult to penetrate (Skeat).

CANT, v. To tell tales behind back.

CAPLIN. n. The attachment of the nile to the hand-stick of a flail. Through the bow of a wooden swivel working on the hand-stick, and through a loop of strong horse-hide laced on the nile by a thunk, the middle-bond loosely passes, and, being knotted, fastens the two members of the flail together.

CARCASE, n. The trunk of the body. "It were about as big as the carcase of our John."

CABPET. v. To call in for reproof. " 1 knowed as 'ex 'A be earpoted if 'er carried on so."

CABRIER, n. ^ame as Messenger.

CABBY -ON, v. To behave improperly.

CARBYINGS-ON, n. Improper conduct.

CAST, n. A second swarm of bees from one hivo,

CATCHING, adj. Applied to weather, showery.

CAZ'U'LTY, adj. Precarious, uncertain. ''A caiu'lti/ joh."

CHANCER, n. One who makes rash and inexact statements. " Bhe'e a bit of a chancer."

CHARKY, adj. Caked, cracky, as BOil in drought after wet.

CHARM, n. A hum, or oonfused murmur, as of many voieee.

Der. Lat. earmen, a song (Et. Dict.).

CHASTISE, I). To find fault witli ; to nuestion (confiiBed with catechize ?). Der. Lat., through Fr.. castigwre (Et. Dict.).

CHAT, v. To gather chips. " I got the grant to go &-cha,ttin' when tbey fall'd them big ellums."

CHATS, ». Chipe.

CHAWL, n. Pron. of jowl, a pig's cheek. Jaw was formerly spelt chaw (Et. Dict.).

CHAWU, n. Pron. of chasm, a crevice, an earth-crack.

CHEAT, n. The gtasshopper-warbler.

CHEESE, n. Apples that have been pressed for cider, but not wrung through the hairs.

CHIBBAI48, TO. Onions grown from bnlbs, Fr. cibonle.

CHILL, v. To take the ohill off. A.S, eyfe, eele, great cold.

Camp. Lat. gelidwa (Hit. Dict.).

CHILVEB,«. A ewe lamb. A.S. rii/or (Skeat).

CHIMB, n. Pronounced, chiine ; the end of a stave which pro- jects beyond the head of the caek.



12 – ddim ar gael




13 – ddim ar gael




(delwedd B3508)

U UPTOM WOED9 AND in other. " No, mmn, I don't go to chnrcU now, mi ori^DR do make sncb a dotherin' in my poor yud."

DOTMEXT, n. A mesa of greaae and dirt procTired from olinrob -belle, or a cArt-whoel, Bopposed to core the ahingles.

DOUT. «. To do ont, or exlingniBh. Com/>, doff, and don.

DOWN-HILL, adj. and adu. (1) Applied to wind, ambignoas ; acoordin^ to the watermen, a down-hill wind is. like a down- stream wind, from the north : but it ia often need otherwise. as, " The wind is a-|;oiie down-'ilt," i.i'., has gone round to the south. (2) Applied to a line on the downward slope. " Thai rail don't aim just level; 'e fallBfJoij"i-'iU a bit."

DOWSE, n. A blow (on the head). Pronoanced aa rhyming with home. Perhaps all. to dash (Et. Dint.),

DOZEN, n. Thirteen in selling plants, cuctmibers, and many kinds of vegetable B for eating.

DRAFT, n. Two and a half bamlred-weight of ooal.

DRIOOLE, n. A amalt-meahed draw-net, used from the livar bank in high water.

DRINK-HOUSE, n. The building in which cideria kept.

DBOMEDABy, n. A slow, stupid, or clumsy person. "0

Jim, you dromedary ! to misa that easy catoh I ''

DUB, 11. (1) To bend or pull down. (2) To throw, as a stone.

DUCK'S-PROST, H. DriEzUng rain. " IfU be a duek'ifroit afore the morrow."

DUMB-NETTLE, n. Dead-nettle.

DUUMEL, n. A atapid, awkward thing; applied to men, ()attle. tools, ko. A.S. damb (Skeat).

DUNNY, adj. Deaf.

DURE, v. To last. EAN, v. (of ewes). To bring forth young. " Eaninga " and " eoning-Iime," Mer. of Venice, i. 2. A.S. ninian (Et, Dict.).

ELDER, n. An udder.

ELEVENS, n. An intermediate meal at 11 a.m.

ELLERN.n. An elder-bush. The d is exoresoent ; M.E.eZIer (Et. Dict.).

EMPT. ti. To empty. £THERINGS, n. Rods of hazel used for weaving in and oat of the tops of hedge-stakes ; also for bean Etioks, and for making orates. In some places called edderings.

ETTLE8, n. Nettles.

EVENT, n. Used for amount or quantity. "There's any event of potatoes in the bury."

EVER-SO, adv. In any cose, at the worst. " Not if it were

EXPRESSIONS, B. Coarse langtiage.

EYE, v. (1) To glance at. "Her on'y eijeil the letter, and ' ("2) To regard with ill-will; 1 Sam. v'd it I

FAD. n. A whim, a fanny.

FADDY, adj. Fanoifnl. fidgety.

FADY, (hK. Flabby, as the flash of a drooping child. " Why, 'is dear utUe arms bo as/adij siifitily.''

FAG, generally OLD FAG. », Tufts of last yew's grass np|g eatoo down. Northern, Fog. v. To pull hard, as at a rops. •




(delwedd B3509)


FAQQIT, n. (1) A cake, oi small pudding, of spioed mittoe, madfl from pig's-iiy, &c. ('2) A term of reproach to a

FAINTY. aij. Inclining to fainlnees.

FALL. I-. To fell, as a tree.

FALLING- WEATHER, v. Weather in which rain, htul, or

Btion' may be expected.

PALTEH, o. To fail iu health.

FAMMEL, v. To famish. Comp. Lot. /ainelteiM.

FABDEN-PIECE. n. A fwthing.

FAST, adj. Forward, impulsive,

FATCHES, 71. Vetches. - Fitches," IsuAb xxtUl 36 ; Ezek. '.9. " He B.

FEATURE, o. To be hke in lace. " 'E do feature 'is father ; 'e'B as lihe aa like."

FBLT,n. A fieldfare.

FELTH, n. SooBation. " 'ErVe ua/elth uv 'er right 'and."

FETCH. v. To deal, as a blow. " A-done, or Vli/eteh thee a dowse on th' ynd." ' FETTLE, n. Proper order, v. To get ready, set in order ;

Bom. and Juhet, iii. 4.

FILBEABD, n. Pron. of filbert Perhaps ottlled after St.

Philibert, whose day, Ang. 22 (old stjle) is in the nutting

Heaaon (Et. Dict.).

FIND OF, v. To fael.

PIBE-LIGHT, n. Pron. of violet.

FITCHEB. n. A polecat.

FITCHER-COLOUBED, adj. Of the colour of a polecat.

FITHEB, v. To scratch or fidget with feet or SugerB.

PITTLE, n. {Ball)_ Proa, of \-iotiial.

FLEET, n. A floating bridge, or horse-ferry.

FLEN. 71. Plu. of flea.

FLETCHER, n. A shoot for the overSow of Borplns water.

PLIM, a4j. Pliable, limp.

FLOOD'8-HEAD, n. Same as Boro on the Severn.

FLOWER-KNOT, n. A flower-bed ; King Riohard 11. iii. 4.

FOOT-SET, adj. Applied to a temporary fence, or stop-gap. of dead thoma set upright in a trench, and trodden in with the

FOREMOST.HORSE, n. The leading horse in a team.

FODR-0'CLOCK, n. A meal at that hour.

FRAME, n. A skeleton. '• 'Er hain't no mora nor a/ranie.''

PBANOY, adj. Of horses, restive (g soft).

FRANZY, mij. Paaaiooate. impetaoua (tren

FBESH, adj. Not very drank.

FKESH-LIQDOR, n. Dnsalted lard.

FBODGB, n. The Rround-ica which rises from the bottwi ,icd).

Comp. boie. " like packs o" wool," when a hard frost breaks np.

FRUM. tidj. Forward, welt grown, fiiU, thriving; applied to vegetables, graas, fruit, and animals.



(delwedd B3512)


PUIiIiAB. ti. Tb« tool used for making b fullaring. Dns

FULLABINO. n. The Kroove in k horM-sboe in wfaiefi tiie

DftiU Are inserted. Dying oaL

FUEKACE. n. A large boiler, set in brickwork, for brewing, mukin g soap, Jt«.

FTAOD, ajj. Pron. of few.

