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el guarā catalā

Vocabulari catalā per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


La mā / The Hand



nf mans hand

dit nm dits finger

el dit anular the ring finger

el dit índex the forefinger, the index finger

el dit menovell the little finger


polze nm polzes thumb


entre els dits anular i mig de la mā esquerra between the ring finger and the middle finger on my left hand


és per llepar-se'n els dits it’s finger-lickin’ good, it’ll make you lick your fingers (so good that after eating it you’ll lick your fingers to prolong the enjoyment of the taste)


els dits van afluixar la seva pressiķ he relaxed his grip (“the fingers weakened their pressure”)


Cf dit del peu nm foot





Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualitzaciķ / Latest Update 2005-11-06


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