ingkat3988c English Dictation (= Dictat anglès). The Magpie (= la garsa).


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Each student completes the gapped vocabulary (/1)


Before giving the student or students the sheet, the teacher can ask orally some or much of the vocabluary. Filling in the sheet will reinforce what has been previoulsy learned or half-learned.


Each student is given a sheet with the answers (/2) (the students could compare their answers in pairs previously); .or else the teacher asks the students for the answers they have written.


They could also be asked how the word is spelt to practise the lwtters of the alphabet, and questions about how to spell (How do you spell that?) which are frequent in spoken English, and have an importance far greater than in other languages, given the unusual spelling of the English language.which is generally unpredictable and poorly representative of the pronunciation.


For the dictation, the teacher can read the dictation (/3) to the student or students, who have a copy of the gapped text´(/4).


A copy of the full text (/5) can then be given for the students to correct the work.


Instead of listening to the teacher reading the dictation, the students could read the dictation to each other in pairs (sheets /6 and /7). Or else after the teacher has read the dictation, and the students have corrected the text, thy could do the pair work in addition.


Finally, the students can be asked orally to translate words and phrases from the dictation, or similar phrases (it began to rain > to snow, to thunder, to hail, etc).







































1 cada dia ___________

2 cada mes E _ _ R _··M _ _ T H

3 cada any E _ E R Y··Y _ _ R

4 primavera S_ _ _ _ G

5 estiu S U _ _ E R

6 tardor _ _ T U M N

7 hivern W _ N T _ R

8 a l’estiu I _··T _ E··S _ _ _ E R

9 garsa M _ G P I E

10 fusta W _ _ D

11 llana W _ _ L

12 mirar L _ _ K

13 bosc W O O _

14 començar

B _ G _ N, B E G _ N, B E G _ N

15 començo I ________

16 vaig començar I ________

17 he començat I’VE __________

18 molt gras V _ _ _··F _ T

19 destructiu D E S T R U C T I _ E

20 menjar E _ T, A _ E, E _ T E N

21 menjo massa I··_ _ _··T _ _··M U _ H

22 vaig menjar un entrepà

 I··_ _ _··A··S _ _ _ W_ _ H

23 he menjat I’VE··________

24 ou _ _ _

25 ocell B______

26 l’altre llibre THE··O T _ _ R··B _ _ K

27 niu N _ S T

28 matar K _ _ L, passat regular: K _ _ _ E D

29 jo mato I··_ _ _ _

30 vaig matar un colom sense voler

I··___________··A··P _ G E O N··

BY··M _ S T A K E

31 he matat dos mosquits I’VE··___________··TWO··M _ S Q _ I T O S

32 jove i vell Y _ U N G··AND··_ L D

33 ratolí M _ U S _

34 agradable, simpàtic N _ C E

35 ratolins simpàtics N I _ E··M _ C E

36 granota F R _ G

37 [əəth] terra E _ R T _

38 [wəəm] cuc W _ R M

39 clau (de martellar) N _ I L

40 cargol S N _ _ L

41 animal ____________

42 tenir (a la mà) H _ L D, H E L _, H E _ D (IN MY HAND)