GAFFER, n. A master, an overlooker.

GAIN, n. A shallow wal«r-coarBe. lul;. (1) In » workmanlike way. (2) Near. Comp. the like use of " haad; " in both senses. PronooQced, gahjn. Cojnp. Ice), gegn, ready, ser- viceable (Et. Dict.).

GALLUS, adj. Applied to boys only ; iminah, misohievoos. " 'Taint aa the lad's wicked, nor yet spitefol, bat 'e's desp'rut gallu*." "Gallows" (n.) applied to Capid, Love's I^boiii

Lost, T. 2, 0.\LLUSN£SS, n. ImpishnMs, love of mischief.

GAUBBIL, n. A carved and notched pieoe of wood for hanging np and extending carcases.

GAME, c. Toma^efon. A.S. 9<im«n, a,game,BpoTt (EkDict.).

GAlfMET, n. Fun, sport, a whimsical trick.

GAMPU3, n. Hinder part of traces need is field wtn^.

G.\NGBIL, n. A Unky, ungainly creatore, whether man or

GAPPING-QUICE, n. Strang thorns planted to fill np a gap in a hed^.

GABMENT, n. A chemise.

GAUN, n. A wooden vessel; properly, a gallon.

OAWBY. n. Pron. of gaby : a silly, foolish parson. loel. gapi, a rash, reckless man (Et. Dict.).

OAWM, v. To paw, to poll about with the hands. "Dont yon be t-gawmin.' o' the fittle with yer mawlers."

GAY, v. To swing or see-saw.

GENDER, n. The spawn of fivgs and of eeU. Pronounced, jnnder.

GET. p. Of a clock orwatch, to gain.

GET-BEYOND, v. To make out, to master, to get to the bottam of. Also lo recover front, as an iUneos.

GIDDLING, adj. AppUed to girls only, thooghtlem, flighty.

GILLBENTS, n. Stems of eoarse grass (G hard).

GIBD, orGDRD, n. Aspaam. " By fits and ytr<i»."

GL.iT, n. A gap in a hedge.

GLUU, n. Pron. of gleam ; "hot gluma" ara spoken of in close, thnnderv weather.

GLUTCH, B, To swallow with effort. Comp. " ^ut " in sam* sense. Tempest, i. I.

GO-BACK, B. To grow worse, or lose ground, as crops, or a sick person.

GOLDEN-CSAIN, a. Laburnum.

GONE-DEAD. piir(- Dead, as a plant or tree.

GOOD-SORTED, ad>. Of good son. " Oood-torUd pigi."

OOCT, n. A watercourse hriilged to mike a ro^way. M.E. fOt«, a water- ohacnel ; closely allied to gtil or fi*it9, the mtastinal caaal. Not coanxted with guitar, which i> ot

Lat. origin t^t. Dict.).



(delwedd B3513)

 or GRAFFING.TOOL, n. A long and narrow epiide a draining. A.S. grafan, to dig <£t. Dict.).

BRANCH, v. To grind the teeth.

PBASS-NAIL, n. A linked hook for bracing the flcjthe to the

GREAT, adj. Friendly, intimate. " Hia liufB wore alius great with oum, when the; was yoiin^Btera together."

ORET, Work by the, ii. Pieoe-work. By the great or groM ?

GREWED, adj. Of milk, Ac, stuck to the pan in boiliu({. Not ^^
^ into ^pAVl

GBtNDLESTONE, n. A grindsiono.

GRIP, n. A field gatter.

GULL, n, A gosling.

GDLLOCS, II. To swallow. Comp. gullet, and Lat. i (Et. Dict.).

GUBGEONS, n. Sharps; wheat-meal at the stage between floor &nd bran.

HACK, or HACK-RAKE, ti. See Eake-tnrn.

HACKLE, )i. (1) A oonic&l and movable thatoh, for bee-hives. (2) three reaps of bean!< set up in the field, v. To shelter sheaves from wet by spreading an inverted one on the top of the othera.

HAGGLE, w. (1) A mUd dispute. (2) The process of bargain- ing : higgle, a weakened form.

HAIRS, rt. Hair-cloths used in the cider-press.

HALF-BAPTIZE, v. To baptize privately. See Christen.

HALLIEB, or X.LLIER, n. One who draws coal, timber, bricks, &c.

HANDFUL, n. A person difficnlt to manage. "Our'Liia'a wonderful took up uv that chap o* hern, but if they gets married he'll be a, handful, I reckon."

HAND-STICK, n. The handle of a dail.

HAPPEN, adv. Perhaps.

HABCELET, n. The liver, lights, and heart of a pig made into a dish. Formerly spelt kaitelet, hattlet, hattcl; of Fr. origin (Skeat).
-.DISTROW, ». A shrew-mouse. lVEBDEPAZE, adj. In doubt, mentally oo the balance.

Corruption of avoirdupois.

HAYN-UP. v. Applied to grass land, to shut it up for hay.

HAY-EIFF, n. Gooae-graaa.

HAY-TBUSSEB, ». Ojie who cuts hay out of a rick and makes it np into truasea. (Between twenty and thirty men in Uplun re thus employed. The weight of a truss ia CO lb.)

Y-WABD, n. An offlcar in charge of cattle and fences on eommon land. Nares (1622) speaks of the word as disused ; but the term and the ofUce have been in uae at Upton within the last five years. Der. A.S. hecg, hedge (uomiccted with haga, whence haw, haw-haw, haw-finuh, haw-lLorn), and

A. 8. weard, a guard (Et. Dict.).

HEAD-ST-ALL, n. A stout sort of bridle for fastening a horse o the n nger.

A stile that may be lifted from between fixed



(delwedd B3514)


HEDGE-BETTT, n. A hedge-eparrow.

HEDGE-BILL, n. A long-handled hooked blade for ontiing hedges, muoh stronger than a brush-hook.

HEEL, n. The top orost of a loal Uncommon.

HEFT, n. Weight. In sense of heaving, Wint Tale, ii. 1, " with violent hefts," v. To weigh.

HELE, V, To cover np, as seed, potatoes, &c. Often pronounced yeal, or yiU. A.S. helanf to cover. Comp. Lat. cela/re and eeUa (Skeat).

HELL-BAKE, n. A large rake drawn along to collect outlying wisps of hay. Der. ell, or heel (?).

HIGH-MINDED, adj. At a comparatively high mental leveL " 'E was that *igh-minded as I couldnt understand 'is ser- mons no more nor nothin*."

HIL E, v. To push with the horn.

HILT, n. A young sow for breeding.

HIBING-MONET, n. The shilling given at a mop to engage a servant.

HIT, n. A crop. " A good hU o* fruit." IceL hiUa, to hit upon, meet with (Et. Dict).

HOB, ft. A tlurd swarm of bees from one hive.

HOBBEDY'S-LANTEBN, n. Will-o*-the wisp.

HOG, v. To out hair short, as a horse's mane. " Provincial

English'* ; probably der. hag* Sootoh weakened form of hack (Et. Dict.).

HOLLOW-WAY, n. A road between high banks.

HONESTY, n. (ClemaHs Malba) ; not, as in most parts of

En|^and, Lunaria biennit. Traveller*s joy.

HOOP, or Cock-hoop, ft. A bullfinch. Nope, in Dra3rton'8

Polyolb. xiiL (Nares).

HOOP- DRIFT, n. A coopers tool for tightening the hoope on a barreL

HOOT, v. To cry out.

HOOVE,©. (HalL) To hoe.

HORSE-STINGEB, n. A dragon-fly.

HOWEVEB, adv. In short, in any case ; generally placed at the end of a sentence.

HUD, n. (HaU.) Husk, case (hood ?).

HULL, v. To shell, as peas.

H U MBUG, ft. A kind of sweetmeat.

HUMBUZ, II. A cockchafer.

HUMOUBSOME, <ub*. Full of humours, whimsieaL

HUMP, r. To grumble.

HUNDRED, fi. (I) Long, by machine wei^rht, 1121b.; by count, six soore= lia (3) Short, by steelyard weight, 100 lb. ; by count, one hundred. JS.^., a hundred of asparagus, of oranges, of wahiuts, «kc., would be 126 ^see Soore) ; a hundred of herrings, 100.

HURDLE-BUMPER, ii. A sheep*s head.

HURRISH, r. To dri>*e catUe.

ILL-CONVENIEXT, a^f. l^om. of inconvenient

INCH-MEAL, aJr. Inch by inch. See Limmel.

INCH-TREE, M. Proii. of hmg^tree, the upnght side of a gate to which the hinges are attached.




