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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Ofendre / To Offend



ofendre v to offend

m’has ofès you’ve offended me

no m’has ofès I’m not offended, you haven’t offended me


li van ferir l´orgull they wounded his pride


sense intenció d’ofendre no offence meant

aquests de les cases del Plaça són uns porcs (ui, sense intenció d'ofendre, que el porcs són animals molt macos) the people in the houses on the Square are pigs - no offence to pigs, mind, which are lovely aninals


ho va prendre malament he was offended, he took it as an offence, he took it the wrong way


no es va ofendre gens he wasn’t in the least bit offended, he wasn’t at all offended


no t’ofenguis don’t be offended

no ho prenguis malament don’t be offended


s’ofen per un no-res he takes offence at the slightest thing, he’s very easily offended, he has to be treated with kid gloves


es pica de seguida he gets offended very easily


no tenia la intenció d’ofendre ningú he didn’t intend to offend anyone

ofendre’s per to take offence at, be offended by




Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03


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