0914 Welsh grammar - inverted word order. The usual order is verb-subject-complement, but if the complement is to be emphasised it is placed at the head of the sentence. Mae Siân yn feddÿg - Siân is a doctor. Meddÿg ÿw Siân - (it is) (a) doctor that-is Siân - not a broadcaster, not an artist, etc.



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1273An Elementary Welsh Grammar” by John Morris-Jones (1864-1929), professor of Welsh at Coleg y Brifysgol (University College), Bangor. Published in 1921 (when he was aged 56 / 57). “This grammar deals with Modern Literary Welsh only. It follows the lines of my Welsh Grammar Historical and Compararive, 1913, so far as that treats of the modern language; but the matter has been largely re-written, and is in some respects more detailed.”  Catalan translation: 1275


Welsh Course - inverted word order

mynegai i'r cwrs Cymráeg / index to the Welsh course


The usual order is verb-subject-complement, but if the complement is to be emphasised it is placed at the head of the sentence. Mae Siân yn feddÿg - Siân is a doctor. Meddÿg ÿw Siân - (it is) (a) doctor that-is Siân - not a broadcaster, not an artist, etc.

Inverted Word Order.
The Complement at the head of a Sentence

y-mae Siân yn meddwl - Siân thinks, Siân's thinking
Verb (y mae) + subject (Siân) + complement (yn meddwl)

meddwl y-mae Siân - it's thinking that-is Siân
complement (meddwl) + verb (y mae) + subject (Siân)

Note that the linkword 'yn' is dropped when the complement comes first.
In some cases y-mae becomes ÿw when the complement comes first.

(1) verbnoun
y-mae Siân yn meddwl
meddwl y-mae Siân

(2) adverbial
y-mae Siân yma - Siân is here
yma y-mae Siân - (it is) here (that) Siân is

(3) prepositional phrase
y-mae Siân yn y cae - Siân is in the field
yn y cae y-mae Siân - (it is) in the field (that) Siân is

(4) noun
y-mae Siân yn feddÿg - Siân is a doctor
meddÿg ÿw Siân - (it is) (a) doctor (that) Siân is
Note that the linkword yn with a noun causes the soft mutation; when the linkword is dropped there is no soft mutation

(5) adjective
y-mae Siân yn dal - Siân is tall
tal ÿw Siân - (it is) tall (that) Siân is
Note that the linkword yn with a noun causes the soft mutation; when the linkword is dropped there is no soft mutation

(6) pronoun
(not used with y-mae)
Siân ÿw hon - this is Siân, (it is) Siân (that) is this one
hon ÿw Siân - this is Siân, (it is) this one (that) is Siân
These might be used in the context of looking at a photo
Who's this? That's Siân - Pwÿ ÿw hon? SIÂN ÿw hon
Which one's Siân? This one's Siân - P'un ÿw Siân? HON ÿw Siân

Y-mae + plural subject
y-mae Siôn yn cael cinio - Siôn is having dinner
y-mae Siôn a Siân yn cael cinio - Siôn and Siân are having dinner
cael cinio y-mae Siôn a Siân - (it is) having dinner (that) Siôn and Siân are

This becomes plural only with a pronoun
y-maent hwy (y-maen nhw) yn cael cinio - they are having dinner
cael cinio y-maent hwy (y-maen nhw) - (it is) having dinner (that) they are
1 Simple Affirmative (with an indefinite complement) - Y-MAE
y-mae Siân yn feddÿg
- Siân is a doctor
y-mae Siân yn aros - Siân is waiting
y-mae Siân yn dal - Siân is tall
y-mae Siân yma - Siân is here

2 Subject Emphasised (with an indefinite complement) - SYDD
Siân sÿdd yn feddÿg
- (it is) Siân who-is (a) doctor
Siân sÿdd yn aros - (it is) Siân who-is waiting
Siân sÿdd yn dal - (it is) Siân who-is tall
Siân sÿdd yma - (it is) Siân who-is here

3 Subject Emphasised (with an definite complement) - YW
Siân ÿw'r meddÿg
- (it is) Siân who-is the doctor
Siân ÿw'r dalaf - (it is) Siân who-is the tallest
Siân ÿw hon - (it is) Siân who-is this-one

4 Complement Emphasised - Y-MAE, YW
meddwl y-mae Siân
- (it is) thinjing (that-is) Siân
yma y-mae Siân - (it is) here (that) Siân is
yn y cae y-mae Siân - (it is) in the field (that) Siân is
meddÿg ÿw Siân - (it is) (a) doctor (that) Siân is
tal ÿw Siân - (it is) tall (that) Siân is
hon ÿw Siân - THIS is Siân, (it is) this one (that) is Siân
Note the uses with interrogatives:
Beth ÿw
- what is (+ noun phrase)
(In North Wales, Beth ydi, often reduced to Bedi)
Beth ÿw hwn? - What's this?

Am beth y-mae - what about + is (+ verb)
South Wales: Am beth mae; North Wales: Am be mae)
Am be mae'n sôn? What's it about? (in talking of a book)

Beth sydd - what + is (+ verb)
South Wales: beth sÿdd / beth sÿ; North Wales: be sÿdd, be sÿ)
Beth sÿdd yn gorwedd wrth y drws? What's lying by the door?


Adolygiad diweddaraf / Darrera actualització  30 05 1999




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