43 vaig tenir I··________

44 judici C O _ R T

45 jutge J U _ G E

48 jutjar J U D G _, passat regular J U D _ E D

49 assassí K _ L L _ R

50 mussol O _ L

51 cridar C _ L L, passat regular C A L L _ _

52 testimoni W _ T N E S S

53 descriure D E S C R I _ E, passat regular

D E S C_ _ B E _

54 vaige descriure I··____________

55 he descrit I’VE··____________

56 com H _ W

57 gran B _ _

58 gran L _ _ G E

59 llarg L _ N _

60 curt S H O _ _

61 negre ______

62 blanc

63 cua T _ I L

64 veure S _ _ , S _ W, S E E _

65 veig I··_ _ _

66 vaig veure un gos negre

I··S _ _··A··B _ _ _ _··D _ _

67 he vist I’VE··________

68 s’ha vist IT··H _ S··B _ _ N··S E E _

69 s’havia vist IT··H _ D··B E E _··S E E _

70 crim C R I M _

71 aleshores T H _ N

72 parlar S P _ _ K, S P O _ E, S P O _ E N

73 parlo anglès I··S______··E_______

74 vaig parlar amb el professor

I··___________··W I _ H • THE··

T _ _ C _ _ R

75 aquest T H _ S

76 aquests T H _ S _

77 error M _ S T _ K E

78 perque B E C _ _ S E

79 comparat C O M P A R E _

80 cigne S W A _

81 petit S M _ L L

82 petit L _ T T _ _

83 vaca C _ W

84 quan W H _ N

85 anar de vacances G _··O _··H O _ I D _ Y

86 Catalunya C _ T _ L _ N I A

87 cos B O D _

88 tothom (“cada cos”) E _ _ R Y B _ D Y

89 dir S _ Y, S A _ D, S A I _

90 dic I··S _ Y

91 vaig dir I··S _ _ _

92 he dit I’VE ··________

93 veredicte J U D G E M _N T

94 hem d’acabar WE··M _ S T··F _ _ _ S H

95 pobre P O _ R

96 fals [fols] F A L S_

97 acusar A C _ U S E

98 la fi THE··E N _

99 tot, tots A _ _












1 cada dia EVERY DAY

2 cada mes EVERY MONTH

3 cada any EVERY YEAR

4 primavera SPRING

5 estiu SUMMER

6 tardor AUTUMN

7 hivern WINTER

8 a l’estiu IN THE SUMMER

9 garsa MAGPIE

10 fusta WOOD

11 llana WOOL

12 mirar LOOK

13 bosc WOOD

14 començar


15 començo I BEGIN

16 vaig començar I BEGAN

17 he començat I’VE BEGUN

18 molt gras VERY FAT

19 destructiu DESTRUCTIVE

20 menjar EAT, ATE, EATEN

21 menjo massa I··EAT··TOO··MUCH

22 vaig menjar un entrepà


23 he menjat I’VE··EATEN

24 ou EGG

25 ocell BIRD

26 l’altre llibre THE··OTHER··BOOK

27 niu NEST

28 matar KILL, passat regular: KILLED

29 jo mato I··KILL

30 vaig matar un colom sense voler


31 he matat dos mosquits I’VE··KILLED·TWO··MOSQUITOS

32 jove i vell YOUNG··AND··OLD

33 ratolí MOUSE

34 agradable, simpàtic NICE

35 ratolins simpàtics NICE··MICE

36 granota FROG

37 [əəth] terra EARTH

38 [wəəm] cuc WORM

39 clau (de martellar) NAIL

40 cargol SNAIL

41 animal ANIMAL

42 tenir (a la mà) HOLD, HELD, HELD (IN MY HAND)

