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el guarà català

Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Cues i esperar / Queues and waiting



cua nf cues queue (American: line)

fer cua v wait in the que, wait in a queue; to queue

fer cua per anar al lavabo to queue to go to the toilet, to queue up to go to the toilet

hi havia una cua molt llarga de gent que l'esperava there was a really long queue of people who  were waiting to see him (“waiting for him”)

fer cua en una guixeta wait in a queue at the booking office window

passen cinc minuts més i la cua no es mou five minutes go by and the queue doesn’t move


colar-se push into a queue, push into the queue

colar-se és una pràctica molt estesa pushing into the queue is a very common practice


si algú troba un conegut en una cua té el dret aparentment d'afegir-se al seu costat i quedar-s'hi

if somebody sees somebody he knows (“finds an acquaintance”) in a queue he is apparently entitled to join him (“add himself to his side”) and stay there


esperar el vostre torn to wait your turn


Qui és l’últim? Who is last in the queue? (“who is the last?”). Asked when somebody joins a queue, for example in a supermarket, since queuing is not always a tidy process.





Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01


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