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Per a la llengua, el poble, la terra – i la independència.

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Saturday 11 October 2003

A letter from today’s edition of Avui, a national Catalan daily. The leader of the Catalonian branch of the Castilian Socilaist Party (PSOE) has for some years talked of creating a federated Castilian State, without going into any detail, thouhg presumably it would remove the subordination of nations of Galicia, the Basque Country, and Catalonia to Castile, and involve recognising their equal standing. The whole idea though is pie in the sky – most Castilians, whether supporters of the Socialist  Party or the neo-Francoist People’s Party, would never permit it. The prevailing idea in the Castilian state among the Castilians is that ‘Spain’ is indivisable and always has been and always will be (inconsistencies such as Northern Catalonia, under French occupation, Gibraltar under English protection, and Portugal and Andorra, independent states, are always overlooked).



El Llop amb pell de be

Si alguna cosa converteix en especials aquestes eleccions al Parlament de Catalunya, es la retirada del Sr. Pujol, i, amb ell, la de tota una generació i una manera de fer política. L'excepció és Pasqual Maragall, que després de molts anys a l'oposició se'ns presenta un altre cop com el Salvador de la monotonia política catalana, aquell personatge renovador de cara amable que tirarà endavant el país de manera tan moderna, profitosa i diferent. El PSC promet un nou Estatut d'Autonomia per a Catalunya que ens atorgui mes competències, i el seu líder defensa un model federalista utòpic, vist com un disbarat per molts sectors del PSOE.


En les eleccions generals de l'any vinent el PSOE s'haura d'enfrontar a un PP cada cop mes ferm, d'electorat fidel, i no es pot permetre perdre vots arreu defensant un model descentralitzat i federalista d'Estat que no convenç gens ni mica el potencial electorat socialista de fora de Catalunya. La prioritat del PSOE no es Catalunya, sinó Madrid, i de ben segur que sacrificarà projectes al nostre país si això l'ha d'acostar a la Moncloa.


Maragall, lligat de peus i mans des de la capital del regne, no pot de cap manera significar un canvi per al nostre país. Cal governar des de Catalunya i per a Catalunya, amb idees pròpies i voluntat real d'avancar en l'autogovern, desvinculats dels vents que bufin en el desorientat socialisme espanyol, ansiós de tallar el bacallà a Madrid.


The wolf in sheep’s clothing

If there’s something which makes these elections for the Catalonian Parliament special, it is the fact that Mister Pujol (= the President for the past 23 years) is standing down, and with him, the retirement of a whole generation and a whole way of politics. The exception is Pasqual Maragall, who after many years in opposition presents himself before us another time as the Saviour who will deliver us from the monotony of Catalonian politics, an individual with a pleasant face who represents renovation and who will take the country forward in a way which is modern, beneficial and different. Thr PSC (Socialist Party of Catalunya) promises a new Statute of Autonomy for Catalonia (= a Statute of Autonomy to replace the one in being since 1979) which will give us more powers, and its leader supports the idea of a Utopian scheme of federalism, which many sections of the PSOE (= the Socialist party of Castile, to which the PSC is subordinate) regard as lunacy.


In next year’s general elections (= for the Castilian state) the PSOE will have to compete against a PP (the Partido Popular, the Castilian neo-Francoist party) which is more and more solid, with a committed body of voters, and can’t afford to lose votes all over as it defends the idea of a decentralised federated state which does not convince socialist voters outside Catalonia one bit. The priority for the PSOE isn’t Catalonia, it’s Madrid, and it’s certain that it will sacrifice projects in our country if that will bring it nearer to the Moncloa (= official residence of the prime minister of the Castilian state) .


Maragall, who is bound hand and foot by the capital of the kingdom (= by the party in Madrid), cannot represent in any way at all a change for our country. We need to govern in Catalonia for Catalonia, with our own ideas and a real will to increase our self-government, free of what goes on in the camp of the disoriented Spanish Socialists, keen to get their hands on power in Madrid.


Ignasi Pau i Charles




Last Updated: 2003-10-11
