ingkat3987c English dictation (= Dictat anglès). The Brolly (= el paraiguet).


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Each student completes the gapped vocabulary (/1)


Before giving the student or students the sheet, the teacher can ask orally some or much of the vocabluary. Filling in the sheet will reinforce what has been previoulsy learned or half-learned.


Each student is given a sheet with the answers (/2) (the students could compare their answers in pairs previously); .or else the teacher asks the students for the answers they have written.


They could also be asked how the word is spelt to practise the lwtters of the alphabet, and questions about how to spell (How do you spell that?) which are frequent in spoken English, and have an importance far greater than in other languages, given the unusual spelling of the English language.which is generally unpredictable and poorly representative of the pronunciation.


For the dictation, the teacher can read the dictation (/3) to the student or students, who have a copy of the gapped text´(/4).


A copy of the full text (/5) can then be given for the students to correct the work.


Instead of listening to the teacher reading the dictation, the students could read the dictation to each other in pairs (sheets /6 and /7). Or else after the teacher has read the dictation, and the students have corrected the text, thy could do the pair work in addition.


Finally, the students can be asked orally to translate words and phrases from the dictation, or similar phrases (it began to rain > to snow, to thunder, to hail, etc).. 







1 avui

2 començar

B _ G _N (començo),

B _ G _ N (vaig començar),

B E _ U N (he començat)

3 ploure R _ _ N

4 pluja R _ _ N

5 a les quatre A _ ·· F _ _ R
6 matí ______

7 tarda ____________

8 al vespre I _ ·· T _ E ·· E V _ _ I N G
9 va començar a ploure

I__ ·· B____ ·· T__ ·· R _____

10 cel S _ _

11 esquiar S K _, vaig esquiar S K _ _ D, esquiar S K _ I N G

12 venir

C _ _ E (vinc), C A _ _ (vaig venir),

C _ M E (he vingut) 

13 esdevenir

B E C O _ E, B E C _ M E , B E C O M _

14 fosc D _ _ K [daak]

15 caure

F A _ _ (caic), F _ L L (vaig caure),

F A _ _ E N (he caigut)

16 gent P _ _ P L E

17 aixopluc S H _ _ T  E R

18 botiga S H _ P

19 sota U _ D _ R
20 balcó B A L C O _ Y

21 cotxe C _ _

22 soroll N _ I S E

23 S W _ S H (soroll d’un cotxe que passa quan plou)

24 passar G _ ·· P _ _ T

25 obrir (REGULAR) O _ _ N (obro),

O P E N _ _ (vaig obrir, he obert)

26 quan W H _ N

27 on W H _ R _

28 aquí H E R _

29 allà _ H E R E

30 paraigua  U _ B R _ L L A

31 hi ha THERE ·· I _

32 hi havia THERE ·· W _ _

33 fred _ _ _ _

34 vent _ _ _ _

35 buit E M _ T Y

36 perquè B _ C A U _ _

37 cos B _ D Y

38 ningú N O B _ _ Y (“cap cos”)

39 voler W _ _ T (vull),

W A N T _ D (vaig voler, volia; he volgut)

40 anar a comprar G O ·· S H O P _ I N _

41 una vegada O N _ E

42 veure

S E _ (veig), S _ W (vaig veure),

S E E _ (he vist)

43 dona gran O _ D ·· L A D _

44 barellar-se, discutir [áagyuu] A _ _ U _

45 carrer S T _ _ _ T

46 el meu M _

47 és meu IT’S ·· M _ N E

48 dir

S A _ (dic), S A I _ (vaig dir),

S _ I D (he dit)

49 però B _ _

50 tu tens… Y O _ ‘ V _ ·· G _ T

51 segon S E _ O N _

52 lluitar

F _ G H T (lluito),

F O U G _ _ (vaig lluitar),

F O U _ H T  (he lluitat)

53 lluita F I G H _

54 agradar L I K _

55 com L I K _

56 m’ho agrada aquest / aquesta I ·· _ _ _ _ ·· T H _ S

55 d’aquesta manera L I _ _ ·· T H _ S

56 mirar REGULAR

W A T C _ (miro), 

W A T C H _ _ (vaig mirar, he mirat)

57 cridar REGULAR

S H O _ T (crido),

S H _ U T E _ (vaig cridar, he cridat).

