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el guarà català

Vocabulari català per a anglesoparlants

Catalan vocabulary for English speakers


Comprar / Buying



comprar v to buy

què has comprat? what have you bought?


em dóna una entrada per a l'actuació de dilluns? I’d like a ticket for Monday’s performance (“will you give me a ticket...”)


-Quina vol? -Em quedo aquesta.  -Which one do you want? -I’ll take this one


m’he comprat un portàtil I’ve bought a laptop / a laptop computer

hem comprat un nou cotxe we’ve bought a new car

ens hem comprat un nou cotxe we’ve bought a new car


no la compris don’t buy it

si no t’agrada, no el compris if you don’t like it, don’t buy it

no les compris don’t buy them

no els compris don’t buy them


comprar-li alguna cosa buy something for somebody

si no vols violència pel nen, no li compris videojocs if you don’t want violence for your child, don’t buy him videogames


comprar (alguna cosa) a preu de mercat  buy something at market price (= the prevailing price; the price determined by supply and demand, not subsidised or discounted)


comprar accions to buy shares



See also: 2223e Price


Catalan Vocabulary for English-speakers.

File Number: xxxx

Darrera Actualització / Latest Update 2005-11-01


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