(delwedd B3515)

iNONS, n. Pron. of oniona. Anglo-French oynon (Et. Dict.),

INSENtiB, ». To inform, or make to nnderHtand.

ITEM,™. {HalL) A hint or iiitimiition. " I wluBtled to Jim io give 'im an item m Ibe gaffer were R-oomin'."

JACK-UP, v. To diBmiaa, oashier; also to leeign employment, to break off work. In the last Bense nsed in America.


JESSUP, v. aymp, juice. Unuommou.

JDSTICING, pari. Going before the magiatrates.

JUSTLY, adv. Eiaotly. '• I oo]jli<i'ij until/ bbj."

KAT'OLD, adj. Pron. of keyhold; applied to bouse property with no legal owner, and claimed by the occupier.

KEAOH, inUrj. Hallo I Used in calling to a dog, or m entreasing woDder or tacreduUty. Probably abbrevintion of " look here.'' Pronounood a« e, monosyllable, with Btress ou the first two letters.

KECKLE, t>. To cough or choke. Comp. chuckle, and cackle.

EEECH, n. A thick Uyer, as of hay. (Limip, or moss in 1

Hen. rV. ii. 4, and Hen. VIII. i, 1.)

EEBN, o. To sharpen, as a knife.

EEFFEL, n. Term of reproaah or disparagement for a horse.

Ctffyl is Welsh for horse. Comp. Lat. cabaUita, and French,

Spouish, Italian, and Iriiih eqiiivalenta.

KELL, ft. the caul of an animal.

EEIjP, or KILLUP, v.
To yelp as a dog does; to worry by taking. Comp. A.S. gUpan, to talk noisily {Et. Dict.).

KERNEL, n. A gland swollen hard. Formed from A.ii, com, gruR(Et. Dict.).

KETCH, n. A two-masted vessel, formerly used on SeTem.

Der. Tutkish quaiq,

KIBBLE, v. to split, crush, or coarsely grind, as oats, bouia, or

Lidian oorn ; n. Ipla.) lumps of coed about the aize of swan's KID, n. A faggot, v. To moke ii

ND, adj. Apphed to plants, t good as their kind is capable of being. "Thftf
- . . . .- --.-- ..-. . faggots.

IS, roots, Ac. ; natural, as their kind is capable of being. Comp. genus, geniaL

There's a small fyaoa opples, but they don't look kind."

Ant. and Cleop. t. '2, " The worm will do hia kind." act kocording to his aature. " Eindleea," Ham. ii. 2, unnatural [Nares). A.S, cynde, natural (Et. Dict.).

KINDLE, v. Of rabbits, to brmg forth young. Aa Tou Lite It, iii. 2. Der. A.S. cynde, originally, bom.

EIPE, n. A basket of circular form, wider at top than at bottom; it should properly hold two pecks and a hiJf.

KIPE-FOL, n. The emalleat measare in sulUng coal.

KMOIiL, v. To toll, OS a bell. Comp. knell ; Macb. v. 7, " Hie kneU ia knolUd " (Naren).

KNUBBLINGS, ». (HaU.\ Lamps hand-picked ont of best eoal, weighing about from 6 lb. Co 10 lb.
KTANDEE, interj. Look yonder I

L&SE-OAUN, n. A veaael attached to H stick, for ladling out

AMP, v. To beat soundly. " A lamming," Beaum. and

Flet^,, King aud No King. Icel. lanut, to bruise. Comp, lame.



(delwedd B3516)


LAP. p. T* wrap.

LA2E. B. LuLocw.

I.E.JF. n. A metnbrwie in \ n^ from wbicb the lard b obOmcd.

LEAKN. w. To toKb. I-ailiii (Pnfef-book) nv. 4, 8 ; A.S. lar»a >'Et THa.).

LEcnOSS, ». Ukefihoad. efauwe. "Ko 'lecKoMof tmhjn."

LEEZE. v. To itleAii. A.S. iam (SkiMt).

LEW-WABM. (uff. Lak«mRii, tepid. Lrm hy itadf ned in

Mine SCUM br Widif. B«t. iii. Ifi.

LIE-IN. ». To cost. "-Tmlt U« jmi m m mattoc of Un

UP, isilv. iVoK. of ^t£, wiDmgl;.

LIOHT-OP, v. To meet with. ' Ij^gai-oa," 0«n. xxriiL 11 ; 2 Kinp I. L5.

LIMS, n. £tliptieal exiveaeiaa ^iplied oolj to
bqj; k Mi9»- grace.

LIMMEL,<Kfe. Pro*, of limb-Bwal, limb from limb. A.S.aMEl, * portion {Eu Dict.).

LISSOU, adj. Supple, pliuit, MtiTe;=EtlMsoiiM (EL Dim.).

LISTY, adj. Applied to brewl wItentieftTy and streAked, oviiig to cmder-bakiLii; ; A.S. lUl, > attqie or border (£l Dict.).

LIVEBY, adj. Applied to ecvl that is moist uid teoecioas, and lungs to the cpKoe.

LODE, n. A ferrf , or ford ; A.S. lad, a oooncL Comp. lead,

V. iSkeU).

LOOSE, f>. (1) To walk alone, u an infitnt OQ To kl go.

LOP, n. Severed branches.

LOVERING, jiarJ. Uaking love. coDrtini;.

LUMBERSOME, adj. Hea?T. awkward to more.

LUMPUS, adv. In a lump, heavfly (applied to a tH). "'E come down lumpat."

LUNGEOUS, (uij. Impetooos, violent ; Tf*Aj to strike, lidc, Aa.

LUNY, adj. Mentollir soft Comp. lonatic.

LUSH, v. To beat down with gieea boughs, as wasps. Cotnp. laah.

LY'E. n. Water in which wood atthes have been steeped.

MADAU, It. A title of respect n^d ironisall; by itselA bat hon'i fiiU when prefixed to a Bomame.

MAOGET, n. A magpie.

UAGGOTY. adj. Of a duld, fractious, iU-hnmonred.

MABKET-PEERT, adj. Etciled by liqnor. This savonra of the drinking otutoms which beset marketing and dealing.

HARTIN-AYEER, r. A heifer natnrallv incapable of breeding, as is the caeewitha female twin calf wben the other is a male.

MASLIN, adj. Composed of mixed materials. AiruMlinkattle is made of zinc and copper. Becoming scarce. Der. mUrore !

MASONTEB, n. A mason.

MAWKIN. or MALEIM. n. (1) A scare-crow (female) figore.

Comp. " malkin," CoiioL ii. 1, and Per. P. of Tyre, iv. 4. (2)

Bee Scovin.

MAWLERS. n. Hands.

MA^'UBLIKG, adj. Wimderiug in mind and s^eisoli.



(delwedd B3517)


HAWMET, ». An effig? or scare-crow. 'Wiolif calls on idol a mavfmei, Aote tIL 41, xv. 20; Bom. ii. 22; &c. Der., on luFut principle, from the ioonoolaatio Mohomet ? " MEunmet," for doll, Rom. and Jul, iii. 6, and 1 Hen. IV, iv. 8.

MAXUM, n. Same as Morum.

MAYFISH, ». A fish eaid to be found oaly in the Severn, tunongat English rivers, oaA in the Mediterranean Sea ; also called Twayt.

MEATY, adj. Of store ftnimalH, rather flpBhy than fat,

MEECHING, adj. Melancholy, complaujing. Used in New


MELCH - HEARTED, a^j. Gentle, diffident, poor-spirited.

Comp. " milk-livered," K. Lear, iv. 2.

MESS, n. Applied contemptnoaslj to anything unsatisfactory or insignificant. " 'Tis but a poor little mesa of a place."

MESSENOEB, n. A Hmall detached oloud {cumulua) boating low, and supposed lo betoken raiu. Sometimes called a

MESS-OVER, v. To make much of, to spoil, as a child.

MLDDLE-BOND, «. The strip of leather, or, by preference, large eel-skin, which forms part of the caplin, and connects the nile with the hand-stick of a flail.

MIDDLraO, adj. (HaU.) Not in good health.

MlPF.w. A falling ont. "We 'ad a bit of a miff."

MIGHTY, adv. Very. Comp. Lat. valide, valde. See Desperate.

UILE, v. Pron. of moil, to make dirty (so bUe for boil, quine for qnoin, fto.) " Bomoil,'' Tam o' Shanter, iv. 1.

MILLARD, n. Miller (mill-ward).

HIMP, ti. To make a pretence, tc mnmper, a beggar (Skeat).

