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Esperánta Vortprovízo por Ánglay Parolántoy
Esperanto vocabulary for English speakers

Vetéro / Weather


Note: In our Esperanto pages we use a slightly altered spelling, avoiding the use of consonants with diacritics; in addition, we indicate the stress of each word with an acute accent.

altered spelling / usual spelling

ch [ʧ] < ĉ chokoládo : ĉokolado chocolate

j [
ʤ] < ğ *jardéno : ğardeno garden

kh [
χ] < ĥ Khánokh : Ĥanoĥ Enoch

sh [
ʃ] < ŝ shanélo : ŝanelo channel

w [w] <
ŭ Awgústo : Aŭgusto August

y [j] < j Yórko : Jorko York

zh [
ʒ] < ĵ zhurnálo : ĵurnalo newspaper

vetéro weather

veterprognózo weather forecast

veterinfórmo weather report

kía éstas la vetéro? what’s the weather like? what kind of weather is it?

kían vetéron ni hávas? what’s the weather like? what kind of weather is it?

chu éstos bóna vetéro hodíaw? will the weather be fine today?

la vetéro ne éstas bóna  the weather is not good

la vetéro éstas béla, chu ne? it’s beautiful weather, isn’t it?

*ji éstas malbóna it is bad

ne éstas várme it isn’t warm

éstas malvárme it’s cold


plúvo rain

plúvas it is raining

mórgaw plúvos tomorrow it’ll rain


la súno ne brílas the sun isn’t shining

éstas mallúme it’s dark

hodíaw éstas pli malvárme it’s colder today


vénto wind

ventégo strong wind

tíe la vetéro éstas tre agrábla the weather’s very pleasant there

shtórmo  storm


fúlmo lightning

tóndro thunder

fulmotóndro thunderstorm

tóndri to thunder


núbo cloud

núba cloudy

malklára cloudy


ekplúvo shower

pluvdúsho shower

háylo hail

hayléro hailstone

Lásta *jisdatígo / Latest update 2006-02-01


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