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Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Dites / Sayings



La unió fa la força Strength in Unity; United we stand, divided we fall (“union makes strength”)


A l'animal donat no li miris el dentat. Don’t look a gift horse in the mouth (= don’t be too critical of something that you get for nothing - it was free, after all) (“of the animal [which is] given don’t look at the teeth”)


No diguis blat fins que no sigui al sac i ben lligat Don’t count your chickens before they’re hatched (“Don’t say wheat until it’s in the sack and well tied”)


Ni gat amb cascavell ni casament de dona jove i home vell (= ‘just as you shouldn’t put a bell around a cat’s neck [because it won’t catch any mice], so a young woman shouldn’t marry an old man (“neither cat with bell nor marriage of young woman with old man”)


Quan el gat es renta la cara, la pluja es prepara. When a cat washes its face, rain isn’t far off (“the rain prepares itself”)


Ploure sobre mullat It never rains but it pours. Disasters always come in threes. (when one thing goes wrong for you, other things also seem to go wrong at the same time) (“to rain on wet [ground]”)


De mica en mica s'omple la pica i de gota en gota s'omple la bóta (“little by little the sink fills drop by drop the cask fills”)  Slowly, slowly catchee monkey.


No hi ha més cec que el que no vol veure, ni més sord que el que no escolta

None so blind as those who will not see / There are none so blind as those who will not see. (“there is not a more blind than he who does not want to see, nor a more deaf than he who does not want to listen”)


The English saying is from Jeremiah 5:21 (In the King James version of the Bible, or ‘The Authorized Verion’, 1611, has: “Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not.”)


D’on no n’hi ha no en pot rajar (“from where there isn’t any of it [= water] it can’t gush out”)  you can’t get blood from a stone


Qui no vulgui pols, no vagi a l'era. (“whoever doesn’t want dust, don’t go to the threshing floor”) if you can’t stand the heat, keep out of the kitchen


Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01 2005-11-03



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