MINTY, a4j. Full of cheese-mites.

MISCALL. v. To epeak nnkindly to.

MISHTEEFUL, adj. MisehieTona.

MISKIN. n. Same ae misen, a dung-heap. A.S. tnUcan, to mix I'Et. Dict.).

MISS, n. Want. "Tom's lost hia place ; and Vll find of it oJbre winter, and feel the mwa o' good fittle."

MISSUS, n. A man's wife.

MI8W0BD, n. An nnkind word. " We was follow-eervants nigh upon two year, 'er and me, and never 'ad a mUword."

MIX-OUT, v. To clean out. as a cowhouse.

MOGGY, n. Vocative and pet name for a calf.

UOITHEBED. adj. Harassed, dazed, bothered.

MOLLY, v. To do woman's work indoors, being a man. " 'E were a good nn to molly for 'isself, were old Joe."

MOMMOCK, v. To cut in pieces, to out to waste, as food :

Coriol. L 3.

MOON, n. An ox-eye daisy.

MOP, n. A Etatut« fair, for hiring servants.

MORUM. n. A vagary, a freak, an antic, a whimsical peculiarity alao a method, or nostrom.

MOSE, v. To emonlder, as green wood on fire.

MOSEY, or MAWSEY (Hall.), adj. Gone soft and woolly, as sham. Probably all. lo



(delwedd B3518)


MOTTY, n. A mark to throw at.

MOUCH, v. TopilfareBtablas; toprowlinBeajcliorBpoil. Atl. to miob, to tkuik (Skeat).

MUCKSHUT, 71. The time juEt before dark, twilight, Mitk-

Bhade ? hut co7np. " cock-&hut time," Bio. III. v. 3 ; and see

Shut for shoot ; according to the latter analog?, the veil of darkaesB is shot, or flung, over the earth.

MUDGIN, n. The fal oa the chitterlings of a pig, colled miigeTom ia the north (Skeat). ifCG, v. To enlist a man by drink for towiag a boat. Dying

MULLEN, n. The bridle of a cart-horfie.

MULLOCK, n. A ineBa. a litter,

MUMKUFFIM, K. (Hall.) The long-tailed titmonse.

MUNGEB, v. To mutter, to grumble ly soft).

MUSE, n. An opening in a fenoe through which a hare pasBei (pronounced, muce). "Them Welshmen (Welsh sheep) M go through a rabbit run or a bar* muce." " Mnsit " in same ftenee, Venus and Adon. (Mores).

MUST, or MAST. i>. The cake of apples preased for cider, afUir it has been wrong through the hairs.

NABBLE, v. To pnaw. Comp. nibble.

NAO, n. To worry with reproaches, " Provincial ; bat a gooil word. From Swedish mtrjga, to nibble, peek. A doablet of gnatii." (Bt. Dict.).

NAOER, v. To work hard. Dcr. nigger.

NAIL-PASSER, «. A gimlet.

N.\LLS, n. Belongings, goods and chattels.

NATIF, n. Native place.

NAY-WORD, n. Aoy-word; a name of ridicule or reproaofa.

Twelfth Night, ii. 3 "(Nures).

NEIQHBOUR, v. To viait about and gossip. " I never wu one for iicighhouriH' ."


NESE. oifj. Delicate, tender : used by Chaacoi (Nores),

NIBS, n. The handles which stand out from the scathe-mead.

NICKEB, n. To snigger. A.8. hnagan, to neigh.

NiFLE,t>. To idle or "loaf." n. A fit of idleness. "You're bin on the niffe," or " on the nijling pin."

NlLD. and NIDDLE, n. A needle. A.S. mcJl. Nild dying

NILE, n. The upper part of a flail, that which beats the oorn.

The " Shropshire Word-book " makes the nile the some an the caplin, and for the meaning of the former, according to

Upton Dee, gives " swipple." Hall, gives " swinge! " as '
Var. Dial.," but gives " nile," in the Upton sense, as " Salop "

NIP, v. To move quickly. " I nips athirt the gronud and gives "im the moetin'."

NIPPLED. adj. (of a knife, scythe, *c.) Notched. C7emp.nib and neb, in the souse of point or projection.

NISGAL, n. The analleat pig in a iittw,

NITHEB, n. (Hall.) A grimace, also a shiver. "Allnva nither." v. To grin as a dog, to grimace ; lo shiver with

NOBBY. 71. Vocative oad pet name for a colt.



(delwedd B3519)


NOBATION, n. Busj'body'H talk. DiGtoTted use of oratJoa.

NOBE-ELEED, «. A bleediDg at the uobp.

H UKCHION, n. LaiicLeoo (no etjmological connection) ; pro- perly, none-iehencke, i.e, noon-drink, A.8. tcaitran, to pour out (Bkeat) ; comj». " nnder-akiiiker," 1 Hen. IV. ii. 4, and " ikink," B. JoUE., New Inn, i. 8. '14UBDY,n. Ueed asDisgal; a nnftU, aniiealthy oxeatora; a wesklinfc. In lorkabire, a wreckling.

NUBEA-OKE. n. Nevfr-a-one. nobody.

OATH. u. To Bwear. " I'Jl oath it."

OEBLY-ONKEBS, n. The game of "conqner-nnt," played witli strung horse- eh estnuta. Olbty was probably nobbly or knobbly, expreEBing the appearance of the Btrinft of nntB, a&d onkm «aa probably invented as a rhyme to " conqnere." The doggerel attached to the game here ia — "'Obbly, obbh/, f,nlcer», my first conquers; 'Obbly, ohbty, 0, my firat go ! "

Mre. Chamberlain, who Bpells the word differently, adds — " Hobley, hobley ack. my first crack."

OCKERD, adj. Fron. of awkward ; contrary, when applied lo weather or temper. Formerly an adverb; M.E. awi, at'k, contrary : ward, a Guffii, as in forward, backward, &«. (Et.


ODDMENTS. >r, Odda and ends.

ODDS, n, A difference. " There's an odd* in childern." v.

To balance, as an account, or to niter.

OFFLING, adj. Of no aocouat, refuse. Der. offaL

OLD, ajj, {I) Cunning, especially as applied to children. (2)

Displeased, angry. " He looked very old at me,''

OLD-MAID, n. A horse-fly ; in Yorkshire celled a cleg.

OLDHESB, n. Ctmning, especially of children,

ORDAIN, v. To make right, or set to rights; vaguely apphed to many ways of doing so.

OBL, n. The alder tree.

OTHEREN, adj. Other. " Every oWicren day."

OTTOMY, or NOTTOMY, to. A very thin perron, Dtr. atom. or anatomy ! (1) As Yon Like It, iii, 2, and 2 Hen. IV. v. 4 ; (2) K. John, iii, 4.

OULESS, or 0LES8, adj. Neglectful, unwilling lo take tron- ble. " 'Er don't sim lotake no deUght in 'er work ; "er's got reg'lar ouleet."

OUT-ASKED, part. Said of a couple whope marriage-Uanns have been asked in church three times. " They was ovt-a^ked

Snnday was a fortnight."

OTJTBIDE, n. The district of a commercial traveller.

OVER, V, To repeat again and again,

OVEE-GET, v. To get over, as trouble or sicknoBs.

OWNER, TO. One who owns a boat, barge, or trow. Used as a vocative and oa a prefix. " Do you know what's the matter with Owner Smith ? " " Well, sir, I did hear as the doctor should say ss it were purity (pleuriEy)."

OX-PCDDINGS, n. Pron. of hog't-pnddinpe ; a large ecrt of sunsages, mode Iroia the leaf of a pig, chopped up and stun ed with outlins, rice, rosemary, sage, leek, organy, and t\-ke.



 (delwedd B3521)


Innovators odd sngar and currantB. SometimoB oolonred with

PANTLE, v. To pant.

PASS-OUT, v. Of the passing bell, to toll ttrans. and intr.). " Send Jack up to pass-out tiie bell." " The bell's just pueed out for nnld Kester."

PAYMASTER, n. An employer of lab onr, a payer of wages.

PEASIFOUSE, >i. PeoB and beans grown togetiier as a crop.

Lat. piea, a pea, and pult, pottage made of peas, poise, Ac. (Et. Dict.).

PECK, ?!, A point (peak) : " Tbe peck of the shou'der." See

Pick. v. To fall forward (pitch).

PECK-ED, part, (two syllables). Pointed (peaked). A boat is peck-cd at both ends, and a trow is round at both ends.

