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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


El lavabo / The Toilet



lavabo nm lavabos toilet

anar al lavabo to go to the toilet


anar a Can Roca to go to the toilet (“to the house of Mr. Roca”. The Roca company in Gavà is a major manufacturer of toilet bowls)


anar a Can Felip to go to the toilet (“to the house of Mr. Philip”. An expression showing contempt for the Castilian king Philip V who invaded Catalonia and after a bloody war defeatef the Catalans and incorporated the country into his Castilian kingdom. The portrait of this cruel Bourbon monarch is still to be found hanging upside down in Catalonian toilets.)


fer un riu to piss, to urinate, to go to the loo (American: to go to the bathroom)

anar a fer un riu to go for a piss, go to have a piss, to go to the loo (“go to make a river”)

vaig a fer un riu I’m going for a piss

tinc ganes d’anar a fer un riu I want to go to the toilet. I need to have a piss (“I have desires to go to make a river”)

va anar a fer un riu darrere un arbre he went to have a piss behind a tree

em vaig aixecar del llit per anar a fer un riu I got out of bed to go to the toilet


està aprenent a fer pipí a la gibrelleta he’s learning to wee-wee in his potty (“in the potty”)


pipí nm wee-wee

fer pipí to wee-wee, to go to the loo

Espereu-me, que vaig a fer pipí Wait for me, I’m just going to the loo


pixar v to piss

cagar v to shit


fer caca have a shit

quan m’aixeco, el primer que faig és fer caca when I get up the first thing I do is have a shit. 


anar al wàter to go to the toilet

anar a cagar go for a shit

m’han agafat ganes d’anar a cagar I’ve suddenly got an urge to go for a shit


pixar-se al llit to wet the bed

pixar-se de riure piss yourself laughing


comuna nf toilet

era massa gandul per anar fins a la comuna, i pixava per la finestra he was to lazy to go to the toilet (“as far as the toilet”) and he would piss out of the window

tinc ganes de pixar I want a piss

aguantar-se les ganes de pixar to repress the desire to piss



Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-06



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