43 vaig tenir I··HELD

44 judici COURT

45 jutge JUDGE

48 jutjar JUDGE, passat regular JUDGED

49 assassí KILLER

50 mussol OWL

51 cridar CALL, passat regular CALLED

52 testimoni WITNESS

53 descriure DESCRIBE, passat regular DESCRIBED

54 vaige descriure I··DESCRIBED

55 he descrit I’VE··DESCRIBED

56 com HOW

57 gran BIG

58 gran LARGE

59 llarg LONG

60 curt SHORT

61 negre BLACK

62 blanc WHITE

63 cua TAIL

64 veure SEE, SAW, SEEN

65 veig I··SEE

66 vaig veure un gos negre


67 he vist I’VE··SEEN

68 s’ha vist IT··HAS··BEEN··SEEN

69 s’havia vist IT··HAD··BEEN··SEEN

70 crim CRIME

71 aleshores THEN


73 parlo anglès I··SPEAK··ENGLISH

74 vaig parlar amb el professor


75 aquest THIS

76 aquests THESE

77 error M _ S T _ K E

78 perque BECAUSE

79 comparat CCOMPARED

80 cigne SWAN

81 petit SMALL

82 petit LITTLE

83 vaca COW

84 quan WHEN

85 anar de vacances GO··ON··HOLIDAY

86 Catalunya CATALONIA

87 cos BODY

88 tothom (“cada cos”) EVERYBODY

89 dir SAY, SAID, SAID

90 dic I··SAY

91 vaig dir I··SAID

92 he dit I’VE··SAID

93 veredicte JUDGEMENT

94 hem d’acabar WE··MUST··FINISH

95 pobre POOR

96 fals [fols] FALSE

97 acusar ACCUSE

98 la fi THE··END

99 tot, tots ALL
























Every spring, a magpie in a wood began to be very destructive. It ate eggs from other birds’ nests or killed the young birds. It ate mice and frogs and earthworms and snails.


The animals and the birds of the wood decided to hold a court to judge the killer bird.


The judge was an old owl. He called witnesses and they all described how a large black and white bird with a long tail had been seen committing the crimes.


Then the magpie spoke. “These birds and animals have made a mistake. I am not a large bird, because compared to a swan I am small. My tail is not long compared to the tail of a cow. And I’m not black and white – when I went on holiday to Catalonia everybody said I was white and black.”


The owl made a judgement.


“We must pay compensation to this poor bird. The accusation is false. He is small, his tail is short, and he is white and black. This is not the bird that you saw.”























1 E _ _ R Y··S P R I NG··_··


(garsa) _ _ _ _ I _··_ _··_ ··W _ _ D··


B _ G _ N··_ _··B _··


(molt destructiu) V _ _ _··D E S T _ _ C T _ V E


2 It __________________________________________




3 It A _ _··(ratolins i granotes) M _ _ _··A N _··

F R _ _ _··______________________


4 The __________________________________________




5 T _··J _ D _ _··(l’ocell assassí) T H _··


K _ L L _ _··B _ _ _


6 __________________________________________


7 He called _________________________


8 (s’havia vist) H _ D ·· B _ _ N ·· S _ _ N·· (cometent els crims)

C _ _ _ I T T _ _ G··THE··C _ _ _ E S


9 Then ____________________________________




10 “These ____________________________________





11 I am not ____________________________________





12 My _ _ _ _ is not _ _ _ _ compared to the tail _ _ ·· _··_ _ _


13 And ____________________________________




14 when I went (de vacances) _ _··H _ L _ _ _ Y··




15 The O _ L··M _ D E··A··J _ _ G E M _ _ T


16 (hem de pagar) WE··M _ _ _··P _ Y ( una


indeminització) C _ _ P E N S A _ I O N··


T _··T H _ S··P _ _ _··B _ _ _


17 (l’acusació és falsa) The accusation _ _··[fols] F _ _ _ _


18 He is _____________________________


19 T H _ _··_ _··N _ T··T H _··B _ _ D


20 (que vàreu veure) T H _ T··Y _ U··S _ W





1 Every spring (cada primavera), a magpie (una garsa) in a wood (en un bosc) began (començava) to be very destructive (a estar molt destructiu).


2 It ate (menjava) eggs from other birds’ nests (ous dels nius dels altres ocells) or killed (o matava) the young birds (els ocells joves).


3 It ate (menjava) mice and frogs (ratolins i granotes) and earthworms (i cucs de la terra) and snails (i cargols).


4 The animals and the birds (els animals i els ocells) of the wood (del bosc) decided (van decidir) to hold a court (fer un judici)


5 to judge (per jutjar) the killer bird (l’ocell assassí).


6 The judge (el jutge) was an old owl (era un vell mussol).


7 He called (va cridar) witnesses (testimonis) and they all described (i tots descrivien) how (com) a large black and white bird (un ocell gros de color negre i també blanc) with a long tail (amb una cua llarga)


8 had been seen (s’havia vist) committing the crimes (cometent els crims).