PECE-SHAFT, n. The handle of a pick-axe. Peak, peck, pika. atid pick have a Celtic origin. HbaSt ie A.S. teeaft. Comp. shave, and shape (Et. Dict),

PEEBK, n, (aiiig. and plii.) A peroh, or perches, is land

PEEBT, adj. Lively, in good spiritB. spirit of youth." Mide. Night's Dr. i


PEERTEN-UP, It. To become lively.

PERISHED, part. Dead, or half-dead, from colder decay.

PHLEEM, m. Pron. of phlegm.

PICK, or PECK, n. (1) Apick-aie; M,E. piioit. or pik/ys : not an aie at all (Et. Dict.). (2) A pointed hanuner for breaking coal.

PIE-FINCH, n. A chaffinch.

PIQ-MEAT, n. Meat which is not bacon from n bacon-pig.

PIGS-COT. n. A pig-sty. A.S. cote and q/te. a. don {Et.


PIGS-FRT, n. The liver, lights, he&rt, mudgin. Ao., of a pig

Bold for frying.

PILCH, v. (1) To poke with the horn. (2) To pilfer.

PIN, n. A fit, an inclination, a mood. Sea Nifle.

PIP, n. The blossom of the cowslip, if. To poll the bloeeom out for making wine.

PISHTT, n. Vocative and pet name for a dog.

PITCH-POLL, adv. Head over heels, v. {I) To hira head over b^ela. {2) To sell an article for double the price it cost.

PIT-HOLE, n. A grave.

PLACK, or PLECK, n. A plot of ground.

PLANTS, n. Young brocoli, borecole, bruBsels-sproDtB, *e.

PLATCHER. n. Pron. of pleaeher, or plosher ; a stem in a hedge half cut through and bent down. " The pleoolied bower," Much Ado, iii 1. Comp. pliut ; der. pUctere (Et.

PLIM, v. To Bwellj or be plumped out. as bacon iu boiling.

PLIM-BOB. n. A plnnimet.

PLUNGE. n. A fallmg into, or going under, tronble or sicknoBS.

PLUNT, B. A cudgel. Slroncer form of plant ?

POKE, or POUK, n. A inistule (pock), cspeciJly a sty in the pje. A.S, 2>oe. a pnstnle (Et. Dict.).



(delwedd B3520)


POLE-BDia, n. The ring which tasiena the hend nf the BOjlbe- blftde to the snead.

POLT, v. To beat down, as fruit ; to thnnip. n, A blow.

POMP, 1). To pamper or feed up ; spoiled ohildran are sfud to be pomped-up ; alxo horaes and other animala for sale.

POOKFOIST, n. A kind of fungus, a puff-ball.
■■ Puck " is probably the first ayUable (Skeat).

PORKET, ti. A young pig for sinoll pork.

POT, n, A locivl meaauro oonlaining from 4i to G pecks. Of potatoes, ploms, and pears the weight is 84 lb. ; of plnnu and onions 72 lb. : of gooseberries 03 lb. See Side (3).

POT-FRUIT, n. Eating fruit, as distinguished from that made into cider or perry.

POT-HAMPEBN. n. A hamper contnining a pot.

PBAWL, or PROLL, v. To do needlework in a rongh and clnmsy way. The word ia dying out.

PRICHELL. «. To goad or prick.

PBIMMYEOSE, n, Pron. of prijuroBe. " Primerole." Chancer ' C. T. 8,268 (Et. Dict.).

PROMP, u. To curvet, and show high spirits, as a horse.

PROMPT, adj. Spirited, ae a horse.

PUG, n. A quill left in a plucked fowl. " Chookfol o' puga." o. To pull, to pluok.

PURE, adj. Well in health. " I be quite pure."

PUEQATOBY, n. An a*h-hole nnder the grate.

PURGY, adj. Cross, surly ; g hard.

PUSSY-CATS, n. Catkins.

PUTCHEON, n. A wicker eel-trap, Bmiiller than a wheal j u

Monounced as in put.

QUARTER, n. One of the four compartmenU of the bag of a

QUICE, n. A wood-pigeon.

QUICK, n. Growing hawthorn.

QUILT, o. To beat (welt).

QUILTER. ». A big one, synonym of whopper. " 'Er«'i a q^tlfff' of a cowoniBber 1 " " Owner, 'as yon seen QwUter

White to-dahy ? "

QUIZ, or QUIZZIT, v. To ask prying qnestiona. Cowp. quest.

RACE, n. The pluck of a eheep or calf. v. Pron. of rase, to

Borateh or abrade.

RAFFAGE, n. A heap of refuse, odds and ends. A fishing not gets full of rafagf. German, raffdn, to BDatoh np ; Fr. raJUr, to catch or seize fEt. Dict.).

BAIN-B.A.T, n. A smaU beetle, on the killin g of which rain is expected sbortly to ensue-

RAISE-THE- PLACE, v. To make a dislnrbftnce. " 'E'a an onaccountahle Inngeous chnp, 'E were like tn ratjc ths place beooB my little wench fetched a lurmit out of "is RTOund."

RAKETUBN, v. To rake tedded grass into rid^'ea. so M to expose the under side to the sun and wind. SotnetimcB Hock, or Hack-rake, is need to designate thia process, n. The ridge formed by rake-tnming.

RAMP, n. An ascent in a wall-coping.

RANDOM, adj. Headlong. impulBive.



(delwedd B3522)


BANOLE, e. 'Pron. of rankle, u a vonnd does.

BASTT, or BAISTT, adj. Bancid, ac baeon trnrty*.

RAVE, ti. To speak londlj.

BEAF, w, A ehce-f or bundle of corn, beaiu, Ao. ; A-3. npan,

BEDIX, R. Used only at maibleii. WL«d a boj has placed his maible in a certain position, and afterwardB &nilt that atiolbtr poBition would be more advantngeooc, if he can say. " So first my redix" before anyone else Eays. " First yonr rrdix." be may make the cliauge, but not otlienrise. Prob&bly connected with Lat. dixi.

BEEN, n. The last bont of a veering (little need). Comji. rain

Northern for ridge {Ball.} and rrin, lc«I. foe a etrip of land (Skeat).

BEFtJSE, n. Refusal. " llasler 'Willam promised me the first refute o' that bit o" gronsd-"

RELISH, n. Any sort of condiment; pickle, red-herring, Ae.

RIBBET, n. Prim, of riTet.

BICE-MODLD, n. An imaginary implement, reprefented by any heav^ weight is a bafi, which a victim, inexperienced in hay-makmg, ia sent to borrow, sad has to carry for a loofi distance, with strict injoQclions not to drop it.

BID. v. To clear away, to difpalch ; 8 Hen. VI. v. 5.

EIDDLINGS, 7». Large pebbles sifted out of gravel; eomp.

AS. hridian, to sift (El. Dict.).

RIFF, n. The itch.

RIFLE, v. To roase or startle. 'iccupe bad i jon rifle 'im a bit."

BIO, n. A spraiii, c. To sprain. back.

BIFFING, part, (of frost or cold).

RIVEL, v. To ahrival or wrinkle.

Task, ii. 488).

ROAD, n. Way or method. " 'Er don't know the right rpad to dink a habby.''

ROBBLE, n. i'ron. of ravel; a tangle, d. To entangle.

RODNEY, adj. Bontih and idle. " A rodney sort of a chap."

ROMMELY, adj. (of bacon. 4c.) Greasy.

RONE, adj. Pron. of rank ; strong, of laxuriant growth.

A.S. ranc. Btrong, forward (Et. Dict.).

BOOT, B. Pron. of rut.

ROPY, a<U. Stringy ; applied to bread and to cider.

ROWENS, n. Chaff and reftise after threfiing.

BOX, v. To soften ; hence roxed, applied to finit, means decayed. Also applied to phlegm. nUBQER. n. A stone for whetting a scythe.

RUBBLING, pari. Pertaining to rough work. "I don't want no more nor a ruihHn' giul for my work." '' I on'y wants a ruhblin' place for the wench."

RUDGEL. or BIDGUL, n. (g soft) (!) a half.gelding. (2) A

BADE,ti, TowearylsBle?). " Sm^crfof grnel." "& lading joh."

BAO.n. Flags, mslies, older form of sedge (Skeat). «. Tobe weighed down in the middle, as a rope kiosely stretched. " The yoongster's got the

Barely lued except of the




 (delwedd B3524)

27 .SEATED, adj. RnBh-bottomed.

SALLY, n, (1) A kind of willow ; conip. Lat. talis:. (2) The ilnffy part above the lower end of a ohnroh bell-rope, mainly used in chiming.