58 visca Caesar! (= llarg – que visqui – Caesar) L _ N G ·· L I _ E ·· C A E S _ R














1 avui TODAY

2 començar

BEGIN (començo),

BEGAN (vaig començar),

BEGUN (he començat)

3 ploure RAIN

4 pluja RAIN

5 a les quatre AT FOUR
6 matí MORNING


8 al vespre IN THE EVENING
9 va començar a ploure IT BEGAN TO RAIN

10 cel SKY

11 esquiar SKI, vaig esquiar SKIED, esquiar SKIING

12 venir

COME (vinc), CAME (vaig venir),

CAME (he vingut)

13 esdevenir


14 fosc DARK [daak]

15 caure

FALL (caic), FELL (vaig caure),

FELL (he caigut)

16 gent PEOPLE

17 aixopluc SHELTER

18 botiga SHOP

19 sota UNDER
20 balcó BALCONY

21 cotxe CAR

22 soroll NOISE

23 SWISH (soroll d’un cotxe que passa quan plou)

24 passar GO PAST

25 obrir (REGULAR) OPEN (obro),

OPENED (vaig obrir, he obert)

26 quan WHEN

27 on WHERE

28 aquí HERE

29 allà THERE

30 paraigua UMBRELLA

31 hi ha THERE IS

32 hi havia THERE WERE

33 fred COLD

34 vent WIND

35 buit EMPTY

36 perquè BECAUSE

37 cos BODY

38 ningú NOBODY (“cap cos”)

39 voler WANT (vull),

WANTED (vaig voler, volia; he volgut)

40 anar a comprar GO SHOPPING

41 una vegada ONCE

42 veure

SEE (veig), SAW (vaig veure),

SEEN (he vist)

43 dona gran OLD LADY

44 barellar-se, discutir [áagyuu] ARGUE

45 carrer STREET

46 el meu MY

47 és meu IT’S MINE

48 dir

SAY (dic), SAID (vaig dir),

SAID (he dit)

49 però BUT

50 tu tens…YOU’VE GOT

51 segon SECOND

52 lluitar

FIGHT (lluito),

FOUGHT (vaig lluitar),

FOUGHT (he lluitat)

53 lluita FIGHT

54 agradar LIKE

55 com LIKE

56 m’ho agrada aquest / aquesta I LIKE THIS

55 d’aquesta manera LIKE THIS

56 mirar REGULAR

WATCH (miro),

WATCHED (vaig mirar, he mirat)

57 cridar REGULAR

SHOUT (crido),

SHOUTED (vaig cridar, he cridat).

58 visca Caesar! (llarg – que visqui – Caesar) LONG LIVE CAESAR












1 Today it began to rain at four in the afternoon.


2 The sky became dark, and the rain began to fall.


3 People ran to shelter in shops and under balconies.


4 The cars made a swishing noise when they went past.
5 People began to open their umbrellas.

6 There was a cold wind.

7 The shops were empty because nobody wanted to go shopping in the rain.

8 Once I saw two old ladies arguing in the street.

9 “That’s MY umbrella,” said one old lady in a plastic raincoat..


10 “No, this is MINE,” said the other, in an anorak.


11 “No it’s not, it’s MINE!” said the old lady in a plastic raincoat.


12 “But you’ve GOT an umbrella!” said the second old lady, the one wearing an anorak.

13 “It’s a NEW one because you’ve got my OLD one!” said the other one.

14 They began fighting with their umbrellas like gladiators.

15 People watched, and shouted in Latin "Optima femina vincat!" (May the best woman win!)


















1 Today _________________________________.


2 The _ _ _ became _ _ _ _ , and the _ _ _ _ began to _ _ _ _.


3 People _____________________ shops ____________ balconies.


4 The _______________ S W I S H _ _ _  ·· ____________________


5 ___________________________________


6 _______________________________


7 The shops were empty ____________________________


8 Once I saw ____________________ ARG U _ _ _ ·· ________________


9 __________________________________________ ··


_ _ ·· A ·· P L _ _ T _ _ ·· R _ I _ C _ _ T .


10 “___________________________,”said the other, _______________


11 “____________________, it’s MINE!”


 _____________________ ·· in a plastic ·· ______________


12 “But _ _ _ ’ _ _ ·· _ _ _ an umbrella!” said ·· ___________________________··


T _ _ ·· O _ E ·· W E _ _ _ _ _ ·· _ _ ·· A N _ R A K

13 “It’s a ·· _ _ _ ·· _ _ _ , because ___________________________!”


said the other ·· _______


14 _ _ _ _ ·· began ·· ___________ ·· with T H _ _ R umbrellas ··


 _ _ K _ ·· _______________.