9 Then (aleshores) the magpie spoke (va parlar la garsa).


10 “These birds and animals (aquests ocells i animals) have made a mistake (han fet un error).


11 I am not a large bird (no sóc un ocell gros), because compared (perque comparat) to a swan (amb un cigne) I am small (soc petit).


12 My tail is not long (la meva cua no és llarg) compared to the tail (comparada amb la cua) of a cow (d’una vaca).


13 And I’m not black and white (i no sóc “negra i blanc”)


14 when I went on holiday (quan vaig anar de vacances) to Catalonia (a Catalunya) everybody said (tothom deia) I was white and black (que jo era blanc i negre).”


15 The owl (el mussol) made a judgement (va fer una decisió).


16 “We must pay compensation (hem de pagar una indeminització) to this poor bird (a aquest pobre ocell).


17 The accusation is false (l’acusació és falsa).


18 He is small (és petit), his tail is short (la seva cua és curta), and he is white and black (i és blanc i negre).


19 This (aquest) is not the bird (no és l’ocell)


20 that you saw (que vàreu veure)




a/ Every spring (cada primavera), a magpie (una garsa) in a wood (en un bosc) began (començava) to be very destructive (a estar molt destructiu). It ate (menjava) eggs from other birds’ nests (ous dels nius dels altres ocells) or killed (o matava) the young birds (els ocells joves). It ate (menjava) mice and frogs (ratolins i granotes) and earthworms (i cucs de la terra) and snails (i cargols).

b/ The animals and the birds of the wood decided to hold a court to judge the killer bird.

c/ The judge (el jutge) was an old owl (era un vell mussol). He called (va cridar) witnesses (testimonis) and they all described (i tots descrivien) how (com) a large black and white bird (un ocell gros de color negre i també blanc) with a long tail (amb una cua llarga) had been seen (s’havia vist) committing the crimes (cometent els crims).

d/ Then the magpie spoke. “These birds and animals have made a mistake. I am not a large bird, because compared to a swan I am small. My tail is not long compared to the tail of a cow. And I’m not black and white – when I went on holiday to Catalonia everybody said I was white and black.”

e/ The owl (el mussol) made a judgement (va fer una decisió). “We must pay compensation (hem de pagar una indeminització) to this poor bird (a aquest pobre ocell). The accusation is false (l’acusació és falsa).


f/ He is small, his tail is short, and he is white and black. This is not the bird that you saw.”




a/ Every spring, a magpie in a wood began to be very destructive. It ate eggs from other birds’ nests or killed the young birds. It ate mice and frogs and earthworms and snails.

b/ The animals and the birds (els animals i els ocells) of the wood (del bosc) decided (van decidir) to hold a court (fer un judici) to judge (per jutjar) the killer bird (l’ocell assassí).


c/ The judge was an old owl. He called witnesses and they all described how a large black and white bird with a long tail had been seen committing the crimes.

d/ Then (aleshores) the magpie spoke (va parlar la garsa). “These birds and animals (aquests ocells i animals) have made a mistake (han fet un error). I am not a large bird (no sóc un ocell gros), because compared (perque comparat) to a swan (amb un cigne) I am small (soc petit). My tail is not long (la meva cua no és llarga) compared to the tail (comparada amb la cua) of a cow (d’una vaca). And I’m not black and white (i no sóc “negra i blanac”) – when I went on holiday (quan vaig anar de vacances) to Catalonia (a Catalunya) everybody said (tothom deia) I was white and black (que jo era blanca i negra).”

e/ The owl made a judgement. “We must pay compensation to this poor bird. The accusation is false.


f/ He is small (és petit), his tail is short (la seva cua és curta), and he is white and black (i és blanc i negre). This (aquest) is not the bird (no és l’ocell) that you saw (que vàreu veure)