SAPT, adj. Qone moUt, soddened, ai meat, poultry. &o. All. to Low Qsiman rijjan, to triokle, and to soap rather than to »a^ (Sfaeat). ~" " Make-shift. " 'E made a icambHnff job .e two pieces of timber end to end. D<rr. earn orjouit (Et. Diot.).

To Hcramble, Blip about, or scrape the

SCAMULINO, of it."

SCARF, ft. To unit

Swedish tkarf, a b

BOAWT, or SCOTE, v. ground with the feet,

SCORE, n. {11 Twenty-one in gelling plants for (pvwinf;. oaenmberB, oHparagua. radishes, jie. ; but mostly nsed as an aliquot part of the "longhondred" (see Hundred). (2) The core of an apple.

BCOUT. v. To drive away. All. to shove and shoot, from Scandiiiavian origin (Et. Dict.).

SCOVIN, n. (o as in oven). A cloth, mat, or old Bshing- neti attached to a pole and ased for trleanm^ out a bakei's oven. Ball, gives " scovei, a baker's manikin." SoinetuuQe sourvin. or acu^e. Becominj^ scarce.

SCRABBLE, or 8CE0BBLE, u. To scramble.

SCRATCHER, n. A machine for ciJer-makinR.

SCBATCHINGS, n. {Ball.) Fragments strained out of lard in melting, and made into a dish.

SCRAWL, v. Pron. of crawl.

SCREENINGS,!.. Fine gravel.

SCRIBE, I). To mark wood with a poncU or instnunant, as a carpenter does.

SCRIBINO-IRON, n. A too! for marking trees for felling.

SCBIOQLINO, n. A stunted apple. All. to BCra/;gy (Skeat). 8CR00DGE, c. To squeeze, to crowd. " I likes them chairs ;

OS o&n't be icroodged in 'em, like we was in the old church."

SCROODLE, v. To cower, crouch.

SCUTCH, n. Couoh-graas {a pronounced as in butcher).

SEED-LIP, n. A wooden vessel for sowing seed, eliaped for earrying on the hip.

SEEDS, n. Growing clover (pronounced, sids).

SENNA, n. Prim, of sioow.

SET, v. To let, as house or land.

SETTLE, n. A long seat with a high back ; A-S. tetl. Comji.

Lat. sedile.

SHAD-SALMON, n. Another name for the shod. Of doubtful

A gap in a hedge.


SHARPS, n. Same ae 8HEARH0G, n. A two-vear-old sheep. 8HEED, u. iVon. ofahed. 8HEPPICK, OK BHUPPICK, n. Pron. of sheaf-pike, apitchfork.

SHIP, n. Pron. of ahecp. Henoe in Acts zxvii. dtuiger has been experienced of oonfufiing shipwreck with the more familiar sheep -nwk.





(delwedd B3523)




BHOWL, n. Pron. of sbovd. "I. Bud tbe owl, with m; spads tatd ihMiil" (Death of Cock Itobiii).

SHBOtlD, IT. Among the natermen the eon is said to throvd, or t'roud, when its ntys appear throogh the donds slftntiag to tbe horiion, in a fonn rBsembhng the ahroitds of a sbip. It is then s&id to be " drawing water," and rain is predicted.

SHUCK. D. Pron. of ah»kft " Pick the best on 'em, wid then ihnek the tree."

SHYUD, n. Pron. of shed; monoeyDable.

SHORTY, atU. Angry.

SHUT, n. (shoot). A east or throw of a fisbiiif>-oet adj.

Shot, rid (offaa proDouneod, ehet) ; A.S. teevtan, to eboot (Et. Dict).

SIDDEB. adj. Soft, mellow ; apphed to peas that wiU boil wdl when old, and to laud which will grow snob peas ; also to deca^red wood. Probably alL to seethe |Ske*t).

SIDE, n. (II A company. '"A Etrong tide at the pea-pieking," (3) A measure of checriee or of currants, weif;faiiig 63 lb.

SKEEL, n. A shallow wooden Teasel for washini; butter in ; ft like tmmI, bat larger, and spouted. ns«J in brewing.

SKIM-DICK, n. Poor cheeee.

SKIP, m, A ^ullow basket made of oak laUis, with ronnded bottom and ends, and an op^ilng at ettfaer eod by way of

EtAWN, R. PI«.ofilo&

SUCK, ^j. <s)(«k). Smooth and Ehtny, asof ieeor hair, v.1 make nuooth and shinv. " SUck yer 'air aton yer got*."

SLIMBEB. v. To take work eastty.

SLINKVEAI, *, Tbe flesh of a newly-boim call

SLITHER, r. To slide.

SLJTEB, •>. A piece cut oft K. Lear, ir. 2. v. Ham. n

Comp. ilk«.

SLOB, 1^ Prom, of slab; tbe ontaide «itt<tf a tne wIwb m

SLOBBERDT. mdj. Dirty, doppy. "Slobbery,* f^ai I

Uod. Hm. v. iv. i.

SLCUUACKIKO, a4f. Slorcoly. Probacy aa •

WQad" (Skeat).

S]IABT.a<^'. GoodamQinaT^iM e

SHITE.*. ABttM.ftktL "BvHjnMteof it."

SU1JDaE,N> AkM. e.1takM.

SI1SAD.M. nawnwiiwIato^irihawicyiheblaatiataMg. frtmMmeit,mmi.

SSmSQ, fmt. (af faM er «al^ BitD« dHn. /tO. to
MM, Hii^aBd Mib(El. Dict).

SNirVHOCES, n. A &eue m pm poultry.

S^OB.l^ Toeob.

SHOPE.*. Atbnqi«d^«.TaafeAa.tod^Da^jj wft a iB t a hatcM w. •'SDwa il 4o*»." ia., "Sta kaBfaaBW" <<i»iiy., - ffrnhi we IbJl.- Hwdaws a. 1« II i—lii W Xm«^- Afk. •• m^ a.. Law^
-\ f X



(delwedd B3525)

29 7. ii. 1; also to snub and anap

I the head. " Nowl," head, Midg.

L 1, and n., 2 Hen. (Skeat).

SNOWLBB, n. A blow i

NitrhfHDr..ii!. 2.

BOCK, or SOGKAGE, n. The drainage from oattle-shedB, Ao.

Der. Bonk ; A.S. aiiean, also iiigait, to euck (EC. Dict.).

SOLID, adj. Grave, Berioue. 80LLUM, 1). To sulk. " 'Er 'nd sit aoUamin' for an hour togather."

SPALL, V, To splinter, as the under side of a bongh in sawing ; n. a splinter. Ffom Teutonic base spald, to splinter lEt.Diot ).

BPEAR, n. The Hpirelet, or sprout, which, if not cheeked, woold appear at one end of the grain when malting bailey ger- minates after steeping. See " aokersprit," and " aciospire " in Ball.

BPINE OP THE BACK, «. The spme (which is never men- tioned alone).

BPITTAL, n. A spade. aPITTAL-TREE. ». A spade- handle.

SPOT , u. Of cider, beer, rain, ko., a drop. v. To begin to rain. to rain slightly. 8PRACK. or SPBAOKT, adj. Lively, bright. Sir H. Evans prononncBB it sprag, Mer. W. W. iv. 1.

BFBEADER, n. A stick to keep the traces from the heels of cart- horses.

SQUARE, n. In thatohers' and builders' work a snpsrfioial area ten feet square.

SQUAT, i>. To prevent a wheel from rotUng by blocking it. 8QUENCH. v. Pron. of quench. " "Tis both aquenckin' and feedin', that oatmeal drink."

BQUIB, n. A squirt, v. To squirt. 8QDILT, n. A pimple or pustule. 8TADDLE, n. A rick-stand ; used in Lowell's " Biglow

BTAGGEEINO.BOB, n, A very young calf slaughtered.

STALE, 71. The handle of a mop, broom, pttohfork, iui. A.3.

Utel. ttel (Et. Dict.).

STAM, n, Pron, of stem. '' That old 'awthorn ilam wants stoukin' Qp."

BTANDY, adj. Wilful, defiant, Iroward (applied to children

BTANK, n. A dam or stoppage in a stream. Tear-Booka of

Ed. I. i. 416, ett'iny, a pool ; ii. 431, eiita/i/c. a mill-dam (Et.

Dict,). Oomp. Lat. stagwim. v. To dam or stop water,

Oomp. stanch.