15 People ·· ___________, and ____________ ·· _ _ ·· L _ _ I _


“Vivat Caesar” (L _ _ _ ·· L _ V _  ·· C _ E S _ _ !)


and "Optima femina vincat!" ( _ _ _  ·· the best ·· W _ _ _ _ ·· win!)





1 Today it began to rain at four in the afternoon.
Avui ha començat a ploure a les quatre de la tarda

2 The sky became dark, and the rain began to fall.
El cel s’ha enfosquit, i la pluja ha començat a caure

3 People ran to shelter in shops and under balconies.
La gent corria per aixoplugar-sea les botigues i sota els balcons

4 The cars made a swishing noise when they went past.
Els cotxes feien un soroll “swish” quan passaven


5 People began to open their umbrellas.
La gent ha començat a obrir els seus paraigues

6 There was a cold wind.
Hi havia un vent fred

7 The shops were empty because nobody wanted to go shopping in the rain.
Les botigues estaven buides perque ningú volia anar a comprar sota la pluja

8 Once I saw two old ladies arguing in the street.
Una vegada vaig veure dues velles barallant-se al carrer


9 That’s MY umbrella, said one old lady.
Aquell és el meu paraigu, va dir una vella

10 No, this is MINE, said the other.
No, aquest és meu, va dir l’altra

11 No it’s not, it’s MINE!
No ho és, és meu

12 But you’ve GOT an umbrella! said the second old lady.
Però ja tens un paragua, va dir la segona vella

13 It’s a NEW one, because you’ve got my OLD one!
És nou, perquè tu tens el meu d’abans

14 They began fighting with their umbrellas like gladiators.
Van començar a lluitar amb els paragües com gladiators

15 People watched, and shouted in Latin “Vivat Caesar!” (Long Live Caesar!)
and "Vincat optima femina!" (May the best woman win!) L
a gent mirava, i cridava en llatí “Vivat Caesar!” (Visca Caesar!) i "Vincat optima femina!" (que guanyi la millor dona)








































1 Today it began to rain at four in the afternoon.


2 The sky became dark, and the rain began to fall.


3 People ran to shelter in shops and under balconies.


4 The cars made a swishing noise when they went past.
5 People began to open their umbrellas.
La gent ha començat a obrir els seus paraigues

6 There was a cold wind.
Hi havia un vent fred

7 The shops were empty because nobody wanted to go shopping in the rain.
Les botigues estaven buides perque ningú volia anar a comprar sota la pluja

8 Once I saw two old ladies arguing in the street.
Una vegada vaig veure dues velles barallant-se al carrer

9 That’s MY umbrella, said one old lady.


10 No, this is MINE, said the other.


11 No it’s not, it’s MINE!


12 But you’ve GOT an umbrella! said the second old lady.

13 It’s a NEW one, because you’ve got my OLD one!
És nou, perquè tu tens el meu d’abans

14 They began fighting with their umbrellas like gladiators.
Van començar a lluitar amb els paragües com gladiators

15 People watched, and shouted in Latin “Vivat Caesar!” (Long Live Caesar!)
and "Vincat optima femina!" (May the best woman win!)

La gent mirava, i cridava en llatí “Vivat Caesar!” (Visca Caesar!) i "Vincat optima femina!" (que guanyi la millor dona)









1 Today it began to rain at four in the afternoon.
Avui ha començat a ploure a les qautre de la tarda

2 The sky became dark, and the rain began to fall.
El cel s’ha enfosquit, i la pluja ha començat a caure

3 People ran to shelter in shops and under balconies.
la gent corria per aixoplugar-sea les botigues i sota els balcons

4 The cars made a swishing noise when they went past.
Els cotxes feien un soroll “swish” quan passaven


5 People began to open their umbrellas.


6 There was a cold wind.


7 The shops were empty because nobody wanted to go shopping in the rain.


8 Once I saw two old ladies arguing in the street.


9 That’s MY umbrella, said one old lady.
Aquell és el meu paraigu, va dir una vella

10 No, this is MINE, said the other.
No, aquest és meu, va dir l’altra

11 No it’s not, it’s MINE!
No ho és, és meu

12 But you’ve GOT an umbrella! said the second old lady.
Però ja tens un paragua, va dir la segona vella


13 It’s a NEW one, because you’ve got my OLD one!


14 They began fighting with their umbrellas like gladiators.


15 People watched, and shouted in Latin “Vivat Caesar!” (Long Live Caesar!)
and "Vincat optima femina!" (May the best woman win!)