STILCH, or 8TELCH. n, (1) A post in a oow-Uou-e to which

Dows are tied : a variant of stalk, and all, to stilt (Skeat). (2)

A breadth across a field whioh a labourer would t^e for reaping, k6,

STIVINQ, part. Close, stifling {Hall.) ; stivel np, almost stifled.

STOCK, v. To strike with a point, as a bird with its beak.

Oomp. atook-aie, also atoceata (fencing term) and stack (n).

Twelfth Night, iii. 4.



(delwedd B3526)

bTOCK-EEKLE, w. A woodiiBekec. tiTOOK, or STUCK, n. From six to ten sheaves set npright id the field, v. To set up in a Btook.

BTOP-GLAT, n. A atop-gap. 8T0PLESS, n. ThewoodenliilofabrickoveD(littleaaedDow}.

STORM, n. A ebower.

STORM-COCK, n. A miBSel-lhrnBh. 8T0DL. n. The butt of a tree left in the grouDd (fltool).

STRIKE, n. A piece of wood for atriking level the uoataats of a biuhel measure.

STUB. n. (1) A prop at the bottom of a post. (2) Same &a StonL

STOCK, n. The handle of a jag (stalk).

STUBLY, adj. Starin;;, aa appUed to the ooat of an animal.

SUBSTANCE, n. A tumour.

SUITY, at^. Of a sort, level ; used by pig-deatere to eignify an even and level lot.

SCN-BOQ, II. An appoaraooe among oloads, like a small &Bj{mGnt of a rainbow, auppoaed to foretell rain.

SUPPER, v. To give sapper to, as to oow*.

SWAG, n. Snav, balance.

SWALE, or SWEAL, v. To singe or bnm. A.8. Minelan. to bom. Camp, awelter and aaltrj (Et. Dict,).

SWABD, n. Rind, as of baoon. A.S, iweard, the akia of bacon (Et. Dict.), 8WARDY, adj. With thick rmd.

SWELTH. ». Swelling.

SWILL, v. To cleanse bv floodini;. A child in a aohool, bein^ asked what the Almighty did to the world in Naali'a daya, graphically rephed, " A swilled un." A.S. eieiiian, to wash.

Cotiip. Bcullery (Et. Dict.}.

SWImY, adj. Having a awinuning in (he head.

SWINGE, -0. Pron. of singe.

SWjrHEH, n. {Hall.] Perspiration. Comp.l.t.i. wuAar.

TABBEB, v. To top or drum ; Nahum ii. 7. Cnmp. tabor.

TACK, ft. (1) Staff, materiala. (2) Keep for cattle.

TADDY. aAj. Pot-bellied.

TAGGYFINCH, n. A chaffinch.

TAIL-WHE.\T, n. The interior portion of a dressing kept for home consumption.

TALE, ». A story of doubtful authority. " Don't you listen to what them ehapH aays. Owner; "tia nothin' but tales."

TALLAT, n. A loA used for hay, &e.

TANCEL, u. To beat. Dtr, tau ? Comp. Fr. taneer, to ohida (Skeat). '

TANG,v. To cause a swarm of bees to settle by a claQs^i aoandl also, to claim the ownership of it by the samaprooan _

TED, 11. To toaa and spread about mown grass in hay-makuig.~

TEEM, «. To pour out.

TEBRT, adj. Bmartini;. A.i5. learl, whence tart, adj. (Skeat).

TEQ. n. A sheep at a year old. Bay, 16th oentury. spells it tagge.

TEMPEST, 11. A thunderstorm.

TBBBIPY, II. To astonish, to annoy a

Deadly and Desperate. trouble strangely. Sm J








(delwedd B3527)

THAT, adv. So. " 'E's (tot that fat I must be to kill 'im eooo.''

TOBAVE.n. A ewe at ft ysar old.

THILLEB, n. The shnft-borse in a team. " Filler," Uer. of

V. ii. 2. Thill ia tbe abaft, closely allied Co daat or thel (used in 13dG|, ft plaak(Et. Dict.).

THINK-ON, s. To remember.

THBAVE, or THBEAVE, n. [tinj. iind plu.) Twenty-four bolcinffsof straiy. loel. threji {BkeaC). Originally, a handful.

THBIFTY, adj. Thriving, aa a pig.

THBIPPLES. n. Same as " rtpp1eH,"in Shropshire ; a movable attaohmenb of rails to enable a cart or wa^eon to carry loose ma terial, as hay or straw. t3ometimaa called " ladder."

THUNK. n. A thong.

TICEFOOLS, n. PafE-balU. from their likeness to mushroom?.

TICE-PBNNY, n. and adj. Catch-penny.

TIDDLE, v. To make muoh of, to fondle.

TIDDLING, n. A pet animal

TIDT, adj. Respectable : also good or well in a vo^ue aensa. "A tidyohap. "A tidijlal o'onrrants." "I'm pretty Hig."

TILTH, ». A freshly turned furrow.

TIMES, adv. Often, time after time.

TIND, ti. To kindle, as a candle or lire. Camp, tinder. " Tine " (».). Fnary Q. II. si. 21.

TIS8UCKING. adj. (applied to a cough only). Dry and Laok- ing. Corrnptioa of phthisical.

TITTER, n. A see-saw. Camp. " Titteratone." one ot the

Clee Hills, called after a roaking-ekme thereon ; also totter.

TITTY, n. The mother's breast. A.S. tit.

TOP-AND-TAIL, v. To take off tops and bottoms from

Uimips, mangold wnrzels, &o., while pulling them up.

TOP-UP, v. To finish at the top. as a hay-riek.

TORBIL, n. A creature not good for much ; applied to majikind and brutes,

A cowslip- ball.


TOT. n. A small n;


TOW. ft. A chai

Pronooacsd, taou.

Unsteady, infiri ir hauling Limbi

TOWEL, 11. To boat.

TRAPFIC, n. A track or passage made by rats, rabbits. *c. "You'd best lay a trap right in tile traffico' them rots."

TRAM. orTBAMMING, n. A framework, or a loose arrange- ment, of stout parallel rails on short legs, or blocks, for sup- porting casks .

TRAMMEL, n. A large drag-net

TRAVEL, v. To walk, to have the uae of the feet and legs. " This pig hain't to say bad in 'imself, but 'o don't aim to travel right."

TREE, n. A [)lant grown in a pot.

TRIG, n. A nick, a shallow trench.

TBIMPLE, v. To tread hmpingly, as one with tendei feet.

TROW,*» The largest sort of vewel on the Severn, and e of "Tim



(delwedd B3528)

2 raauded at both ends ; carries up to 130 toos weight (ou> u in cow|. Cornp. troagh. PerhapB all. to tray (Et. Uict.)

TK0EL, n. A mason's trowel. Middle English (£t. Dict.)

THUNK, n. A rough cheat, pierced with holes, sud moored ia the water for keeping live fish.

TUMP, n. A conical heap.

TDN-DI3H,7i. Afonaef. Meaaure for M. iii.2; A.S. (un/w, aburel; Comp. tunnel (EX. Dict.).

TUP, ». A nun.

TUBSOCE, n. A toft of ooorBa grass.

TWAYT, n. Same as May-fish.

TWIN, n. A donble fruit.

UNACCOUNTABLE, adv. Uaoommonly, Hnrprisingly ; the first syllable is prooonnced, on.

UNCLE, 91. Familiar vocative in addressing an elder £riend.

Der. aitunculiu, literally, "little graad&thor." (Et. Dict.)

UNOAIN, orfj. Unhandy, inoonveniBnt.

UNKED, adj. Dismal, lonely, dreary. M.E. unhid, from un and Md, p. part, of kyllte, to make kiaown (Burns, Hallowe'en,

Bt. 8) ; literally, not known ; henae strange, solitary, unoom- fortable, &c. Another form of uncouth (£t. Dict./

UNSUITY, adj. Not of a sort, not matobing.

UP-CODNTBY, adj. and adv. Applied to North 'WorceBter- shire and Staffordshire.

UP-HILL, adj. and adv. (applied to wind). North or South ; see Down -hill.

UPON-TIMES. <kI«. Now and then.

UPSET, n, A disturbance.

URCHIN, n, A hedgehog.

UTIS, n. AriotODS noise, a din; such as used to accompany the eighth day of a festival. 2 Hen. IV. ii. 4. Utaa, old

Anglo-French form of octaves (Skeal) ; comp. modem Fr. ;iHi(.

TALLY, n. The felloe of a wheel ; pronounced as valley. A.S. felga (Et. Dict.). VAUM, n. Pron. of foam. VEERING, n, A certain number of ridges and fnrrowa in ploughing. Not much used. Perhaps all. to furrow (ijkeat). VENT, n. Demand, use, opportunity of disposal. " No veni for apples this year." Comp. old use of vent (Pr. venU^}, from vend era (Skeat).

WAD, orQKASS-WAD.n. A smaD heap or cock.

WALLUSH, adj. Insipid, cloying, nauseous. WaUh, oommon in M.E. Boiling up, as it were, in the stomach ; A.3. wealian, to boil (Skeat).

WARM, v. To beat.

WARMSHIP, n. Warmth.

WASHINQS. n. Cider made from a second pressing of the cheese with admixture of water.

WALTER, n. A refuse article of imperfect fabric.

WASTRIL, n. One who is falUng away in Besh, man or beasi

WATEli-DO(}, n. Same as Sun-dog.

WATTYHANDED, adj. Left-handed ; a sounded as in what.

WAVE-WIND, n. The large wild convolvulus (Septum).



(delwedd B3529)

 WAY-LEAVE, n. Penaifleion to nae a way.

WAZZEN, n. Theweasond or windpipe {a saonded as in wax) ;

A.S. wiitond (Bt. Diot.J

WED, part. Weeded.

WE EP, V, To esude (transitive and intransitive) .

WELL-ENDED, adj. Well got in, as hay.

WENCH, n. A girl.

WENT, part. Gone. "I'd 'a' ivenl myself lE I'd a-known as yon wasn't a-going."

WEBRIT, n. One of an aaiious, fidKetty disposition, v. To worry. Counooted with the worrying of a wolf ; A.3. vioarg,

Bwolf (Et. Dict.).

WBTHER, n. A male sheep disabled from breeding.

WHAT-FOR, n. A vagae threat of unpleasant oon^equeaoos, " If I lights uv that young limb, I'll let 'im know xoot'/or."

WHEEL, n. A wioker eel-trap, almost twice the size of a

WHIMMY, adj. Given to whims.

WHINNOCK, v. To cry whiaingly as a child ; A.8. hiviitan, to whine (Et. Dict).

WHISKET, n. A gardening basket.

WHISSDN. BOSSES, n. GueldreB-roaes.

WIO, n. An oblong bun, made with oarraway seeds instead ot ourronts.

WILQILL, n. An epicene creature ; an animal Chat is of both

Mies (y soft).

WINDLE-STBAW, n. Something eaaUy blown aboat ; applied to a corn crop that is light.

WIND-SCARE, ». An object presenting resistance to the wind. " Two fut 'U be dip enow for this pwoat ; 'e ain't much of a wind-icare,"

WINTER-STUFF, n. Borecole, brussels-spronls. savoys, and otlier greens.

WIRES, R. The mnners of strawberry plants.

WOLLIES, or WALHES, n. Ridgoa into which hay ie raked before carrying it, or putting it into oock4. Oomji. WaiUge (Hall.), a loose bundle of anything.

WONDERMENT, n. Something to stare at or talk about.

W(5bNT, n. A mole. A.S. luand, found in a Glossary of the eighth contnry (Skeat).

WOBLERS, or WURLER3. n, Qaitera.

WOZZLE, or WOZZLB, v. To best or trample down and twist the stems, as of grass or com.

WRATCH, n. Pron. of wretch; applied oom passionately. " 'E've not 'ad a WJnk o' steep all night, 'e've not, poor wraUh." A.S. wrecca, an outcast [Et. Dict.).

YARB, n. Pron. ofherb.

YOW.rt. Pron.ofewe; A.3. Mwn (Et. Dict).

YQX, tr. To beave or cougb. Comp. vex, for hicoongh.

YCD, n. Pto». ofhead.



(delwedd B3530)



Three other words maj be mentioned which, although no longer current, occur in the parish books of the I&st cenlury. " Garderailee " is pronotraced by a friend to be an old term toT baJuetrades. " Type " he thinks may be a corraptiou of tytTipanvm, the Boondin^-bonrd of the pulpit. "Lapperlage" repreBente something (the repair of nbicli is charged for) between the two " Hams," or large common meadons ; bat no satiafaotoi? interpretatloD has been arrived at.

The following phrasea are cmrent in Upton ;— " A good churchman " ^ a clergyman with a good voice. " A good man ronnd a baxrel, bnt no cooper " ^= one who is fond of drink. " An afternoon farmer " ^ a farmer who takes things eaail}r, and is always behindhand. "Ab black as block," "as wet as wet;" and bo with other epithets. " Can be " would csompleto the elliptieal sea- " At the edge of nifiht " = josi before dark. " By scowl of brow " ^= judging by eye, and not by rtde or " In himself (or berself, 4c.) " ^= in hia (or her) general health.

The distinct existence of the corporeal fgo and its eubordmate members is clearly recognised. " How are yon to-day, Mary ? " "I be bettor in myself, sir ; bnt my poor leg 'ave got that awelth in 'im as I couldn't get 'im along to the top o' the town, not if yonwas tii crown mii." " Like a hnmble-bee m a chum ; " said of one whose voice is not distinctly audible. "May Hill" = the month of May ia relation to eonsmnptive patients (see Fuller, Wonlues, Berbyshire, i. 252, quoted m Davies's " Supplemental EngliBh Gloeaary "). " 'Er Tl never over-get Mahy 'ill, I doubt, poor wratoh," " Not if yon was to crown me " — not for a kingdom. " Shuffling jobs " = irregular work.

The tops of the potatoes, Isc, "have bad the BOot-bag over them " = have been blackened by tha frost.

To be " off his head " = to be out of liia mind.

To be " on the mending band " = to be improving.

To be "up in the boughs " = to be out of temper, or haughty.

To " drop it " on a person = to " give it " him.

To "get the grant " ^ to obtain permission.

To " get the ttuTi " = to pass the crisis.

To " get the Bcog of" = to be able to crow over.

To " give the meeting " = to meet.

To "have a oow calve" = to be left a legacy. "His last eoio haa calved now, I expect."

To have " dropped his watcb in the bottom of the rick ; " a jocular liypotbesis to accotmt for the catting or turning of a riok which has become over-heated.

To "have leaden socks in his boots" ^= to be lazy.

To " know to a nest," &c. ^^ to know of a nest, £c.



(delwedd B3531)


To " make a poor out of it " = to obtain small reBidtB.

To "mend hiB draught" = to take another g

To "miss every hair of Lis head" = to miBBhim eadly.

To " pass the time of day " = to wish good monung, or evening, &c.

To "pick up a knife" = to get a fall from tt horse.

To " play tha bear with " = to damage.

To " pick up bis orambs " = to Snieh up his work neatly.

To "put hia spoon into the wall" — to die.

To "stick np nis stick " ^ to die. " Up to dick." or " nick," " the door," " the knocker," or " tha nines " ^ in Grst-rate condition ; to perfection ; eomp.

Lat. ad unguvm. " That nag o' yoiir'n be up to diek, master 1 'E were a-prancin' and a-prompin' about, pretty nigh ready to HnufT the moon, if you'd let 'im go."

It is with a pang that some words and phrases have been omitted which belong to the Evesham neighbourhood, and which had been adopted into family use between diirty and forty years ago. " Backwarn" is a word of strength and point, andongbt to be in general nso, for its meaning is conveyed less tersely and forcibly by a periphrasis. An old parish clerk would say, " They've a^put off that 'ere funeral, and I must be to baciuiarn the parson." * " Dwiny" seems to be "a portmanteaa word," and to derive expressive power from its combination of " dwindled " and " tiny." " I don*t say bat what 'e might be a very nice gen'lemas, but I uiver aced aich a dmny pair o' legs-"

A "swig-swag" garden-path appeared to wind with a stately sweep, which could never be described by the ordinary and angular sound of " zig-zag ;" and, when a lad was " measured for a warm suit of clothes," the harsher foatores of corporal pimish- ment were hnmorously resolved into an expression of bene- volence on the one side, and comfort on the other.

In that neighbourhood there was also a remarkable tendency, which is apparent to a less extent about Upton, to decline the responsibiuty of a direct assertion, and to guard against the possible consequences of making any admission. " Is your wife at home to-day, James?" " WeU, sir, I shouldn't think but what 'er might be."

But these reminiscences must not be indulged, lest they should run on for ever, and this Appendix prove what an old parishioner at OfTenham would have called "a wheel-string
"Unspeak " is nsed in the e and others (Daviea's "SnpplemBi *Son^ 18S1).



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ә ʌ ẃ ă ĕ ĭ ŏ ŭ ẅ ẁ Ẁ ŵ ŷ ỳ Ỳ
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